
更新时间:2023-06-08 13:18:50 阅读: 评论:0

一、汉英主语的对比 1.特征对比      英语主语必须具有名词性,因为只有具有名词性的词语,才有数的概念和范畴。    汉语的主语则具有很大的词类兼容性,其原因是汉语主语可以只是一个“话题”。任何事物都可以成为话题:名词性事物固然可以,动词性、形容词性、数量词性及情状事物的词语都可以成为话题。(下有举例) 2. 主语类型对比    英语主语只有以下四种,但功能都很强:如果没有主语,就    不可能构成SV,也就不可能形成句子。      a. 施事主语(Actor Subject)          We caught a young tiger.      b. 受事主语(Receptor Subject)          A young tiger was caught.      c. 形式主语(Expletive Subject)          It is never too late to learn.      d. 话题主语(Topic Subject)        The brain is a wonderful organ.
软件开发合同模板汉语的主语在句法结构中出现种种分布状况或形式,我们称之为“主语分布模式”(Subject Distribution Patterns,即SDP)。以名词性主语句子为例,汉语的SDP展开如下: a.施事主语  我们盖了一栋房子。We built a hou. b.受事主语  房子盖在西院。The hou was built in the western compound. c. 受事主语+施事主语    房子我们已经盖了一大半了。We have finished a good part of  the hou. d. 施事主语+受事主语  住户家俱都搬进屋了。The lodgers have moved in their furniture. e. 时间主语    去年又盖了一栋房子。Another hou was built last year. f. 地点主语    西院盖了一栋房子。The hou was built in the western compound. g. 与事主语    这些材料只够盖一栋房子。The materials were enough for buil
ding    only one hou. h. 与事主语+施事主语    这些材料我们只能够盖一栋房子。We could build only one hou with the materials.张爱玲金锁记
除了名词性主语词的SDP形式外,还有非名词性主语词: a.动作主语    跑跑跳跳助消化。Jumping and running help your digestion. b. 修饰语主语    干干净净逗人爱。Everybody loves clean things.    很诚实是一大优点。Honesty is a merit. c. 数词主语    “15”是个奇数。“15” is an odd number. d. 方式主语    这么快就盖好了一栋房子。The hou was built at admirable speed. e. 复合主语(主要有主谓、述宾、述补、偏正四种)      要有计划地办事。A good plan is necessary for doing business.(述宾)      我一个人干就可以了。Let me do it, it’s enough.(主谓)    互相学习已蔚然成风。To learn from each other has become the order of the day.(偏正)    计算得快是个好条件。The ability to do quick calculation is of cour an advantage.(述补)
f. 带“的”字词组主语    学得最好的有奖。The best learner will be given a reward. g. 零位主语    早走了。He was gone long ago. 二、汉英翻译中火烧岛粤语
主语的转换 1.对应(或以原文主语作译文主语) (1)以名词作主语:原语以专有名词及普通名词作主语时,名词对应式的可能性很大。如P87  例1-6      a. 苏轼是位才华横溢的文学家。          Su Shi was a writer with superb talent. (2)以动词或动词短语(非主谓结构或词组)作主语的句子也可以
形成对应:汉语动词没有定式、非定式之分,但英语动词作名词用时,其形态必须作相应变化。      b. 作弊不算数。      Playing foul doesn’t hold your score.      c. 倾囊相助是一种美德。      To empty one’s pur to help people in need is of cour a virtue.
草色入帘青2.转换(重新确定主语) (1)词类转换式主语转移(凭借词类转换手段达到主语转移,即在原句中挑选一个其他的词来充当目的语的主语)如: a.我们的自然科学比较落后,要努力向外国学习。 In natural sciences, we are rather backward and here, we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries. b.她一搬到上海就大概年轻了五岁,而她丈夫呢,却老了十年。 Moving to Shanghai may have taken five years off her, but it has put ten years on her husband. (2)推导式主语转移(运用逻辑推理,通常是选出句中的行为者,形成SV搭配)如: c.中国的国民意识是把追求家庭幸福提到个人幸福之上,而美国人似乎与此相反。 In the Chine national ideology, the pursuit of family happiness has been elevated over personal happiness, while for the Americans the order ems to be the rever. d. 台上坐着主席团。 The members of the Presidium are sitting on the platform. e. 从本学期开始,学生宿舍客访不得迟于晚10时,星期天不得迟于晚10时半。 Starting with this mester, dorm residents won’t be able to have guests after 10 p. m. on week nights or 10:30 p. m. on weekends.
(3)反逆式主语转移 汉英翻译中主语与谓语动词后的名词(可能是及物动词的宾语,也可能是表语词)
有时可以实现反转。英汉反转的原因在多数情况下是个表达习惯问题,汉英语态转换就是这样。如: a.他这样悍然行事使我们非常气愤。 Hot anger burned in our minds against him at his flagrant action. b. 一胎生了三个女儿。 Three daughters were born at one birth. c. 吃饭得用筷子。 Chopsticks are ud for eating meals. 3. 补充(增补主语) (1)补充泛指性代词或名词  如: a.学会数理化,走遍天下都不怕。 With a knowledge of natural sciences, one can go anywhere in the world. b.春到田间耕作忙。 With spring looking on, everyone has been busy plowing and plantin准的2)补充人称代词 a.老跟着别人转,就不能独立行事了。 If you follow somebody el all the time, you can’t be able to be your own  man. b.求那种人,可谓白费劲。不如自己动手干。 With that kind of man, you will
plead in vain. You had better try your hand  yourlf.
(3)补充逻辑推导产生的主语(推导主语在原句中是根本没有的,完全是根据语境推导出来的)如: a.最堪惜,珠光宝气败坏了她那好端端一身华服。 Nothing can ruin an expensive outfit more than her outrageous jewelry. b. 那里的服务设施已有改善。可以找到够标准的旅店,吃到风味    食品,坐上空调旅游车了。 Service facilities have been improved. Tourists can find standard hotel rooms, local Chine food and air-conditioned tour bus. c.只有等着瞧了。 Only time can tell. Exercis: 1.人们已经把中国传统典籍或部分或全部地翻译成了外国文字。 2.你的教学科研取得了长足的进步,但不应因此而自满。 3.在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。 4.她只要听几句恭维
话就会得意忘形。 5.孩子们看到这个菜就眉开眼笑,可知他们是难得吃到这种菜的。 6.语言着东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。
1.Traditional Chine classics have been translated into foreign languages in part or as a whole. 2.You have made good progress in teaching and rearching but you should guard against complacency. 3.a. The constant changes of the Changjiang River in history helped form many lakes in the areas around Wuhan.      b. Lots of lakes were formed /appeared as a result of the constant changes of the Changjiang River in history . 4.A little flattery would t him carried away. 5.The delight of the children at the sight of the dish showed that it was a rarity. 6.The mastery of a language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts.
一、汉英谓语的对比 1.英语谓语的基本特征: 首先,英语谓语必须以动词为基础和核心,动词以外的任何词 类,都不能取代谓语动词这个主体部分。 其次,英语谓语动词与主语的搭配有一条十分稳定的规律,即 动词的形式与主语的“数”和“人称”必须一致。 2. 汉语谓语的特征: (1)汉语谓语的独立性、自足性较强,形式机制弱。  “独立性”指谓语可以不受主语人称与数的支配,保持形态上的 “原形”。“自足性”指句法功能上和语义上的稳定性和完整性, 即不论有没有主语,其本身的句法功能自能
显现,不必非与主 语搭配,另外,自足性还包含对主语的适应性强。 (2)汉语谓语构成成分复杂多样。 汉语谓语范畴比较宽,汉语中可以构成谓语的词统称“谓词”。 汉语中的谓词分为三类,即动词性谓词、形容词性谓词和代词 性谓词。如:
1)诚招天下客。 2)这种行为很不道德。 3)你们厂里情况怎么样? 4)七月二十二日他生日。 5)老秤一斤十六两。 6)那神探足智多谋。 7)这个问题工会要解决。 8)河畔草青青。 9)
你把我吓坏了。 10)他有气无力地说着。 1)Honesty wins over wider patronage. 2)This conduct is immortal. 3)What do you think of your factory? 4)July 22 is his birthday. 5)Sixteen “liang” makes one “jin” by the old system of weights. 6)The marvelously infallible detective is so very resourceful. 7)The problems remains to be solved by the labor union. 8)The grass is green by the riversides. 9)You scared me out of my ns. 10)He said listlessly.(3)汉语谓语形式比较复杂 汉语谓语形式比较复杂,比较难以分析及翻译的是连动式、兼语式和所谓的紧缩式谓语。这几种谓语统称为“复杂谓语”。 1)连动式谓语 所谓“连动式”也就是同一主语下的动词连用,其中动词可以带宾语,补语,但不能带连词,带上连词就成了并列结构。现代汉语连动式谓语有以下变式:
A.并列式:表示一个先行后续的行动组合,按顺序并列,但中间无停顿。如: a.脱了鞋进屋    take off shoes and enter the room b.刷牙洗脸上床睡觉 brush one’s teeth, wash onelf and go to bed c. 天
天打针吃药 have an injection and take medicine every day B.从属式:表示一个相互之间有逻辑联接关系的行动组合。如: a.干完就走 go as soon as (until) the job is done b. 能干多少就干多少 do as much as possible c. 找你算账 get even with you d. 屈膝求饶 go down on one’s knees to beg for mercy e. 站着讲课 stand giving a lecture f. 到上海就失踪了 disappear upon one’s arrival in Shanghai g. 烤火取暖 warm onelf by the fire h. 打点水洗洗脚 fetch some water to wash one’s feet C. 链式:是两个以上有关系或逻辑关系的主谓结构链式序列。如: a.请假坐飞机回家探亲 ask for leave to go home by air to e one’s relatives b. 持枪劫车杀人越货 hijack a truck and loot the goods by killing the driver with a gun
2)兼语式谓语 他请你帮忙。 He asked you to help. 3)紧缩式谓语 紧缩式不同于连动式,也不同于兼语式,它是汉语动词的另一种隐 形结构集约式,依仗的仅仅是语义支点的顺线性对接,从形式上很 难看出它的结构关系。如: 吃点药祛寒退热(吃点药,使某人能祛寒退热) take some medicine to shake off cold and fever

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