.... Also, if the proliferation of electronic databa on different formats is any guide, electronic texts might be published in different formats and for various systems-Becau it would require a larger range of skills, reading would require more training. And becau on-line publishing would of necessity be more centralized, Paul Start suggested that it could act idly undermine individual freedom to write and to read.
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←→ On-line publishing also has some sinister possibilities. In the hands of a totalitanan
情境教学法 government, it could be ud to monitor what citizens were reading. When it suited the
regime, the texts of past newspapers, journals, and books could be permanently
[double space]
the scenarios em far-fetched, but it is sobering to remember that books might be destroyed more efficiently by pulling the plug on electronic texts than by throwing large numbers of copies on bonfires.
注释的写法: 一定注意各个标点符号。
I 著作/书
i. 一个作者
Author Name Surname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Name of Publisher, Year of publication), page number.
1. Joph Migga Kizza, Computer Network Security and Cyberethics. (Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2002), 35.
Author Surname晚霞作文300字, Title of Book, page number.
会计工作岗位再次提到该书时,中国教工 如果书名长于四个词,就可以缩短该书名。
2. Kizzh, Computer Network Security, 39.
ii. 两个或三个作者
在该书有两个作者的情况下,用“and” 连接,作者用全名。-
Author Name Surname and Author Name Surname, Title of Book (Place of publication: Name of publisher,Year of publication), page number.
1. Ken Coates and Carin HoIroyd, Japan and the Intemet Revolution (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003), 15.
Author Surname and Author Surname, Title of Book (shortened if more than 4 words), page number.
2. Coates and HoIroyd, Japan and the Internet Revolution, 15.
Author Name Surname and Author Name Surname, “Title of Article,” Title of Journal volume number, no. issue number (Year of publication): page number.
1. Mihir Parikh and Sameer Verma, “Utilizing Internet Technologies to Support Learning:
An Empirical Analysis.” International Journal of Information Management 22, no. 1 (2002): 31
Author Surname, “Title of Article (shortened),” page number.
2. Parikh and Verma,”Utilizing Internet Technologies,” 43.
1. Jeff Bennett, “Environmental Value and Water Policy,” Australian Geographical Studies 41, no.3 (2003): 239, www. /.
ii. 再次提到:
2. Benneu, “Environmental Values,” 247.
1.Tim sprod, 美丽的秋天二年级作文“Philosophy,Young People and Well-being,” Youth Studies Australia 18, no.2 (1999): 13, http: // www.acys.utas.edu.au/ysa/article/ysa-pfs/ysa pp12-16.pdf.
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政治关系 1. Leonard Stazkin, In Cold Type: Overcoming the Book Crisis
(Boston: HoughtonMifflin, 1982).
2. Paul Starr, “ The Electronic Reader,” in Reading in the
19805, ed. Stephen Braubard (New York: Bowker, 1983), 149.
3. Gregory Crane, “‘Hypermedia’ and Scholarly Publishing,” in
Scholarly Publishing , Apr. 1990, 131.
4. Shatzkin, 79. (本项与第一项为同一出处)
5. Stazr, 149. (本项与第二项为同一出处)
6. Elizabeth I.Einstein,The Printing Pre5s asan Agent of Change (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979), 107.
7. Einstein, 72.
8. Welter W. Powell, Books: The Culture and Qmmerce of Book Publishing (New York:Basic Books,1982),97.
9. Einstein, 125.
10. Nicholas E. Davices, “The Health-Scdenees Information Struggle: The Private Information Industry versus The National Library of Medicine,” New England Journal of Medicine 307(15 July 1982), 201.
11. Davices, 202.
12. Starr, 125. (本项与第二项为同一出处)
13. Poweli, 97.
14. Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary E.Curtis, “The Impact of Technology on Scholarly Publishing,” SchoJarly Publishing, Apr. 1982, 10.