
更新时间:2023-06-07 17:51:28 阅读: 评论:0

Weld robot application prent condition
According to incompletely statistics, the whole world about has in the industrial robot of rvice nearly half of industrial robots is ud for multiform weld to process realm, weld robot of application in mainly have two kinds of methods most widespreadly, then order Han and electricity Hu Han.What we say's welding robot is in fact welding to produce realm to replace a welder to be engaged in the industrial robot of welding the task.The weld to have plenty of to design for being a certain to weld a way exclusively in the robot of, but majority ofly weld robot in fact is an in general u industrial robot to pack up a certain weld tool but constitute.In many task environments, a t robot even can complete include weld at inside of grasp a thing, porterage, install, weld, unload to anticipate etc. various tasks, robot can request according to the procedure with task property and automatically replace the tool on the robot wrist, the completion corresponds of task.Therefore, come up to say from a certain meaning, the development history of industrial robot is the development history that welds robot.
Know to all, weld to process to request that welder have to have well-trained operation technical ability, abundant fulfillment experience, stability of weld level;It is still a kind of labor condition bad, many smoke and dust, hot the radiation is big, risk Gao of work.The emergence of the industrial robot makes people naturally thought of first the handicraft that replace a person with it welds and eas the welder'
s labor strength, can also promi to weld quality and exaltation to weld an efficiency at the same time.
However, weld again with other industry process process different, for example, electricity Hu Han process in, drive welder piece becau of part heat melt with cool off creation transform, the Han ws of the track will therefore take place to change.Handicraft Han the experienced welder can w position according to the actual Han obrved by eyes adjustment Han in good time the position, carriage of the gun and run about of speed to adapt to the variety that the Han ws a track.However the robot want to adapt to this kind of variety, have to the position and status of gun that want to"e" this kind of to change, then adopt homologous measure to adjust Han like person first, follow while carrying out to w actually to the Han.Becau the electricity Hu welds to have in process strong arc light, give or get an electric shock Hu noi, smoke and dust and Rong drop transition unsteady and causable Han silk short circuit, big electric current strong magnetic field etc. complicated environment factor of existence, the robot wants to examine and identifies a withdrawing of the signal characteristic needed for wing Han and don't em to be industrial the other in the manufacturing to process the examination of process so easily, therefore, welding the
application of robot is to ud for to give or get an electric shock the process of Hu Han in the beginn
Actually, industrial robot at welded the application of realm to produce on-line electric resistance to order a Han beginning from the car asmble at the earliest stage.The reason lies in the process that the electric resistance orders Han opposite more simple, control convenient, and not need Han to w a track follow, to the accuracy of the robot and repeat the control of accuracy have lower request.Order the Han robot asmbles to produce a great deal of on-line application to consumedly rai the rate of production that the car asmble welds and weld quality in the car, at the same time again have a gentle characteristics for welding, then want ~only change procedure, can produce in the same on-line carry on asmble to weld to different cars type.
班级管理的原则BE born till the beginning of this 80's in century from the robot, the robot technique experienced a development process of long term slowness.90's, along with the rapid development of calculator technique, micro-electronics technique, and , the robot technique is also flown soon a development.The manufacturing level, control speed and control accuracy and dependable x etc. of industrial robot continuously rais, but manufacturing cost and price of robot continuously descend.Is social in the west, with contrary robot price BE, the person's labor force cost contains the trend to continuously increa.United Nations European Economic Committee(UNECE)
statistics from the variety curve of 1990-2000 years of the robot price index number and labor force cost index number.Among them the robot price of 1990 index number and labor force cost the index number is all reference to be worth 100, go to 2000, labor force cost index number is 140, incread 40%;But robot under the sistuation that consider a quality factor the price index number is lower than 20, lowered 80%, under the sistuation that take no account of a quality factor, the price index number of robot is about 40, lowered 60%.Here, the robot price that takes no account of a quality factor means actual price of the robot of now with compared in the past;And consider that the quality factor means becau the robot make the exaltation of craft technique level, manufacturing quality and function of robot even if want also under the condition of equal price compare high before, therefore, if presd the past robot equaled quality and function to consider, the price index number of robot should be much lower.
Can e from here, national in the west, becau the exaltation of labor force cost brings not small pressure for business enterpri, but the lowering of robot price index number coincidentally expands application to bring a chance further for it again.Reduce the equipments investment of employee and increment robot, when their expens attains some one balance point, the benefit of adoption robot obviously wants to compare to adopt the
benefit that the artificial brings big, it on the other hand can consumedly rai the automation level of producing the equipments and rai to labor rate of production thus, at the same time again can promote the product quality of business enterpri, rai the whole competition ability of business enterpri.Although robot 1 time invests a little bit greatly, its daily maintenance and consume is more opposite than its to producing far is smaller than completing the artificial expens that the same task consumes.Therefore, from farsighted e, the production cost of product also consumedly lowers.But the robot price lower to make some small and medium enterpris invest to purcha robot to become easy to accomplish.Therefore, the application of industrial robot is soon flown a development in every trade.According to the UNECE statistics, the whole world has 750,000 in 2001 t the industrial robot is ud for industry manufacturing realm, among them 389,000 in Japan, 198,000 in EU, 90,000 in North America, 73,000 at rest nation.Go to at the end of 2004 the whole world to have at least in the industrial robot of rvice about 1,000,000.
Becau the robot controls the exaltation of speed and accuracy and particularly give or get an electric shock the development that the Hu spreads a feeling machine to combine to weld in the robot in get an application, make the robot give or get an electric shock the Han of Hu Han to w a track to follow and control a problem to some extent and get very solution, the robot welds in the car
to make the medium application orders Han to soon develop into the car zero from originally more single car asmble parts and electricity Hu within asmble process Han.Robot's giving or getting an electric shock the biggest characteristics of Hu Han is gentle, can immediately pass to weave a distance at any time a change to weld a track and weld quence, therefore most be applicable to quilt welder piece the species variety is big, the Han w short but many, product with complicated shape.This at the right moment again characteristics according to car manufacturing.Being the renewal speed of the particularly modern social car style is very quick, adopting the car production line of robot material can nicely adapt to this kind of variety.
Moreover, robot's giving or getting an electric shock Hu Han not only ud for a car manufacturing industry, but also can ud for other manufacturing industries that involve to give or get an electric shock Hu Han, like shipbuilding, motorcycle vehicle, boiler, heavy type machine etc..Therefore, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the application of Hu Han gradually extensive, on the amount greatly have exceed the robot order the power of Han.
Along with car reducing in weight manufacturing the technical expansion, some high strong metal alloy materials and light metal alloy material(is like aluminum metal alloy, and magnesium ) get an application in the material in the car structure.The materials' welding usually can
not solve with the welding of tradition method, have to adopt
to lately weld a method and weld a craft.Among them, Gao power lar Han and agitation rub Han etc. to have to develop a potential most .Therefore, robot and Gao power lar Han and agitation rub combining of Han to become inevitable trend.Be like the public in Shanghai to wait domestic to most have the car manufacturer of real strenght in fact at their new car type manufacturing process in have already in great quantities ud robot lar to weld.
电话英语怎么说Give or get an electric shock Hu Han to compare with robot, robot lar the Han of the Han ws to follow accuracy to have higher request.According to the general request, the robot gives or gets an electric shock the Han of Hu Han(include GTAW and GMAW) to w to follow accuracy to control in 1| of the electrode or the Han silk diameter 2 in, at have the condition that fill the silk under the Han w to follow accuracy to loon appropriately.But to lar Han, the lar projects light upon the light spot in the work piece surface while welding diameter usually at 0.6 in, is farer small than Han silk diameter(be usually bigger than 1.0), but the lar weld usually and not add to fill Han silk, therefore, the lar is welding if only the spot position has a little bit deviation, then will result in to be partial to Han and leak Han.Therefore, the robot lar of the public in Shanghai's car car crest Han in addition to pack in the work tongs up adopt measure to prevent from welding to transform, still just the robot l华东师范大学录取分数线
ar Han gun front installed the high accuracy lar of SCOUT company in Germany to spread a feeling machine to ud for Han to w a following of track.白碧
The structure form of industrial robot is a lot of, in common uly have right angle to sit mark type, flexible type, and crawl by mark type, many joints by mark type, surface of sphere by mark type, pillar noodles, according to different u still at continuously development in.It is many robots of joint types of the mimicry person's arm function to weld what robot can adopt a different structure form according to the applied situation of dissimilarity, but u at most currently, this becau the arm vivid of many joint type robots is the biggest, it can make space position and carriage of Han gun adjust into arbitrarily the status weld by satisfying a demand.Theoretically speak, the joint of robot is many more, the freedom degree is also many more, the joint redundancy degree is big more, and the vivid is good more;But also go against the sitting of kinetics control of marking the transformation and each joint position for robot to bring complexity at the same time.Becau weld to usually need in the process with the space right angle sit to mark the Han on the reprentative work piece to w position conversion for the Han gun carry the space position and carriage of department and pass robot again go against the kinetics compute a conversion for to the control of robot each joint angle position, but the solution of this transformation process usually is
婚礼上的祝福n't unique, the redundancy degree is big, solve more many more.How lect by examinations the steady that the quite the chee solution weld s to exerci in the process to
the robot very important.Different treatment of system to this problem of the robot control doesn't exert a homology.
Is general to come to speak, have 6 controls request of positions and space carriages that the robots of joints basically can satisfy a Han gun, 3 among tho freedoms degree(XYZ) space position ud for controling a Han gun to carry a department, another 3 freedom degrees(ABC) are ud for the space carriage that controls a Han gun.Therefore, currently weld robot majority as 6 joint types.
For some weld situation, work piece becau of leading big or the space is veral what the shape is too complicated, make the Han gun of welding the robot can not arrive appointed Han to w position or Han gun carriage, have to pass the freedom degree of the way increment robot of increasing 1~3 exterior stalks at this time.Usually have two kinds of way of doings:One is the orbit that the robot Be packed to to move small car or Dragon gate up, the homework space of extension robot;Two is to let the work piece move or turn, make work piece up of weld the homework space that the part gets into robot.Also have of adopt two kinds of above-mentioned ways at the same time, let the welding of work piece part and robots all be placed in the best weld position.
Weld the plait distance of robot method currently still with on-line show and teach a way(Teach-in) is lord, but wove the interface ratio of distance machine to have many improvements in the past, particularly is the adoption of LCD sketch monitor and make and weld the plait distance of the robot interface lately gradually friendly, operation more easy.However robot plait distance Han's wing the key point on the track to sit to mark position still have to pass to show to teach the way how to obtain, then deposit the sport instruction of procedure.This ws track to some Hans of complicated shapes to say, have to cost a great deal of time to show to teach and lowered the u efficiency of robot thus and also incread the labor strength of weaving the distance personnel.The method that solves currently includes 2 kinds:
One is show to teach a plait distance just rough obtain a few Hans to w a few keys on the track to order, then spread a feeling machine(usually is give or get an electric shock Hu to spread feeling machine or lar n of vision to spread a feeling machine) through the n of vision of welding the robot of auto follow the actual Han w a track.Although this way still cans not get away from to show to teach a plait distance,this way cans ea to show the strength of teaching the plait distance to some extent and rais to weave a distance efficiency.But becau of the characteristics of electricity Hu Han, the n of vision of robot spreads a feeling machine be not w forms to all apply to all Hans.
Two is the way that adopts a completely off-line plait distance, make the robot weld

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