英文 | 缩写 | 中文 |
accompanied baggage | 随身行李 | |
access control | 通道控制 | |
access to the ship | 上船通道 | |
additional inspection | 附加检查 | |
additional protective curity measure | 附加防护性保安措施 | |
additional verification | 附加审核 | |
Against terrorism | 反恐 | |
alternative curity agreement | 替代保安协议 | |
anchor chains | 锚链 | |
anchoring area | 锚地 | |
anti-smuggling | 反走私 | |
areas surrounding the ship | 知道了英文船舶周遍区域 | |
armed attact | 武装攻击 | |
Arson | 纵火 | |
asmbly point | (疏散)集合点 | |
attacks whilst at a | 从海上攻击 | |
automatic identification system | AIS | 自动识别系统男闺密 |
automatic intrusion detection device | 自动闯入探测装置 | |
Barrier | 路障 | |
berthing area | 靠泊区域 | |
boarding pass | 登船证 | |
bomb detection equipment | 炸弹探测装置 | |
bomb threat | 炸弹威胁 | |
bunkering | 燃油操作 | |
call sign | 呼号 | |
cargo ship | 货轮 | |
cargo transport unit | 货运单元 | |
Company Security Officer | CSO | 公司保安员 |
Company Security Plan | CSP | 公司保安计划 |
compliance measure | 泰迪教育 | 符合措施 |
Comply with | 符合 | |
Contacting Point | 联络点 | |
Container Safety Initiate | CSI | 古代好听的名字集装箱安全倡议 |
contingency planning | 应急计划 | |
contingency planning | 应急计划 | |
Continuous Synopsis Record | 连续概要记录 | |
contracting government | 缔约国政府 | |
Control measure | 控制措施 | |
Control station | 控制站 | |
Crane | 吊车 | |
crew list | 船员名单 | |
customs officials | 海关官员 | |
dangerous device | 危险装置 | |
declaration of curity | 保安声明 | |
Declaration of Security | DoS | 保安声明 |
deficiency and non-conformity | 缺陷及不符合内容 | |
Delay | 延误 | |
delivery of ship's stores | 船舶物料交付 | |
departure time | 离港时间 | |
detection | 检查 | |
detention | 滞留 | |
dimbarking pasngers | 下船旅客 | |
duly authorized officer | 正式授权官员 | |
embarking pasngers | 上船旅客 | |
emergency condition | 紧急情况 | |
emergency preparedness | 应急防备 | |
emergency respon | 应急反应 | |
Endorment for Additional Verification | 附加核验签注 | |
Endorment of Intermediate Verification | 中期核验签注 | |
equivalent arrangements for port facilities | 港口设施的等效安排 | |
evacuation procedure | 撤离程序 | |
evacuation route | 逃生路线 | |
expected time of arrival | 预计抵达时间 | |
Expire | 过期 | |
explode device | 爆炸装置 | |
Extend Certificate | 延期证书 | |
flag of the state | 船旗国 | |
gangway | 船舷 | |
Gross tonnage | 总吨位 | |
handling of cargo | 货物装卸 | |
hijack ship | 劫持船舶 | |
hoisting gear | 升降装置 | |
identification checking system | 身份检查系统 | |
identification document | 身份证件 | |
illicit obrvation | 非法窥视 | |
immigration officials | 移民局官员 | |
IMO number | IMO 编号 | |
社会事务办 in violation of | 免职违反 | |
initial verification | 初审 | |
Interim certification | 临时证书 | |
Interim International Ship Security Certificate | IISSC | 临时国际船舶保安证书 |
internal audits and reviews | 中间审核检查 | |
International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port Facilities | ISPS CODE | 国际船舶和港口 设施保安规则 |
International Maritime Organization | IMO | 国际海事组织 |
International Ship Security Certificate | ISSC | 国际船舶保安证书 |
key ship board operation | 船上关键操作春节传说故事 | |
Ladder | 登船梯 | |
layout of the ship | 船舶布置 | |
lightering | 过驳 | |
loading of supplies | 装载补给 | |
maintain esntial rvices | 维持基本服务 | |
Maritime Safety Committee | MSC | 海事安全委员会 |
mooring lines | 系泊缆绳 | |
navigation bridge | 驾驶台 | |
next declared port of call | 下一个即将挂靠的港口 | |
non-discriminatory | 非歧视性 | |
non-intrusive inspection | 非侵犯性检查 | |
No-party ship | 非缔约方船舶 | |
not valid | 失效 | |
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