High Frequency Electronics
High Frequency Design
Figure 1 · (a) A quarter-wave transmission line transformer, and (b) a quarter-wave line ud as a balun.
Figure 2 · (a) Ferrite-loaded transmission (a)
From May 2004 High Frequency Electronics Copyright © 2004 Summit Technical Media,LLC
High Frequency Electronics
using two coaxial cables wound on a common ferrite core that has a 4:1impedance transformation.The cores are connected as shown.The power capability is 1 kW and its frequency respon is 5-100 MHz.A parate
Figure 4 · LC Matching networks: (a) and (b) provide transformation to a load resistance lower than R in , while (c) and (d) provide transformation to higher resistances.
tabulated.The output voltage lags the input by 90 degrees and acts like a quarter wave transmission line transformer.of a high power PIN diode switch ud to switch a 220 pF ATC100E porcelain chip capacitor across a 50-ohm line for matching applications.
Figure 6 · A high power PIN diode switch circuit.d的意思>360急速模式
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