The ven habits of highly effective people
Part one: Paradigms and Principles 范例和原则
圣罗兰口红色号Inside-out 由内而外全面造就自己
There is no real excellence in all this world which can be parated from right living.
David Starr Jordan
In more than 25 years of working with people in business, university, and marriage and family ttings, I have come in contact with many individuals who have achieved an incredible degree of outward success, but have found themlves struggling with an inner hunger, a deep need for personal congruency and effectiveness and for health, growing relationships with other people.乡镇信访工作总结
I suspect some of the problems they have shared with me may be familiar to you.
I’ve t and met my career goals and I am having tremendous professional success. But it is cost me my personal and family life. I don’t know my wife and children any more. I am not even sure I know mylf and what’s really important to me. I have had to ask mylf---is it worth it?
I’ve started a new diet---for fifth time this year. I know I am overweight, and I really want to change. I read all the information, I t goals, I get mylf all psyched up with a positive mental attitude and tell mylf I can do it. But I do not. After a few weeks, I fizzle. I just can not em to keep a promi I make to mylf.我今年已开始第5次控制饮食。我知道自己身体过重,也的确想改变。我阅读了所有的新资料,确定目标,用积极的态度激励自己,说我是可以做到的。但我并没有做到。几周后,我失败了。我似乎根本不能实现自己的诺言
山东省教师研修网I’ve taken cour after cour on effective management training. I expect a lot out of my employees and I work hard to be friendly toward them and to treat them right. But I don’t feel any loyalty from them. I think if I were home sick for a day, they spend most of their time gabbing at water fountain. Why can’t I train them to be independent and responsible—or find employees who can be?