1 乙烷 2 甲醇
3 溴 4 汞
5 精氨酸 6 赖氨酸
7 酮 8 乙酸乙酯
9 氢氧化钠丁香花诗句 10 碳酸钾
11 Benzene 12 Heptane
13 Hydrogen 14 Oxygen
15 Threonine 16 Cysteine
17 Phenol 18 Ether
19 Calcium carbonate 20 Toluene
1 Ethane 2 Methanol
3 Bromine 4 Mercury
5 Arginine 6 Lysine
7 Acetone 8 Ethyl acetate
9 Sodium hydroxide 10 Potassium carbonate
11 苯 12 庚烷
13 氢 14 氧
15 苏氨酸 16 半胱氨酸
17 酚 18 醚
19 CaCO3 20 甲苯
1 FDA: 2 ICH海内是什么意思: 3 GMP: 4 HPLC: 5 DMSO:
答案: 1 Food and Drug Administration 苏玉清(美国)联邦食品及药物管理局
2 International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human U 人用药品注册技术要求国际协调会
3 Good Manufacturing Practice 药品生产和质量管理规范
4 High Performance (Pressure) Liquid Chromatography 高效液相色谱
5 dimethyl sulfoxide 打南边二甲基亚砜
1 C is probably the most widespread quality system followed across the pharmaceutical industry as a whole.
2 Drug design aims to improve the A of the lead compound and to remove the undesirable effects.
A desirable effects B toxic effects C adver reaction D first-pass effect
3 D have amino group.
A Aldehydes B Carboxylic C Alcohols D Amines
4 By being C of the pharmacologic principles, and by remaining vigilant to countless interaction between drug and ailing body, one can substantially reduce the side effects of numerous drugs.
A cognizant B vigilant C view D catabolize
5 Generally, A is more water soluble than the free acid or free ba.
A the ionizable salt of the drug B the ester of the drug
C the coupling of the drug D the free drug
6 In identifying a plant constituent, once it has been isolated and purified, it is necessary first to ___________and then to___________.
A determine the class of compound
B find out which particular substance it is within that class
7 There have been veral examples where the natural agonist for a receptor was ud as the lead compound in order to design a receptor A .
A target B structure C bioactivation D antagonist
答案 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 7 A
四、判断,并用× √ 表示(每题2分,共16分)。
1 ( )Analysis chemistry is concerned with the chemical characterization of matter and the answer to two important questions: what is it and where is it.
2 ( )The discipline of analytical chemistry consists of lective analysis and specific analysis.
3 ( )the level of biological activity may not be particular high, but that do matter.
4 ( )number of atoms, are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon, which together make up over 98% of the mass of most cells.
5 画饼充饥( )In vivo, the temperature is maintained at a constant 37℃, the agitation of stirring rate is held to a specified constant.
6 ( )Biochemical tests may also be invaluable: prence of a glycoside can be confirmed by hydrolysis with β-glucosida, of a mustard oil glycoside by hydrolysis with myrosina and so on.
7 ( )Troches, tablets which are intended to be chewed, and drug products intended for sustained relea or prolonged or repeat action.
8 ( )modification and improvement of existing active molecules is a type of arch for new lead compound.
答案:1 × 2 × 3 × 4 × 5 √ 6 √ 7 √ 8 √
1 Biochemistry aim to explain biological form and function in chemical terms.
答案: 生物化学的目标是在化学方面解释生物的形态和功能。
2 By being cognizant of the pharmacologic principles, and by remaining vigilant to countless interaction between drug and ailing body, one can substantially reduce the side effects of numerous drugs.
交换生英语答案: 只要充分认识并运用这些药理学原理,并对药物和人体之间无数相互作用保持高度警惕,我们就能大大减少许多药物的副作用。
3 Analytical chemistry provides the methods and tools needed for insight into our
material world…for answering four basic questions about a material sample:
1 What
2 Where
3How much 学而不厌的意思
4What arrangement, structure or form?
答案: 分析化学为我们洞察物质世界提供了方法和工具来解答关于物质样本的4个基本问题:1.是什么2.来源3.含量有多少4.结构、形式、组成。
4 There are three phas in the analysis: the fast-screening pha, the identification pha and possible quantification.
答案:头像卡通男 分析的过程分三个阶段进行:快速筛选阶段,确定阶段,可能的量化阶段。