教学基本信息 | ||||
课题 | Mark at the Park | |||
学科 | 小学英语 | 学段:中段 | 年级 四大事务所 | 四年级 |
相关领域 | 绘本教学 自然拼读教学 | |||
教材 | 书名:《丽声北极星自然拼读绘本》第六级 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 | |||
教学整体思路 |
英语绘本阅读是儿童习得语言的最佳途径,解码能力是阅读能力的基础,具备一定的音素意识和拼读能力能帮助学生自主、流利地阅读文本。教师借助拼读绘本中生动有趣的故事情境,引导学生讨论故事的情节,在内化语言的同时感知音素。本课在学生具备一定的阅读和拼读经验的基础上,由教师带领学生图片环游了解文本内容,引导学生在阅读文本中关注、感知字母组合ar的发音/a:/,在读后阶段的系列活动中内化其发音,提高学生的拼读能力。 |
教学背景分析 |
教材分析: Mark at the Park是《丽声北极星自然拼读绘本》第六级中的一本故事类读物。讲述了小男孩Mark带着小狗在公园里参加捡垃圾的公益活动的故事。在垃圾分类时,小狗将手套扔错了垃圾桶,在Mark捡回手套时,他的手臂意外卡在垃圾桶口,无法拿出,小狗十分担心,想尽一切办法最后巧妙地解救了Mark。 (1)[What]主题意义和主要内容 Mark at the Park是一篇故事类绘本,讲述了小狗跟随小男孩Mark一起到公园参加捡拾垃圾的公益活动,小狗把手套扔错了垃圾桶,Mark发现后伸手帮它取回,手臂却意外卡在垃圾桶口处,他们想尽办法,但都没能把手臂从垃圾桶口处拿出来。夜色渐浓,公园就要关门了。机智的小狗跑到公园看守人跟前“汪汪”叫,想取得他的帮助,公园看守人不明白小狗的意思,一把抓住了小狗的脖子。Mark以为公园看守人想要伤害小狗,情急之下,Mark的手臂拿了出来,公园管理人也找回自己丢失的手套。故事生动曲折,通过描述聪明的小狗解救Mark你变了的过程,展现了小狗与Mark之间深厚的情谊。 (2)[Why]写作意图 作者通过叙述小狗和小主人Mark在公园发生的一系列事情,让读者感受到Mark在危机时刻对小狗的担心,展现了小狗与Mark之间的深厚的原的词语情谊。 (3)[How]文体结构和语言修辞 本文为故事类的记叙文,全文分三部分展开。第一部分是起因,小狗陪同小男孩Mark在公园里捡垃圾,却将手套扔错垃圾桶,Mark在找回手套时手臂被卡在垃圾桶口处。第二部分讲了小狗想通过拉拽解救出Mark,却以失败告终。天色渐渐黑了,在他们不知所措时,小狗吠叫引起公园看守人的注意,看守人无意中抓起小狗。第三部分是结果,Mark以为看守人要伤害小狗,情急之下幸运地从垃圾桶里拿出了手臂。 从语言功能角度看,全文采用一般现在时态。以小狗的口吻描述故事情节,使故事更加生动,突出小狗解救Mark的过程,表达出小狗对Mark深厚的情感。 作为自然拼读绘本,从拼读视角看,本文在故事推进过程中,反复出现了含有ar字母组合的单词,如Mark,park,jar,scarf,large,arm,dark等,这些词汇中的ar字母组合都发长音/a:/。教师在讲故事时,通过激活学生已知,发现拼读规律,运用规律尝试拼读,总结规律,内化巩固,逐渐帮助孩子掌握ar字母组合在单词中的发音,培养学生的拼读能力。 学情分析: 本课授课对象为四年级学生。在现实生活,部分同学对宠物或小动物有着浓厚的兴趣,有的同学家里还养了小狗。对于小狗解救男孩这个话题比较感兴趣,因此能够较容易接受本绘本的故事情节。 通过四年的小学英语学习,学生会用英语表达基本的表示动作的单词或短语,如find,help,clean,go,put,get,try等;学生可以在教师的帮助下拼读出大部分含有常见字母和字母组合的单词,因此可以朗读简单的文本。另外对于垃圾桶和垃圾分类的相关表达大部分学生不熟悉,此部分内容是个难点,但通过图文结合的形式他们能够理解并尝试表达。 |
教学目标 |
教学目标: 希望在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1.通过观察图片、师生共构故事等方式,体会故事中小狗和Mark的开国中将心情变化,了解故事情节。 2.通过联系上下文、观察图片,会读并理解单词或短语recycling bins,stuck,pull,tug,noi,Park Keeper,grab,twist等的含义。 3.能在观察和比较中体会字母组合ar在单词中的发音/ɑː/,并运用规律拼读Mark,park,jar,scarf,large,arm,dark等单词。 4.通过讨论故事情节,体会聪明的小狗如何解救Mark以及小狗与Mark之间深厚的情谊。 教学重点: 理解故事情节,从中体会字母组合ar在单词中的发音规律,并能简单运用发音规律拼读出单词。 教学难点: 通过观察图片、师生共构故事等方式,体会故事中小狗和Mark的心情变化,了解故事情节。 教学准备: 教学PPT,学生用书,词条,图片。 |
教学过程 |
Step 1 Pre-reading (3 mins) Activity 1: Let’s talk. 自由讨论,激发情感。 教师通过与学生讨论对宠物的看法激发情感,引出本课绘本。 Questions: (1)Do you like pet dogs? Why? (预设回答1: Yes, becau they are cute.) (预设回答2: No, becau they are noisy.) (2)What can you do with pet dogs? (预设回答1: I can play with them.) (预设回答2: I can run with them.) (3)Can dogs help people? (预设回答1: Yes, dogs can help people.) (预设回答2: No, dogs are naughty.) T: A boy has a pet dog. What will happen? Let’s begin today’s story. 【效果评价】学生能够根据已有经验和语言知识谈论对宠物的看法,如Yes, becau they are cute. 或No, becau they are noi. 【设计意图】教师带领学生讨论宠物话题,并观看小视频,唤起学生对宠物的情感,利于学生对故事的理解。 Step 2 While-reading (15 mins) Activity 2: Let’s read the cover page. 观察封面,获取信息 教师呈现绘本封面,用“5w”问题引领学生观察封面,获取故事背景信息,引发学生对故事情节的猜测,激发学生阅读兴趣。 T: Today we are going to read a story about a dog. Here it is! Questions: (1)Look at the cover, where is it? (预设回答1: It’s a park.) (2) Who are they? (预设回答1: They are a boy and a dog.) (3)Look, what are they doing? (预设回答1: They are picking garbage.) (4)What is the title? 教师PPT突出中文标题询问学生。 (预设回答1:小狗救人记。) (预设回答2: Mark at the Park.) (5)救?Why? How does the little dog save people? (预设回答1: Maybe someone needs help.) T: Let’s read the English title. (6)Who is Mark? (预设回答1: Maybe it’s the boy.) (预设回答2: Maybe it’s the dog.) T: Let’s find the answer in the story. 【效果评价】学生能够根据绘本封面信息,明确故事主题内容、作者、出版社等信息。并对故事内容进行合理猜测,如Maybe the dog helps people.或Maybe it’s the boy. 【设计意图】教师引导学生通过观察封皮图片,猜测人物心情,感知绘本整体内容,通过“How does the little dog save people?”“W防晒美白ho is Mark?”等问题激发学生阅读兴趣。 Activity 3: Picture Tour 图片环游,共建故事 Part 1: Page 3-7 观察讨论,了解起因 教师按顺序出示绘本页,通过问题引领学生观察图片细节、讨论故事内容,了解故事发生起因。 Page 3-4 课件呈现3-4页,引导学生观察封面图片了解故事发生背景,了解公益劳动相关信息,明确故事主要人物,通过观察主人公的表情初步感知人物心情。 T: Look at this page. Questions: (1) Who is Mark? Do you know? (预设回答1: Maybe it’s the boy.) (2)Who el do you e from this page? (预设回答1: I e a woman.) (预设回答2: I e an old man.) (3)Why do they come to pick garbage? 美国悲剧(预设回答1: Maybe it’s becau they are warm-hearted.) (预设回答2: Maybe it’s becau there is a poster.) T: Good obrving. Let’s read the poster together. (4)What information can you get from this poster? (预设回答1: Today is March 6th.) (预设回答2: It says Big Litter Pick.) T: Look, we can know the date and the places that should be cleaned up from the posters. T: What’s more, people help to pick garbage without being paid. So the people who come are all warm-hearted. 教师PPT出示公益活动等海报帮助学生更好了解故事背景。 (5)What do they find? Let’s listen. (预设回答1: They find papers, jars, bottles, a scarf and a large glove.) 教师引导学生自主拼读单词,初步感知字母组合ar发音。 (6) Who is Mark? (预设回答1: The boy is Mark becau the dog finds a scarf and wears a scarf.) (预设回答2: The boy is Mark becau Mark finds bottles and the boy holds a bottle.) (7)What do they do with the garbage? Page 5-6 教师引导学生观察垃圾桶上的图形,学生通过学习单预先讨论如何进行垃圾分类,体会故事情节,预测故事发展。 Questions: (1) Do you know the bins? Look at the symbols on bins. T: They bottles bin, jars bin, paper bin and other recycling garbage bin. (2) How to sort the garbage? T: Plea talk in pairs and match them. (预设回答1: We should put jars in the jars bin.) (预设回答2: We should put bottles in the bottles bin. ) (预设回答3: We should put a scarf and a large glove in the recycling bin. ) T: Plea read page 5 to page 6 and check your answer. 学生进行自主阅读。 (3)Do they put the garbage like we do? (预设回答1: No! The dog put glove in the wrong garbage.) (4) Which bin should he put? (预设回答1: He should put the glove in the recycling bin.) (5) What will happen next? T: Plea think and keep reading. Page 7 教师通过PPT出示第7页人物的表情——Mark和小狗都一脸惊慌,与前文愉悦的氛围形成鲜明对比,激发学生的阅读积极性。 Questions: (1)How do they feel? (预设回答1: They feel so worried.) (2)What happens to Mark? T: Let’s listen. (预设回答1: Mark’s arm is stuck!) T: Let’s listen again. (3) Can you read like Mark? (预设回答1: My arm is stuck! ) (4)Now if you were the little dog what would you do? Plea talk in groups. 学生小组讨论。 (预设回答1: I would say I’m sorry master.) (预设回答2: I would help Mark.) (预设回答3: I would bark and ask for help.) T: Let’s e what the dog would do in the story. 【效果评价】学生通过观察图片、预测情节等活动,明确人物角色和故事发生的起因。通过模仿角色语言的活动,学生可以更好地体会人物Mark和小狗的情感,如Mark feels so worried. 激发出对故事的阅读积极性。 【设计意图】教师引导学生通过观察、讨论、情节预测和角色模仿等活动,明确故事起因,通过讨论开放性问题“ If you were the little dog what would you do?”培养学生的思维能力,激发学生的阅读兴趣,进一步体会人物情感。 Part 2: Page 8-12 共读故事,预测情节 教师鼓励学生在问题引领下自主阅读,学生通过观察、讨论小狗救主人时的神情和动作,预测情节发展,感受小狗的忠诚,激发学生的学习兴趣。 Page 8-9 Questions: (1) How does the little dog help? (预设回答1: The little dog pulls and tugs.) (2) But what does Mark say? (预设回答1: Mark says “Ow! Stop it!”) (3) Why does Mark say so? Is this a good way to help? (预设回答1: No, this is not a good way to help.) (预设回答2: No, becau his clothes will be broken.) T: Who wants to act the little dog and Mark? 学生尝试朗读并体验表演。 (4) What will they do next? (预设回答1: Maybe they will ask for help from parents.) Page 10-12 T: Look at this page, it’s getting dark outside. It ems no one can help them! T: Let’s listen. Questions: (1)How do they feel? (预设回答1: They feel so scared!) (预设回答2: They feel so worried.) T: Can you read the two ntences? (2)Listen! What’s the sound? (教师PPT播放关门音效) (预设回答1: It’s the park gates!) (3)Who makes the sound? Can you guess? (预设回答1: Maybe his parents.) (4)What will the little dog do? Plea think. T: Look! The little dog run to someone and ask for help. (5) Who’s that person? T: He wears big black boots and dark blue clothes. (预设回答1: Maybe he is Mark’s Dad.) (预设回答2: Maybe he is the old man in the park.) T: Yes, he is the Park Keeper. (6)If you were the Park Keeper and the dog ran to you in a hurry, would you understand the meaning? (预设回答1: No, maybe I would be scared.) (预设回答2: No, maybe I would be mad.) T: Neither does the Park Keeper. (7) What will the Park Keeper do to the dog? (预设回答1: He grabs me.) (8) Will Mark’s arm be free? Who helps Mark? T: Plea read page 13 to page 14 by yourlf and think. 【效果评价】学生能够通过观察图片,讨论情节感受小狗急切的心情,如The little dog feels worried. 能够讨论开放性问题 “ If you were the man and the dog ran to you in a hurry, would you understand the meaning?” 预测公园看守人的做法,感受紧张的故事情节。如No, maybe I would be scared. 【设计意图】教师通过引导学生观察图片、讨论情节、体验朗读等活动,感受紧张的故事情节,预测故事的发展,激发学生阅读积极性。 Part 3: Page 13-14开放讨论,揭示结尾 学生自主阅读,寻找答案,揭示Mark获救的欢乐结尾。教师引导学生通过观察人物的表情、语言,体会人物心情;通过讨论开放性问题,学生能够感受小狗和小主人之间深厚的情感,激发学生的学习兴趣,升华情感。 Page 13-14 Questions: (1)Will Mark’s arm be free? (预设回答1: Yes, Mark’s arm is free!) (2)Who helps Mark? How do you know? T: Plea talk in groups. (预设回答1: I think it’s the dog helps Mark becau the dog asks the Park Keeper to come.) (预设回答2: I think Mark helps himlf becau he worries about the dog and he wants to help the dog.) (预设回答3: I think it’s the Park Keeper that helps Mark.) T: Good thinking. The story doesn’t tell us but we can think in our own ways. (3)How do they feel? (预设回答1: They feel so happy!) T: The Park Keeper is happy too becau he finds his glove! 【效果评价】学生能通过自主阅读和小组讨论,理解小狗对Mark的情感,通过讨论“Who helps Mark? How do you know?”帮助学生加深对故事的理解,锻炼思维,如: I think it’s the dog helps Mark becau the dog asks the Park Keeper to come.或 I think Mark helps himlf becau he worries about the dog and he wants to help the dog. 【设计意图】此处通过跳读的阅读方法,帮助学生整体感知小狗的两次帮忙,以此感受小狗对Mark的忠诚。通过讨论开放性问题帮助学生跟深入地理解故事内容,内化语言。 Activity 4: Let’s review. 结合板书,梳理故事。 教师引导学生根据板书,尝试在教师提示下回顾故事主要内容。 T: Let’s review the story. 【效果评价】学生能够在教师的引导和提示下,描述故事的主要内容。 【设计意图】根据板书的流程图,梳理总结故事情节,建立对故事的整体印象。 Activity 5: Let’s read. 学生自读,内化故事。 教师引导学生选择自己喜欢的方式阅读,回顾故事内容。 T: Plea read the story book by yourlf. 【效果评价】学生能够选择自己喜欢的方式阅读,回顾故事,内化语言。 【设计意图】学生自主阅读故事,关注自己感兴趣的细节,提升阅读感受。 Step 3 Post-reading (15 mins) Activity 6: Let’s follow and read. 跟读录音,内化语言。 教师播放录音,学生跟读故事,过程中引导学生注意语音语调,体会故事情节的起伏和人物情绪的变化,并适时地进行朗读指导。 T: Plea read with the recording. 【效果评价】学生能够在模仿原音的过程中,体会故事人物的语音、语调,感受。 【设计意图】通过完整地跟读故事内容,学生体会故事人物情感,加深对故事情节的认识,同时感受字母组合ar的发音。 Activity 7: Let’s enjoy the story. 角色朗读,体会情感。 学生选择绘本中喜欢的部分进行拼读、朗读,读后说一说自己喜欢这部分的原因。 Questions: Which part do you like best? Why? (预设回答1: I like Part 2 becau I am so worried for Mark.) T: Read the story by yourlf. 【效果评价】学生能够选择自己喜欢的内容并进行正确朗读,并简单说明喜欢的原因,如I like Part 2 becau I am so worried for Mark. 【设计意图】通过朗读绘本,体会故事人物情感,内化故事语言,同时进一步体会字母组合ar单词的发音。 Activity 8: Let’s have a free talk. 自由讨论,沉淀情感。 教师引导学生针对绘本故事情节和人物进行自由讨论,鼓励学生大胆发言,回顾小狗是如何帮助小主人Mark的,通过体会故事中狗与人的情感,联系生活实际,了解狗狗给人类带来的帮助,进一步感受绘本主题。 Questions: (1)Do you like this story? Who do you like best? Why? (2)What do you want to say to Mark? Do you have any suggestions for Mark? (预设回答1: I want to say “Mark, you are a good boy.”) (预设回答2: I want to say “Mark, you should call the police for help.”) T: So when you go out, you need to be careful. When you are in trouble, just calm down and try to ask for help from others. (3)What do you think of the little dog? (预设回答1: He is smart.) (预设回答2: He is a careless dog.)女儿的故事 (预设回答3: He is helpful. He loves Mark so much.) T: Dogs always help people. They are our good friends. 教师出示狗狗帮助人类的图片。 T: There are guide dogs, hearing dogs, sniffer dogs, police dogs and so on. They can help people from different ways. (4)Can you tell us more about the helpful dogs? (预设回答1: Dogs can play with us.) (预设回答2: Dogs can save people.) 【效果评价】学生能够大胆地表达对故事的理解,并结合自己已有知识经验表达对Mark的建议,如You can call the police for help. 能自信地谈论狗对人类的帮助,感受动物与人的友好关系,如Dogs can play with us.或Dogs can save people. 【设计意图】通过讨论问题锻炼学生思维,帮助学生整体回顾故事情节。鼓励学生大胆交流讨论故事情节和人物。通过不同小狗帮助人类的图片,帮助学生更好地感受人与动物能够互相帮助、友好相处。 Step 4 Let’s find and feel the sound of ar (6 mins) Activity 9: Let’s read and circle. 圈画语音词,发现规律。 教师引导学生快速浏览绘本,圈画出含有ar的单词,然后教师用PPT出示含有ar单词,引导学生朗读,发现并总结发音规律。 T: Plea read fast and circle all the ar words in the story. You have 30 conds. T: What sound does ar make? T: Ar sounds /ɑː /. 【效果评价】学生能够正确认读含有字母组合ar的单词,并在老师的帮助下找到发音规律。 【设计意图】帮助学生找到含有ar发音的单词,结合故事语境正确朗读,发现并总结其发音规律。 Activity 10: Let’s watch and learn. 学唱歌谣,巩固语音。 教师播放ar语音视频,学生跟读,在节奏中发现语音规律,感受语音韵律。 T: Let’s watch a cartoon and learn the phonics. The sound of ar. Every day play and say, ar, ar, ar. b, ar, n, barn. y, ar, n, yarn. d, ar, n, darn. p, ar, k, park. Every day play and say, ar, ar, ar. c, ar, t, cart. h, ar, p, harp. f, ar, m, farm. c, ar, d, card. 【效果评价】学生能够通过学唱歌谣,进一步关注字母组合ar的发音,正确朗读含有字母组合ar的单词,如barn,yarn,dart,cart,harp,farm,card。 【设计意图】通过动画视频,帮助学生感知规律并练习ar发音,拓展词汇。 Activity 11: Let’s sing and try. 创编歌谣,内化语音。 教师鼓励学生运用拼读规律编码单词,在上一活动学唱歌谣的语言基础之上创编新的歌谣。 T: You did a wonderful job! Question: Do you want to make your own chant? T: Let’s try. (预设回答1: Everyday play and say, ar, ar, ar. b, ar, k, bark.) 【效果评价】学生能够借助句型创编歌谣,电脑怎么设置屏保密码运用拼读规律编码单词,内化字母组合ar发音,如Everyday play and say, ar, ar, ar. b, ar, k, bark. 【设计意图】教师给予学生语言支持,学生通过创编歌谣内化拼读规律,巩固字母组合ar发音。 Step 5 Homework (1 min) 1. 借助书后提供的story map,给父母讲述本故事。 2. 制作“Dogs are our friends!”手抄报。 |
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