Medical Terminology of Internal Medicine
(reference for medical students)
Medical teaching and rearching ction of medical department
of Jilin university
Editorial Note
In order to supervi and urge medical students studying medical
terminology ,medical teaching and rearching ction organized and edited medical terminology,according to systems of internal medicine.Teachers and students can refer to this book.Thank you for noting mistakes for correction.
Members of editor:
Chief editor:Chi Baorong
Subeditor:Chen Ligang
Respiratory system:Lü Xiaohong
Cardiovascular System:Xing Yue
Gastrointestinal System:Jin Zhenjing
Urinary System:Wang Zhihong
Hematological system:Li Wei
Endocrine System:Liu Qing
Emergency:Zhang Weihua
Secretary:Gao Jie
Medical teaching and rea广告销售rching ction
Respiratory system
abdominal breathing 腹式呼吸
abscess 脓肿
acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸,痰易净(用作各种支
acid-ba balance 酸碱平衡
acidosis 酸中毒
acute tracheobronchitis 急性气管--支气管炎
acute cor pulmonale 急性肺源性心脏病
acute lung injury, ALI 急性肺损伤
acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染
adenosine deamina, ADA 腺苷脱氨酶
adenocarcinoma 腺癌
adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎
adult respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 成人呼吸窘迫综合症
aerobe 需氧菌
aerodermectasia 皮下气肿
aeroporotomy 呼吸道通气术(如用插管法或气
afebrile 无热(度)的,无发热病的
β2-receptor agonist β2受体激动剂
airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR 气道高反应性
airway obstruction 气道阻塞
airway remodeling 气道重塑
alkalemia 碱血症
alkalosis 碱中毒
allergic airway inflammation, AAI 变态反应性气道炎症
allergic bronchial-pulmonary aspergillosis, ABPA 变态反应性支气管肺曲菌病
allergic granulomatosis 过敏性肉芽肿病
allergy 变态反应性;变态反应,过敏反应
alveolus ( [pl.]alveoli ) 肺泡
amantadine 金刚烷胺(抗病毒药)
ambroxol 盐酸氨溴索(化痰药)
aminophylline 氨茶碱(用于舒张支气管平滑肌,平
amphoric breath sound 空瓮性呼吸音
少林武僧贾克斯ampicillin 氨卡青霉素
amygdala 扁桃体
amygdalitis 扁桃体炎
anaerobe 厌氧菌
anaerosis 呼吸间断(尤指新生儿)
anaphylaxis 过敏性,过敏反应,过敏症
anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克
anectasis 先天性扩张不全,原发性肺不张
angina 咽峡炎,咽痛;绞痛
anion gap, AG 阴离子间隙
anoxia 缺氧(症)
antasthmatic 止喘的,镇喘的、止喘药,镇喘药
anthracosis 炭末沉着病,炭肺
antibechic 镇咳的,镇咳药
antibiotic 抗菌的,抗生的、抗菌素,抗生素
孕妇能吃黄豆吗anticancer 抗癌的
anticarcinogen 抗癌药
anticholinergic 抗胆碱能的、抗胆碱能药(副交感神
antiemetic 消水肿的,消水肿药
antifebrile 解热的、解热药
antifungal 抗真菌的、杀真菌药
antigen-antibody reaction 抗原抗体反应
antihemorrhagic 抗出血的,抗出血药物
anti-infectious 抗感染的
anti-infective 抗感染的,抗感染药
anti-inflammatory 抗炎的,消炎的,消炎药
antimycobacterial 抗分支杆菌的
antineoplastic 抗肿瘤的、抗肿瘤药鞋柜宽度
antiphthisic 抗痨的,抗结核的
antipneumococcic 抗肺炎球菌的
antispasmodic 镇痉的、镇痉药,解痉药
antistaphylococcic 抗葡萄球菌的
α1-antitrypsin, α1-AT α1-抗胰蛋白酶
antituberculin 抗结核菌素
antituberculotic 抗结核的、抗结核药
antitussive 镇咳的、镇咳药
apnea 呼吸暂停、窒息
apneumatosis 肺无气,先天性肺不张
apneumia 无肺(畸形)
artificial respiration 人工呼吸
asbestosis 石棉肺,石棉沉着病
asphyxia 窒息
竞聘报告pptaspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎
aspirin induced asthma, ASA 阿司匹林引起的哮喘
asthma 气喘,哮喘
asthmatiform 气喘样的,哮喘样的
asthmogenic 气喘原的,致气喘的、致喘剂
atopy 遗传性过敏症
auscultate 听诊
auscultator 听诊者;听诊器
axillary node 腋窝淋巴结
bacille Calmette Guerin , BCG 卡介菌 (BCG vaccine 卡介苗)
backache 背痛体育课英语
bacteria ( bacterium的复数) 细菌
bactericide 杀菌剂
bacteriemia 菌血症
Bamberger-Marie dia (Eugen Bamberger ; Pierre Marie)肥大性肺性骨关节病
bambuterol 班布特罗(β2受体激动剂)
barrel chest 桶状胸
bathypnea 深呼吸
bechic 咳嗽的、镇咳药
beclomethasone dipropionate , BDP 二丙酸倍氯米松(糖皮质激素)