Oh,come on!
It's your Thanksgiving too. Instead of watching football,you could help.河南周口
We know.
You wanna put the marshmallows in concentric circles.
No,you want to put them in concentric circles.
I want to do this.
Every year.
The One With the Football
To the 10,to the 5. Touchdown,Giants!
You know,for once,I am gonna try to watch one of the things.
Who wants to throw the ball around? Get a little 3-on-3 going?
-That would be fun! -Can I play too?
I've never played football,ever.
Great! You can cover Chandler.
I don't really want to play.
You never do anything since you and Janice broke up.
Not true.
I wanted to wear my bathrobe and eat peanut clusters all day.
大同悬空寺And start drinking in the morning. Don't say I don't have goals!
You have to start getting over her,all right?
If you play,maybe it'll take your mind off Janice.
If you don't,everyone will be mad at you becau the teams won't be even.
All right,I'll play.
地藏王菩萨本愿经Let's do it! Ross?
-What? -Wanna play football?
Monica and I aren't suppod to play football.
Says who? Your mom?
Every Thanksgiving,we ud to have a touch
...called The Geller Bowl.
No,no,no. You say that proudly!
Anyway,Ross and l were always captains.
It got kind of competitive, and one year,Geller
... I accidentally broke Ross' no.
It was so not an accident.
She saw I was about to tag her, so
... her big fat grandma-arm elbow in
...and just kept running.
To score the winning touchdown, by the way.
You did not win the game. The touchdown didn'
... becau of the spectacularly illegal,and savage,no-breaking.
I won the game.
Yeah? Then how come you didn't get the Geller Cup?
There was a Geller Cup?
Yes,the trophy you got if you won the game.
But Dad said nobody won, and he was sick of our fighting.
So he took
...threw it in the lake.
And was the cur lifted?
... Mom said we weren't allowed to play football again.
You know what? I think we should play a game.
I mean,come on. It's been 12 years.
Can I e you for a cond?
All right,we're gonna play.
Wait. How we gonna get there? My mom won't let me cross the street.
Here you go.
-Let's bring it in. -Wait.
Honey,throw it to me!
Here you go.
That almost hit me in the face!
We have to pick captains.
And then "Tenilles."
So how do we decide that?
-Why don't we just bunny up? -What?
-Bunny! -Bunny!
Looks like Ross and I are captains.
I bunnied first, so I get to pick first. Joey.
-Thank you. -Monica!
I'm your best friend.
Sweetie,don't worry, you'll get picked.
Sweetie,now I pick you.
You don't pick me. You're stuck with me!
Okay. So let's e.
Let's play from the trash can to the light post,right?
Two-hand touch. We'll kick off.
People,listen. I've got
参观考察... before I have to baste again.
Wow,just like in the pros.
Okay,huddle up!
-Huddle up over here! -Wait for me! Wait for me!
Oh,cool! My first huddle.
So what do you guys really think of Chandler?
You know what you're doing,right?
Joey will catch it. We'll block.
What's "block"?
-I thought you knew what you were doing. -I thought you meant in life!
The ball is Janice. The ball is Janice.
Son of a!
-Come on! -I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
You know what? We're just gonna throw it.
I got it!
Score! Seven to nothing!
Honey,you okay?
Come on,let's go.
Lors walk.
Yeah? Lors talk.
Actually,lors rhyme.
You wanna go shotgun?
-One Mississippi, -Over here! Over here!
I almost caught it!
Great. Now the score's ven to almost ven.
On this play,I want you to do a down-and-out to the right,okay?
-Break! -Wait. What am I gonna do?
You go long.
How long?
Until we start to look very small.
One Mississippi
Switch! Switch! Switch!
Thanks for stopping our ball.
You are playing American football?
Wow! You're,like, from a whole other country!
I'm Dutch.
Hi,I'm Joey.
I am Margha.
Sorry,Dutch,I didn't get that last little bit.
You wanna play football or Hi,I'm Chandler.
Her name is Dutch and also "Margham."晚会开场白
Come on,guys! Let's go! Second down!
-Hello? It's third down. -No,it's not. It's cond.
"Wow" what?
How it just amazes me that you're still pulling stuff like this.