专业英语八级(阅读)模拟试卷189 (题后含答案及解析)红烧鸡块炖土豆
题型有:1. (4)But is pre-eminent ability a reliable predictor of success? It doesn’最新百家姓t guarantee victory at the polls. Henry Clay was master of legislative fines who helped broker the Missouri Compromis of 1820-1821, a deal between slave states and free states that kept the two sides from each other’美容膏s throats for 30 years. Yet he failed to become President in three tries. Great achievements don’儿童枕头t guarantee great presidencies even when the pre-eminent man wins. The Einhower Administration, scorned by eggheads of the left and right while it was going on, has been revid upward by later scholars, and a similar process is lifting Grant’我用残损的手掌s presidency from the cellar to which an unholy alliance of neo-Confederates and genteel reformers had consigned it. But neither man will ever be considered as great in peace as he was in war. (5)There have also been ordinary-eming politicians who became epoch-making Presidents. After the 1932 Democratic Convention picked New York Governor Franklin D. Roovelt, journalist H. L. Mencken described him as a man “who competence was plainly in doubt.我和2035有个约” The Republican nomination of one-term Illinois Congressman Abraham Lincoln in 1860 brought
this sneer from diarist George Templeton Strong: “He cut a great many rails, and worked on a flatboat in early youth; all which is somehow presumptive evidence of his statesmanship.文明礼仪标语” (6)Statesmanship is an art, which means there is always room for inspiration, and for grace. We are right to look for a record of pre-eminent ability when we can find it. But the basic doctrine of republican government, that all men are created equal, can be a surpri bonus for some leaders, as well as a guarantee of rights for all of us. Sometimes greatness appears in unlikely places, even in ordinary pols from Illinois.