21.He refud to acknowledge that he was defeated. (C. Admit)
22.That book is the authentic story of a doctor's life.(B. genuine)
23. The pilot really knows how to handle an airplane. (A. steer)
24. He was in town to promote his new book. (D. publicize)
25. The police pursued the bank robber. (D. Chad)
26. Bridges over railroad tracks eliminate danger in crossing.( A.get rid of )
27. The hospital is supported by voluntary contributors. (B. Volunteered)
28. You are wasting your potential on this job. (C. Capability)
29. He has a substantial understanding of economics. (B. a solid)
30. The Chamber of Commerce boosts local business.(C. advances )
31. He is so clever ,and he makes me feel ______.(B.inferior)
32. The king was so much under the influence of his wife that he was the____ruler of the country.(A.virtual)
33. The decision was made in ___ with local police.(A. Consultation)
34. the__owner of the hou was the duke of wellington.(D. original)
35. He views everything from a political______(B.perspective)
36. Your work is________all prai.(C. Beyond)
37. After being defeated they ____to the enemy.( B. Submitted)
38. They traveled from London to Paris___Dover. ( A. Via)
39. They have ________ to the files. 我是最好的(B.means)
40. Don't waste energe ______over such a minor matter.(D. Handing)
21. They went away for a fortnight on holiday. (B. two weeks )
22. The play was too sophisticated for them. (D. complicated )
23. They purchad a car last week.( A. bought )
24. Will you help me to shift给排水系统 the furniture round, plea? (C. move )
25. He erad all the pencil marks on the book. (D. rubbed out )
26. It was nsible of him to do that. (C. wi )
27. The affair looks suspicious范本 to me. (B. doubtful )
28. That was an awful crime. (A. a terrible )
29. To save more money you'll need to be more frugal.( D. economical )
30. How to talk to a Martian is an academic question. (A. a theoretical )
31. My property was ________ of in a sale.( C. Dispod) 川西自驾
32. When Mr. Green retired his son ____ the business from him. (B. took over )
33. We'd be ________ off without all that noi from the children's room.(C. better )
34. If the land belongs to you, why don't you lay ________ to it? (D. claim )
35. The repairs to your car will cost you ________ $35. (D. at most )
36. The crowd____when it began to rain . ( B. Scattered)
37. We hope that the meetings will __friendly relations between our two countries. (A. foster )
38. This company is one of the largest________of its kind. ( C. Enterpris)
39. The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of _____. (A. Prestige)
40. He does the _____amount of work but expects promtion.( B. Minimum)
21. A child hears his mother tongue spoken rom morning till night in its genuine form.( C. Real)
22. Only a decade ago it had no modern industry worth speaking of. ( C. 10 years )
23.The first few months of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone, becau I
knew it meant another critical decision to be made.(D. Crucial)
24. Women are assumed to be weaker, slower and less skilled than men. (A. Suppod) e过去分词
25. In protest, blacks and sympathetic whites sat at the counters of the restaurants and
refud to move until they were rved. (A. considerate )
26. The brain drain of experts away from developing countries will greatly influence
the countries' development of sophisticated industry.(B. Advanced垃圾分类儿歌4句)
27. It's no u just telling me to do it; give me positiveadvice as to how to do it.B. helpful
28. They are confronting tremendous and more complicated problems.(D. Facing)
29. Do you have any concept of what the room will look like with tho colors?(D. idea)
30. The professor may give extra attention outside of class to a student in need of help but probably will not treat him or her differently when it comes to evaluating school work. (A. commenting )
31.the structure of this animal's brain gives no __ that it is any more intelligent thanothers.(B.indication)
32.Cater agreed to try to reduce American oil imports and control ___in the united states.(B.inflation)
33. To ________ someone is to hurt him so that he suffers great pain.( D. Torture)