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NPR 2006-01

spoke wheel: 辐条车轮.
holy mackerel/cow: ud to express feelings such as surpri or fear.
ag: 农业的.
C-ction: a caesarean.
ro rock: The ro rock is the official state rock of Oklahoma. It is found nowhere el but central Oklahoma. It is most common in Cleveland County.
illiteracy: someone who is illiterate, who has not learned to read or write; 文盲.
Guggenheim Fellowship: Guggenheim Fellowships are awarded "to men and women who have already demonstrated exceptional capacity for productive scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts."
gaiety: when someone or something is cheerful and fun.
malaprop: 用词错误可笑的
Kanji: 日本汉字
tune in: to watch or listen to a broadcast on radio or television; 收听
dyslexic: a condition that makes it difficult for someone to read and spell; 诵读困难者
homo sapiens: the type of human being that exists now
gun-toting:青花瓷的故事 someone carrying a guy. i.e. gun-toting gangs on the street
avant-garde: extremely modern and shocking
pristine: not spoiled or damaged in any way
rancher: someone who owns or works on a big farm
slot machine: a machine for a game when you put money into it
vermin: unpleasant people who cau problems for society
prolifically: fertilely
prolytize: to try to persuade someone to join a religious group or political party
primordial: primitive
brethren: [plural] a member of a group, especially a religious one.
constituency: supporter
put-upon: a feeling of put-upon is occurs when one feels being treated of doing thing unfairly or too much.
albino: 白化病患者
impersonator: 模仿(名人等)的艺人
euphemistic: 委婉的
schizophrenic: 精神分裂症的
asylum: 收容所, 精神病院
Guyana: 圭亚那
dental floss: 牙线
jittery: trembling
convulsion: 震撼,动乱
attire in: 穿上
toiletry: 化妆品
detachment: the state of not reacting to or being involved in something in an emotional
childbirth: 分娩
ostracize: 排斥
contagious: 传染性的
slough off: 抛弃,丢弃
toddler: 初学走路的孩子
saddle: n. 马鞍 v. 承受
stigma: 污名
don: if you don clothing, you put it on.
North Dakota: 美国北达科他州
Bismarck: the capital city of the US state of North Dakota
NPR 2006-03

doping: the practice of using drugs to improve performance in a sport; 禁药
roil: 煽动, 激怒
taco: a type of Mexican food made from a corn tortilla that is folded in half and filled with meat, beans etc; (墨西哥)玉米面豆卷
icing on the cake: the icing on the cake
something that makes a very good experience even better
orthopedist: a doctor with special training in orthopedics;整形外科医师
herniate: 脱肠, 患疝气
vactomy: a medical operation to cut the small tube through which a man's sperm pass so that he is unable to produce children; 输精管切除术
sanction: a form of punishment that can be ud if someone disobeys a rule or law;批准, 同意, 支持, 制裁, 认可
listrv: a computer program that allows a group of people to nd and receive e-mail from each other about a particular subject;BITnet上用来管理讨论邮件清单的程序
out of the way: 不碍事的,偏远的,不显眼的
sow: a fully grown female pig;大母猪
jostle: to push or knock against someone in a crowd, especially so that you can get som
ewhere or do something before other people;, , 争夺
farrow: 一窝小猪, 猪的一胎, 下小猪
pungent: having a strong taste or smell;(指气味、味道)刺激性的, 辛辣的, 尖锐的, 苦痛的, 严厉的
genocide: the deliberate murder of a whole group or race of people; 有计划的灭种和屠杀
stigma: a strong feeling in society that being in a particular situation or having a particular illness is something to be ashamed of; 恶名声、不名誉或谴责的标志
lush: very beautiful, comfortable, and expensive; 豪华的, 繁荣的
machete: a large knife with a broad heavy blade, ud as a weapon or a tool; 大砍刀
perpetrator: someone who does something morally wrong or illegal; 犯罪者, 作恶者
tearing into: to start doing something quickly, with a lot of energy; 梦幻森林猛攻
olivine: 橄榄石, 黄绿
isotopic: 同位素的
celestial body: the sun, moon, stars etc; 天体
fluctuate: if a price or amount fluctuates, it keeps changing and becoming higher and low
er; 变动, 波动, 涨落, 上下, 动摇
non-refundable: a non-refundable amount of money cannot be paid back to you; 不可归还的
euthanize: to kill an animal in a painless way, usually becau it is very sick or old; 使安乐死
heifer: a young cow that has not yet given birth to a calf; 小母牛
calf: the baby of a cow; 小牛
考研政治答案be open to: allowing everyone, or everyone in a group, to take part in something, know about something, or have a chance to win something; 开放
whimsical: unusual or strange and often amusing;反复无常的, 古怪的
connotation: a quality or an idea that a word makes you think of that is more than its basic meaning;含蓄, 储蓄的东西(词、语等), 内涵
light source: 光源
state of the art: using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or knowledge;技术发展水平, 尖端科技
be threatened with: to be likely to be harmed or destroyed; 威胁
felony: a rious crime such as murder; 重罪,大罪
and/or whatnot: an expression ud at the end of a list of things when you do not want to give the names of everything; …什么的
in return for: as payment or reward for something; 作为新生儿流鼻涕...的报答
on the record: if you say something on the record, you do want people to repeat what you say, for example in newspapers or meetings; 记录在案的, 公开发布的, 公开做的
off the record: if you say something off the record, you do not want people to repeat what you say, for example in newspapers or meetings; 非正式地, 不可引用地
take heart: 振作
scuttlebutt: rumor, gossip;闲话
duke it out: to fight it out; to engage in a fight
string up: hang; 悬挂,高悬
be bathed in (light/sunshine): an area or building that is bathed in light has light shining onto it in a way that makes it look pleasant or attractive; 沐浴于, ...区别英语笼罩
recoup: to get back an amount of money you have lost or spent; 弥补
tout: to try to persuade people to buy goods or rvices you are offering; 兜售、招徕、拉生意
silhouette: a dark image, shadow, or shape that you e against a light background; 侧面影象, 轮廓
heft: to lift something heavy; 举起试重量, 举起
ductwork: a group or system of ducts; 管道系统
paleontologist: people who studies fossils; 古生物学者
relic: an old object or custom that reminds people of the past or that has lived on from a past time; 遗物, 遗迹, 废墟, 纪念物
lineage: the way in which members of a family are descended from other members; 血统, 世系
in a big way: to a large degree; 强调地, 彻底地, 大规模地
estimate at: 估计有
tetrapod: 四脚动物
plausible: reasonable and likely to be true or successful; 似是而非的
terrestrial animal: 陆生动物
Tiktaalik: means 'fish' in Eskimo; 爱斯基摩语中''的意思
heresy: a belief, statement etc that disagrees with what a group of people believe to be right; 离经叛道
all along: all the time from the beginning while something was happening; 自始自终, 一直
go to court: 起诉, 朝见君主
forfeit: to lo a right, position, posssion etc or have it taken away from you becau you have broken a law or rule; 没收, 丧失
end up with: to be in a particular situation, state, or place after a ries of events, especially when you did not plan it; 以告终
carrot and stick: a way of trying to persuade someone to do something by offering them something good if they do it, and a punishment if they do not
chartered: to say officially that a town, organization, or university officially exists and has
special rights; 特许的,持有特许状的
ethnicity: ethnic character, background, or affiliation; 种族划分
high profile: attracting a lot of public attention, usually deliberately; 高姿态
hang on to: to keep something; 紧紧握住
cannibalize: to deprive of vital elements or resources, such as personnel, equipment, or funding, for u elwhere; 调拨
soak up (the sun/rays/sunshine etc): to sit outside for a long time enjoying the sun;吸收
floating dock: 浮动船坞
taunt: a remark or joke intended to make someone angry or upt;辱骂, 嘲弄
haul out: a 'haul-out' is a place on land where a lions congregate. It's usually a massive rock formation.(From Laowai2006)
far-fetched: extremely unlikely to be true or to happen;牵强的, 不自然的
level off: to stop rising or falling and become steady;平整, 变平, 稳定
sturgeon: a large fish, from which caviar is obtained, or the meat of this fish;鲟鱼
voracious: having an extremely strong desire to do or have a lot of something;狼吞虎咽的, 贪婪的
charismatic: having charisma;神赐能力的, 超凡魅力的
Passover: a Jewish religious holiday when people remember the escape of the Jews from Egypt;逾越节, 精确到百分位逾越节祭神的羔羊
matzo: a large thin piece of flat bread, eaten by Jewish people during Passover;犹太逾越节薄饼
ripener: 催熟剂
canary yellow: 淡黄色
wiry: someone who is wiry is thin but has strong muscles;瘦长结实的
charged: a charged situation or subject makes people feel very angry, anxious, or excited, and is likely to cau arguments or violence;充满感情的,引起强烈反应的,引起强烈争论的
check on: to try to find out if something is true or correct;检查
come by: 得到,取得
exploit: to treat someone unfairly by asking them to do things for you, but giving them very little in return - ud to show disapproval;开拓, 开发, 工程质量保修书开采, 剥削
roam: to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpo or direction;漫游, 闲逛, 徜徉
subsidize: if a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it pays part of its costs;资助, 津贴
rep: someone who speaks officially for a company, organization, or group of people;代表
survival of the fittest: a situation in which only the strongest and most successful people or things continue to exist;适者生存
be spoiling for a fight/argument: to be very eager to fight or argue with someone;极想, 切望
reverberate: if an event, action, or idea reverberates, it has a strong effect over a wide area and for a long time;反响
credo: a formal statement of the beliefs of a particular person, group, religion etc;信条, 任何信条
muster out: to leave or be discharged from military rvice;使退伍
chain-smoke: to smoke cigarettes one immediately after another;连续不断地抽香烟
colonoscopy: []结肠镜检查
Wireless Capsule Endoscope: 无线胶囊内镜
Slate: 《石板书》,有一些深度评论,现已被msn收购
knock out: 敲空,击倒,打破,破坏,使筋疲力竭
stricture: a rule that strictly limits what you can do;(体内管道的)狭窄
gastrointestinal: of or relating to the stomach and intestines;胃肠的,与胃肠有关的
polyp: a small lump that grows inside your body becau of an illness, but is not likely to harm you;息肉
Crohn's Dia: 克罗恩氏病(CD),一种慢性肉芽肿性炎症,病变可累及胃肠道各部位,而以末段回肠及其邻近结肠为主,多呈节段性,非对称性分布
diarrhea: an illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often;痢疾,腹泻
Humboldt University: 德国洪堡柏林大学
iconoclast: someone who attacks established ideas and customs;提倡打破旧习的人
New Deal: a programme of economic and social changes that was introduced in the US by President Franklin D. Roovelt in 1933, in order to help people who had lost their jobs or their property as a result of the Great Depression. It included money for farmers to borrow and an important programme of public works;新政(指美国罗斯福在20世纪30年代实施的内政纲领名称)
unemployment compensation: 失业补偿金
well-being: a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy;康乐, 安宁, 福利
socioeconomic: bad on a combination of social and economic conditions; 社会经济学的
come up with: to think of an idea, answer etc; 赶上, 提出
respiratory dia: dia relating to breathing or your lungs; 呼吸道疾病
epidemiologist: someone who studies the way dias spread, and how to control them; 流行病学家
bacterial infection: 细菌感染
staph: staphylococcus; 葡萄球菌
head to head: 交头接耳地
for the time being: for a short period of time from now, but not permanently; 暂时
complication: a medical problem or illness that happens while someone is already ill and makes treatment more difficult; 并发症
shun: to deliberately avoid someone or something; 避开, 避免
in favor: support, approval, or agreement for something such as a plan, idea, or system; 秦时明月龙腾万里赞同
grand total: ud humorously when you think the final total is small; 总数之和
classified: a small advertiment you put in a newspaper to buy or ll something; 分类广告
janitor: someone who job is to look after a school or other large building; 看门人
a mixed bag: something that includes both good and bad parts; 杂集,混合体,大杂烩
jet stream: a current of very strong winds high above the Earth's surface; 急流;喷气流
be cond only to: ud to emphasize that something is nearly the largest, most important etc; 次于...
nonevent: an event that is disappointing becau it is much less interesting, exciting, or important than you expected; 大肆宣扬即将来临而结果未发生之事
papyrus scroll: 古本手卷

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