Airfreight Clau秋天的梧桐叶 | 空运费扩展条款 |
Camps and Stores Clau | 工棚、库房特别条款 |
Construction / Erection Machinery Clau | 建筑、安装施工机具、设备扩展条款 |
Construction Material Clau | 建筑材料特别条款 |
Construction Plant, Equipment and Machinery Clau | 施工用机器特别条款 |
大嘴鱼 Contract Works Taken over or Put into Service Clau | 工程完工或交付使用部分扩展条款 |
Contractual Liability Clau | 契约责任扩展条款 |
Cost for Decontamination Clau | 清除污染费用扩展条款 |
Crops, Forests and Cultures Clau | 农作物、森林除外条款 |
Cross Liability Clau | 交叉责任扩展条款 |
Construction/Erection Machinery | 建筑、安装施工机具、设备扩展条款 |
Dams and Water Rervoirs Clau | 大坝、水库工程除外特别条款 |
Designer’s Risk Clau | 设计师风险扩展条款 |
Drilling Work for Water Wells Clau | 钻井工程特别条款 |
Earthquake Clau | 地震除外条款 |
Escalation Clau | 自动升值条款 |
Existing Structures and/or Surrounding Property Clau | 原有建筑物及周围财产条款 |
Extended Maintenance Clau | 扩展责任保证期条款 |
Extra Charges Clau | 特别费用扩展条款 |
Fire Extinguishing Expens Clau | 灭火费用条款 |
Fire-Fighting Facilities Claus | 防火设施特别条款 |
First Beneficiary Clau | 第一受益人条款 |
Flood and Inundation Clau | 洪水除外条款 |
Guarantee Period Clau | 保证期特别扩展条款 |
Hydrocarbon Processing Industries Clau 1 | 碳氢化合物加工业特别条款 1 |
Hydrocarbon Processing Industries Clau 2 | 碳氢化合物加工业特别条款 2 |
Inland Transit Clau | 内陆运输扩展条款 |
Laying Water Supply and Sewer Pipes Clau | 铺设供水管、污水管特别条款 |
Leak Search Costs when Laying Pipelines Clau | 埋管查漏费用特别条款 |
Landslides, Detritus and Discharge | |
Maintenance Visits Clau | 有限责任保证期扩展条款 |
Manufacturer’s Risk Clau | 吕蒙怎么死的制造商风险扩展条款 |
Marine Cargo Insurance (50/50) Clau | 运输险、工程险责任分摊条款 |
Millennium Bug Exclusion Clau | 2000年问题除外责任条款 |
No Control Clau | 不可控制条款 |
Nuclear Fuel Elements Clau | 核燃料组件条款 |
Offsite Storage Clau | 工地外储存物特别条款 |
Open Trenches during Laying Pipelines, Ducts and Cables Clau | 铺设管道、电缆特别条款 |
Payment on Account Clau | 预付赔款条款 |
Plans and Documents Clau | 工程图纸、文件特别条款 |
Premium Installment Clau | 分期付款条款 |
Principal's Existing Property or Property Belonging to or Held in Care, Custody by the Insured | 业主现有的或由被保险人看管照料的财产条款 |
Professional Fees Clau | 专业费用特别条款 |
Reactor Pressure Vesl with Internals Clau | 压力反应堆特别扩展条款 |
Removal of Debris Clau | 清除残骸费用扩展条款 |
Removal of Debris from Landslides Clau | 清除滑坡土石方特别除外条款 |
Sections | 分段开挖施工条款 |
Serial Loss | 连续损失特别条款 |
Special Conditions Concerning Safety Measures with Respect to Precipitation, Flood and Inundation | 洪水特约条款 |
Strike, Riot, and Civil Commotion Clau | 罢工、暴乱及民众骚动扩展条款 |
Structures in Earthquake Zones Clau | 地震地区建筑物特别条款 |
Special Conditions Concerning Piling Foundation and Retaining Wall Works | |
Testing Of Machinery and Installations Clau | 机器设备试车考核条款 |
Time Adjustment Clau | 时间调整特别条款 |
Time Schedule Clau | 建筑安装工程时间进度特别条款 |
Tunnels and Galleries Clau | 隧道工程特别除外条款 |
Underground Cables, Pipes and Other Facilities Clau | 地下电缆、管道及设施特别条款 |
Unexploded Bombs Clau | 地下炸弹特别条款 |
Ud Machinery Clau | 旧设备除外条款 |
Unarmoured Seawall Clau | |
Vibration, Removal or Weakening of Support Clau | 震动、移动或减弱支撑扩展条款 |
Waiver of Subrogation Clau against Subsidiary or Parent Company | 放弃代位求偿条款 |
Act of Terrorism Extension Clau | 恐怖活动条款 |
Additional Insured Clau | 附加被保险人条款 |
Advertising Signs & Decorations | 广告及装饰物条款 |
Alteration, Maintenance, Repair and Decoration of the Premis | 扩展在被保险地址内修理责任条款 |
Automatic Cover for New Location Clau | 自动承保新地点条款 |
Babysitting and Beauty Saloon Clau | 照看小孩和美发责任条款 |
Boiler Explosion Clau | 锅炉爆炸条款 |
Building Alterations, Repairs and Maintenance Liability | 建筑物改变及维修条款 |
Canteen, Sports and Social and Welfare Clubs Clau | 社交或体育活动条款 |
Car Parks Liability曼陀山庄 | 停车责任条款 |
Cloak Room Clau | 衣帽间条款 |
Contingent Liability for Contractors & Sub—contractors | 承包人及分包人连带责任条款 |
Contractual Liability Clau | 契约责任条款 |
Cross Liability | 金马奖电影交叉责任条款 |
Defective Sanitary Installation | 活着读后感1000字 缺陷卫生设施条款 |
Delivery Risk Clau | 运送货物扩展条款 |
Displayed Merchandi Extension | 商品展示条款 |
Defective Sanitation Liability Clau | 卫生设备缺陷条款 |
Elevator and Escalator Clau | 电梯责任条款 |
Employees and Partners as Insured Clau | 雇员及合伙人为被保险人条款 |
Error & Omission Clau | 错误和遗漏条款 |
Excess Insurance Clau | 超额保险条款 |
Exhibition Clau | 展览会条款 |
雇员责任条款 | |
Fire & Explosion Extension Clau | 火灾和爆炸责任条款 |
Fire and/or Explosion Legal Liability Clau | 火灾及爆炸法律责任条款 |
Fire Brigade & Water Damage Liability Clau | 灭火及所致水损责任条款 |
First Aid Liability Extension | 急救责任扩展条款 |
First Aid Treatment Clau | 急救条款 |
Fitness Club Clau | 休闲俱乐部条款 |
Food & Drink Poisoning | 食品和饮料责任条款 |
Goods and Services Clau | 提供物品及服务条款 |
Guest's Property Clau | 客人财产责任条款 |
Hired & Non-owned Automobile Liability Clau | 租用以及非自有车辆责任条款 |
Hired and Lead Property Clau | 租用财产条款 |
Hoist, Cranes &/or Unregistered Vehicles Liability Clau | 起重机械及不需注册的车辆责任条款 |
Indemnity to Principal Clau | 赔偿委托人条款 |
Independent Contractors Liability Clau | 独立承包人责任条款 |
Landlord’s Furniture, Fixtures & Fittings under Care Custody & Control of Insured | 被保险人照料、保管或控制下的业主家具、装置及设施条款 |
Landlord’s Liability Clau | 出租人责任条款 |
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