1.His opinions are so ridiculous and impractical that I don't e how any ________ person could agree with him.
A.considerate B.nsible C.genuine D.nsitive
2.They had beef and ________ for supper.
A.smoking fish B.fish smoking
C.fish to smoke D.smoked fish
3.Everyone was on time for the meeting ________Chris,who’s usually ten minutes late for everything.
A.but B.only C.even D.yet
4.Economic development is important but of ________ importance is taking care of the environment.
A.fair B.equal C.proper D.reasonable
5.I’m _________that many readers are impresd with your writings becau they are wonderful.
A.confident B.confud C.terrified D.eager
6.It is ________ of him to be late, which makes us very angry.
A.thoughtful B.average C.common D.typical
7.Our government _________ says that we have the ability to deal with any challenge.
A.bitterly B.currently C.significantly D.confidently
禀告是什么意思8.Some of the schools are private and offer a ________ schedule for students who can choo to work at school or even at home at weekends.
A.reliable B.flexible C.general D.temporary
9.It is ________ that the flood disaster has had a powerful impact on people’s life.
A.regular B.current C.obvious D.powerful
10.He has made ________ progress in English since he arrived in America last year.
A.abstract B.appreciative C.distant D.remarkable
11.It's ________ knowledge that moods can have an influence on our health.
A.unusual B.special C.general D.common
12.His language is ________ and amusing, which gives the readers a detailed description of the country lifestyle in Britain.
A.difficult B.original C.vivid D.local
13.Stephen spent many childhood hours playing on this _______ basketball court.
A.vivid B.steely C.muddy D.inten
14.Lincoln, former president of the United States, is a conspicuous example of a poor boy who succeeded.
A.ridiculous B.obstinate C.permanent D.manifest
乌镇茅盾故居15.While watching the film yesterday, I couldn't stop laughing at some ________ moments.
A.shocking B.surprising C.dangerous D.humorous
16.At the thought of going to my new school, I felt a little ________.
A.scary B.embarrassing C.frightened D.relaxing
17.Having experienced all kinds of hardships, he________ reached his destination.
A.unfortunately B.eventually C.generally D.purpofully
18.The actor who gave a ________ performance as the mad king made a strong impression on the audience.
A.cautious B.basic C.precious D.vivid
19.A ________ dressing at first meeting will make a good impression on others.
A.decent B.damp C.startled D.sophisticated
20.________, he pasd away last year due to his cancer. But he left a deep impression on me and gave me the inspiration to write again.
A.Actually B.Unfortunately C.Independently D.Entirely煮芋头
A.unfortunately B.uncomfortably C.anxiously D.emotionally安全用电知识宣传
22.People ek wealth to make themlves happy, which________ blocks are pursuit of happiness very often.
A.literally B.on earth C.without doubt D.ironically
23.Battling his weight since childhood, Smith showed off his new slim look on Instagram and owed the________ weight loss to a gluten-free diet that consists of high-quality proteins.
A.tempting B.dramatic C.distance D.harsh金苹
24.The sharing economy is not without problems; ________ , it is becoming increasingly relevant to our daily life and the global economy.
A.furthermore B.thereby C.otherwi D.nonetheless
25.The sports meeting __________ takes a day or two, depending on size.
A.fairly B.typically C.suddenly D.calmly
微波炉可以烤蛋挞吗26.The reasons for a visit to lighthou are not all so backward-looking (思想过时的) in time. It is true that lighthous were built in out-of-the-way places. But on a pleasant sunn
y summer day, this very isolation has a natural beauty that many people will love to experience.
Q: The underlined phra “out-of-the-way” probably means ________.
A.far-away B.dangerous C.ancient D.cret
27.Nowadays, basic health care rvices are ______ to almost all the Chine people, contributing to a ri in average life expectancy.
A.alternative B.abstract C.accessible D.absurd
28.After her nearly three-year detention (拘留) in Canada, Meng Wanzhou, a ________ woman, finally returned home and reunited with her family.