1.()introduced Christianity into Britain. 答案:The Romans
宝绿2.The Roman period witnesd a transition from tribal society to feudalism. ()
1.Oxford Reformers introduced the classical literature to England. ()答案:对
2.Which writer is not an English humanist?()答案:Francesco Petrarch
3.Four great tragedies were written in the fourth period of Shakespeare’s
dramatic career.()答案:错
4.Shakespeare was skilled in many poetic forms: the song, the sonnet, the
couplet, and the dramatic blank ver.()答案:对
5.Shakespeare’s dramatic creation had little adaption from legends and history.
1.Which one of the following poets wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress? ()答
案:John Bunyan
2.Between the Metaphysicals and the Cavaliers there is a similar awareness of
mortality. ()答案:对
1.The Enlightenment began in the 18th century, which was an expression of
struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism. ()答案:对
2.Which one is not the reprentative of the Enlightenment in English
literature? ()答案:John Donne
贝多芬资料3.Addison, Steele and Pope belonged to the school of modernism.()答案:错
4.Which one of the contributions of Addison and Steele to the English literature
十个手指的名称is wrong? ()答案:The English pro established itlf as a literary genre.
1.Sentimentalism appeared in the middle of the18th century. ()答案:对
2.Which one of the following poems is written by the reprentative poet of
ntimentalism? ()答案:“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”
3.Pre-Romanticism in English poetry started in the first half of the 18thcentury.
4.Which one of the following poets is considered the national poet of Scotland?
()答案:Robert Burns
1.Wordsworth specified that the esntial materials of a poem were the inner
feelings of the author, or external objects which have been transformed or
irradiated by the author’s feelings. ()答案:对
2.In the romantic period, lyric poems written in the third person became the绿萝的习性
most esntially poetic of all the genres. ()答案:错
3.While many of the great romantic lyrics begin with an aspect or change of
aspect in the natural scene, this rves only as stimulus to the most
characteristic human activity, that of thinking. ()答案:对
4.Coleridge opened up to poets in the modern world the realm of mystery and
magic, in which materials from ancient folklore, superstition, and
demonology are ud to impress upon the reader the n of occult powers and unknown modes of being. ()答案:对
5.Which one of the following works marks the pinnacle of Scott’s career as a
poet? ()答案:The Lady of the Lake
6.Which one of the following works marks the birth of the historical novel in
English? ()答案:Waverley
7.Scott’s historical novels combine a romantic atmosph ere with a realistic
depiction of historical background and common people’s life. ()答案:对8.Scott’s historical novels paved the way for the development of romantic
novel of the 19th century.()答案:错
1.The new literary trend of critical realism appeared from the thirties of the
19th century, when the struggle between the workers and capitalists became the fundamental contradiction in English social life.()答案:对
2.English critical realism flourished in 1840s and the early 1850s, and entered
a stage of decline in the late 1850s and 1860s. ()答案:对中秋花灯
3.In the following writers, who are reprentatives of English critical realism?
()答案:Emily Brontë;Elizabeth Gaskell ;William Makepeace Thackeray
1.Which one of the following poets is often regarded as the most important
poet of the Victorian age? ()答案:Alfred Tennyson
2.________ stands out among Alfred Tennyson’s poetic achievements. ()答
3.Robert Browning’s poetry is rich in poetic images and melodious language,
and noted for its lyrical beauty and metrical charm. ()答案:错
4. A dramatic story in Robert Browning’s work is not told through action but by
the monologues of the characters concerned. ()答案:对
1.One prominent theme in Tess of the D’Urbervilles is about fate and free will.
But whether the tragedy of Tess is caud by fate or free will is still an open
question at the end of the book. ()答案:对
2.The novel is told from _______ point of view. ()答案:Limited Omniscient
Third Person
3.From the perspective of marriage, Hardy may try to claim that marriage is a
natural act, rather than a social convention. ()答案:错
4.Part of the tragedy of this novel is that Angel idealizes Tess, and thinks of her
as a kind of "every woman," instead of as a unique, individual woman. He
es Tess as a mythic, idealized woman. ()答案:对
1.______ was one of the first English writers to describe in a novel the class
struggle between the workers and the capitalists in “the Hungry Forties”. ()答案:Mrs. Gaskell
2.Like ’s David Copperfield, Jane Eyre is a bildungsroman. ()答案:对
3.The novel Jane Eyre sniffs at the existing Victorian class hierarchy. ()答案:
4.“The madwoman in the attic” reprents all the subverted rage and pain
experienced by Charlotte Brontë. ()答案:对
5.The red-room is a space in which the purity and innocence of childhood meet
the inten and bitter emotions that come with unpleasant life experience –
anger, fear, and anxiety. ()答案:对
1.In “The Wild Swans at Coole”,The meter of line 27, “Among what rushes
will they build,” is _______. ()答案:iambic tetrameter
2.The choppy metrical form of “The Wild Swans at Coole” is not appropriate for
describing the speaker’s weariness at aging. ()答案:错
3.“The Wild Swans at Coole” is partly about the beauty of nature and the
energy that characterizes the natural world. ()答案:对
4.“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” is about Prufrock’s romantic walk with
his love. ()答案:错
1.The style of Mrs. Dalloway is complex, psychological, intricate, and den. ()
2.The writing style of Sons and Lovers is poetic but straightforward. ()答案:
1.Portrait of the Artist is Joyce’s reworking of the classic coming of age story
(the fancy German term is bildungsroman). ()答案:对
2.Joyce’s theory of epiphanies is deep insights t hat might be gained through
incidents and circumstances which em outwardly insignificant. ()答案:
1.In the first and the earliest pha of modernism in English Drama, plays of
George Bernard Shaw and John Galsworthy constitute the category of social
drama modeled on the plays of Ibn. ()答案:对
2.__________ is the most significant and outstanding quality of Modern English
Drama. ()答案:Realism
3.Modern Drama is esntially a drama of action rather than ideas. ()答案:
1.Auden wrote “As I Walked Out One Evening” as a _______. ()答案:ballad
2.In form and meter, what does stay consistent throughout the poem is that
each line contains 3 stresd syllables. ()答案:对
3.This poem has two voices: the poet-speaker and the lover-speaker. ()答案:
4.Larkin’s poetry is marked by understatement, the u of plain language and
bitter unntimentality. ()答案:对
1.In The Golden Notebook, Anna Wulf’s diaries are written in different
coloured notebooks, each corresponding to a different part of herlf. ()答案:对
2. A story about the making of a story, the problems of creating and
constructing it, The Golden Notebook is a work of “metafiction”. ()答案:对3.The strategic silences and repressions in A Pale View of Hills (1982) and An
Artist of the Floating World (1986) are psychological portraits of how
characters cope with war trauma. ()答案:对