(资料来源:秦秀白《文体学概论》P227-235, 有改动。)
(1) O, my luve is like a red, red ro,
That’s newly sprung in June. (Robert Burns)
(2) And the great shipls sail outward and return,
Bending and bowing o’er the billowy swells.
(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
(1)中的luve (=love)被直接喻为a red, red ro,着意于“我的爱人”与“一朵六月里迎风初开的红玫瑰”之间的相似之处,构成明喻;在(2)中,诗人把“船在海上乘风破浪的雄姿”与“忽而弯腰、忽而点头”的动作进行比较,暗示其相似之姿态,构成富有形象色彩的暗喻。
比喻的构成必须具备两个成分、两个条件。两个成分是:本体(即被比喻的事物,称作tenor)和喻体(即用来作比的事物或现象,称作vehicle)。两个条件是:(一)本体和喻体应属性质不同的两种事物;(二)二者之间必须有相似之处。因此,在She looks (is) like her mother中,并没有比喻的用法。
(一)比喻可以使抽象的概念或含义赋有具体的形象,增强语言的直观性和生动性。比如,在the pain of paration这一比喻中,Pain并不指人们所熟悉的某种肉体上的“痛苦”,但把“离别时的心情”喻为“某种肉体上的痛苦”,那么就自然使“离别的痛苦”这一抽象概念具体化、形象化,增强了表达效果。这种比喻可称作“具体的比喻”(the Concretive Metaphor)。
在room for negotiation, life’s journey, the leading lights of diplomacy等中我们都可以看到这种比喻。
(二)比喻可以使无生命的事物具有生命,从而造成某种意象或抒发某种感情。如:an angry sky; the graves yawned; killing half-an-hour; the shoulder of the hill; the foot of the mountain等。这类比喻可称作“泛灵比喻”(the Animistic Metaphor)。
(三)比喻可以使不具有人性的事物赋有人类的特征,this friendly river; laughing valleys; his appearance and manner speak eloquently for him等。这类比喻可称作“拟人化比喻”(the Humanizing Metaphor或the Anthropomorphic Metaphor),它与拟人(personification)的修辞手法十分接近。John Donne在The Sun Rising一诗中,一开头就把太阳比喻成一个“不守规矩的、繁忙的老愚人”,赋予太阳以人格:
Busy old fool, unruly sun,
Why dost thou thus,
Through windows and through curtains call on us?
(四)比喻可以产生“通感”(Synaesthesia),即把属于某种感觉领域的语义转移到另一个感觉领域,形成不同感觉之间的流通。钱钟书先生指出:“在日常经验里,视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉、味觉往往可以打通或彼此交通,眼、耳、舌鼻、身各个官能的领域可以不分界限。颜色似乎会有温度,声音似乎会有形象,冷暖似乎会有重量,气味似乎会有锋芒。诸如此类在普通语言里经常出现。所谓“望梅止渴”便是一例。英语中的“通感”往往是靠比喻实现的。如:a cool green; warm color; dull sound; a ied even at thy father’s no(John Donne)等。
当一个比喻由几个不同的表达方式构成,且延伸至几个诗行或整首时时,那么就构成了“扩展的比喻”(Extended Metaphor)。这时,“扩展的比喻”实际上就是一个在全诗中占有支配地位的意象(the controlling image)。下面这首诗虽只有三节,但处于占支配地位的意象就是一个扩展的比喻----把“料理家政”喻为“织布过程”:
Make me, O lord, thy spinning wheel complete;
消炎药副作用Thy holy word my distaff make for me.
Make mine affections thy swift flyers neat,
And make my soul thy holy spool to be.
明月出天山My conversation make to be thy reel,
And reel the yarn thereon spun of thy wheel.
Make me thy loom then, knit therein this twine:
And make thy holy spirit, Lord, wind quills:
Then weave the web thylf. The yarn is fine.
Thine ordinances make my fulling mills.
Then dye the same in heavenly colors choice,
All pinked with varnished flowers of paradi.
Then clothe therewith mine understanding, will,
Affections, judgment, conscience, memory;
My words and actions, that their shine may fill
My ways with glory and thee glorify.
Then my apparel shall display before ye
That I am clothes in holy robes for glory.
(Edward Taylor)
在第一节中,我们可以看到纺纱的意象,spinning wheel, distaff, flyers, spool, reel, yarn, spun等词都属比喻用法。第二节中,我们可以看到,织好的布已做成绚丽耀眼的衣服。全诗的比喻都是围绕织布的过程构成,使得全诗具有统一、鲜明的意象。类似的扩展比喻在英诗中颇为常见。
诗歌中常见的另一种修辞手法是“换喻”(亦称转喻;metonymy)。这是一种用另外一种事物的名称来代替某种事物名称的修辞手段。如:The village rejoiced.这里的village实际上喻指the people in the village。“换喻”的表现形式是很多的,可以是以容器代替内容;以有密切关系的一物代替另一物;也可以是以工具代替动作或行为者;以作者姓名代替作品;或以具体的事物代替抽象概念等。在诗歌中运用换喻,可以收到言简意赅的修辞效果,给人以耳目一新的感觉。在下面诗句中,我们可以看到换喻的用法:
When from the cradle to the grave I look;
Mine I conceive a melancholy book.
(George Crabbe, The Parish Register)
南京特产小吃这里的cradle是birth 的换喻;grave 是death的换喻。
Beneath the rule of men entirely great
The pen is mightier than the sword.
(Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, Richelieu)
the pen 指的是the books written; the sword 指的是the battles fought, 均属换喻。
The camp, the pulpit and the law
For rich men;s sons are free.
(Percy Bysshe Shelley)
在这里,the camp是the army的换喻;the pulpit 是religion的换喻。
与换喻相近的修辞手法是提喻(synecdoche), 即以局部代表全体,或以全体喻指局部,如以bread代表food;或以the army代表a soldier。下面是提喻的几个例子:
Two heads are better than one. (proverb)
Many hands make light work. (proverb)
I bit my arm, I sucked the blood,
And cried, A sail! A sail!
(Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Ancient Mariner)
以上的几种修辞手法都是围绕词义的转移(transference of meaning) 形成的。
Thus freedom now so ldom wakes,
The only throb she gives,
Is when some heart indignant breaks,
To show that still she lives.
(Thomas Moore, Irish Melodies)