
更新时间:2023-06-08 19:00:41 阅读: 评论:0

查尔斯·埃德温·贝克(C. Edwin Baker,1947- ),C. Edwin Baker (May 28, 1947 – December 8, 2009),是美国宾州大学Nicholas F. Gallicchio讲座教授,专精宪法、传播法、大众传媒法。除本书外,另著有Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech(Oxford 1989),Advertising and a Democratic Press(Princeton 1994),Media
Concentration and Democracy:Why Ownership Matters(Cambridge 2007)等书。
∙• 纪念美国最著名的言论自由学者C.Edwin Baker教授
老子主张∙• 《媒体、市场与民主》
∙• 著作
∙• 参考文献
纪念美国最著名的言论自由学者C.Edwin Baker教授回目录
ttp://www.law.upenn.edu/blogs/news/archives/2009/12/penn_law_professor_c_edwin_ bak.html
  Alex Kreit: "He was as fine a teacher as he was a scholar."
  Alex Kreit:“他是个像他的学问一样出色的教师”。
  First Amendment Center: "Ed was a modern-day gadfly, albeit one who wore wide-rimmed glass that allowed him to e things that many of the rest of us could not."
  Legal Theory: "Ed was a significant contributor to fundamental debates in constitutional theory for decades."
  Balkinization: "The finest media law scholar of his generation."
  Balkinization (2): "I’ve never en the influence of the ’marketplace of ideas’ on the Supreme Court documented or criticized as thoroughly as Baker does it."
  Feminist Law Professors: "He was brilliant, funny, kind and fiercely invested in building a more just world."
  Daily Pennsylvanian: "He loved the underdog.”
  Daily Pennsylvanian:他爱生活在社会低层的人。
  C. Edwin Baker, the Nicholas F. Gallicchio Professor of Law and Communication at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a leading
爆炒生蚝scholar in the fields of constitutional law, communications law and free speech, died suddenly on Dec. 8 in New York City, where he had lived the past 20 years. He was 62. He collapd while exercising and could not be revived.
德扑规则  C. Edwin Baker,宾夕法尼亚大学法学院Nicholas F. Gallicchio法学和传播学教授,卓越的宪法、传播法和言论自由教者,(2009年)12月8日在纽约市,也就是他过去曾经生活过20年的地方,突然辞世。他只活了62岁。他在锻炼身体时轰然倒下,就再也没有
  Professor Baker was considered one of the country’s foremost authorities
on the First Amendment and on mass media policy. Most recently, he focud his work on the economics of the news business, political philosophy, and jurisprudential questions concerning the egalitarian and libertarian bas of constitutional theory.
工作扩大化  在宪法第一修正案和大众传媒政策领域,Baker先生是美国最权威的教授之一。最近,他的研究兴趣集中在新闻业、政治哲学和与宪法理论之基础的平等和自由主义相关的法理问题。
  “Ed Baker was a brilliant scholar, a dedicated teacher and a wonderful friend,” said Penn Law Dean
Michael A. Fitts. “Generations of students and lawyers benefitted from his insights, his high expectations and his caring approach to everyone around him. His death is a great loss for the Penn Law community as well as for the larger community of academicians and practitioners focud on free speech, the media and human rights.”
  “Ed Baker是个卓越的学者,有奉献精神的教师和益友”,宾夕法尼亚大学法学院院长Michael A. Fitts说。“有几代在他身边的学生和律师,都得益于他的洞见、他的高瞻远瞩和他的关切。他的死是宾夕法尼亚法律社区和更大范围内关注言论自由、媒体和人权的学者和从业者的巨大损失。”
  His work was read and respected by policy makers and students in the United States and internationally. Just this past summer, he taught a cour on communication policy, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press at Communication University of China in Beijing. Earlier this year, Professor Baker told a Congressional subcommittee that "huge actual layoffs of
journalists as well as threatened closures of towns’ only daily are a major

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