1. Where indeed did Thoreau live, both at a physical level and at a spiritual level? Key: He lived in woods, and pursued his own simple and meaningful lifestyle at a very high physical and spiritual level.
2. Had Thoreau ever bought a farm? Why did he enjoy the act of buying?黄鹤楼诗词
Key: No, he had never bought a farm.
怎样将Becau he liked to have dealings with others, from which he can get a lot of fun.
3. Is it significant that Thoreau mentioned the Fourth of July as the day on which he began to stay in the woods? Why?
写真壁纸居家办公Key: Yes, it is significant. Becau the Fourth of July is the Independence Day of America, and from this day on, America has become a new and independent nation. By mentioning it, Thoreau wanted to state that he also began to be independent and lf-reliant from the same day, and that will be the regeneration of him.
4. How could you answer the question Thoreau asked at the end of this lection? Key: That means his flocks is always out of his control, and he cannot manage
them effectively. The shepherd will be disturbed and annoyed by them rather than get some pleasure from feeding and raising them. The shepherd’s life will be a mess.