Surgical nursing外科护理学
Instrument packs 595器械包
Postoperative care 597术后护理
Abdominal surgery 598腹部外科
Aural 603耳部/听觉
Integument 605皮肤
Ophthalmic 608眼睛
Orthopedic 611矫形外科
Reproductive tract surgery 614生殖道外科
Thoracic surgery 618 胸腔外科
Urogenital tract surgery 620泌尿道外科
Many of the listed surgical procedures may not be performed in the average clinical tting. however ,at one point or another, technicians will be faced with having to explain a particular procedure to a client.许多列举的手术操作在普通的临床环境没有办法操作。然而,技术人员经常会面临要将特殊的操作解释给主人。The descriptions are not meant as directions on how to perform the procedure ,but rather a quick synopsis that will allow the technician to prepare for the procedure, manage patient care, and clearly explain the procedure and aftercare to a client who pet may be undergoing the procedures. 这些描述不是作为如何进行手术操作的指导,而是一种能够让技术人员准备手术,进行患畜护理的概要和能够将患畜即将面临的操作和术后护理清晰的将给主人。
With every surgical procedure, pain management needs to be addresd and handled.Refer to chapter 8,Pain Management, for more information.
Instrument packs器械包
The packs are examples of the instruments included in basic surgical packs.Each clinic will need to organize packs that best fit their surgery type and surgeon.Each surgeon has preferences on individual types of instruments for different surgeries .Each pack may include gauze,laparotomy pad
s,towels ,saline bowl,needles,sutures,and scalpel blades ,or they may be prepared parately.
乌龙绞柱选择个人喜好的器械。每个器械包应该包含纱布,毛巾,缝针,手术刀片,创巾等或者它们需要单独包装。Basic surgical packs基本外科器械包
Abdominal pack腹部手术器械包
Abdominal forceps腹部镊子
Abdominal retractors腹壁牵开器
Balfour retractor
General surgical pack一般的外科包
Groovrd director
Needle holders持针器
Scalpel handle解剖刀柄
Spay hook卵巢牵引钩
Thumb forceps按捏镊,组织镊
Tissue forceps组织镊
Towel clamps巾钳
Laceration pack伤口缝合器械包
Needle holder持针器
Scalpel handle解剖刀柄
Thumb forceps按捏镊,组织镊
Ophthalmic pack眼科器械包
Eyelid forceps 眼睑镊
Eyelid retractor 开睑器,睑牵开器
Lacrimal cannulas泪管插管
Needle holders持针器
Scalpel handle解剖刀柄
Thumb forceps有齿镊
Orthopedic pack矫形外科器械包
Bone drill骨钻
Bone chuck and key骨卡盘和钥匙
保护环境Bone-cutting forceps骨剪
Bone-holding forceps持骨钳
自我期望Bone rasps and files骨锉和?
Gigli handles and wire
Rothopedic wire
爱好及特长Periosteal elevator骨膜起子,骨膜分离器,骨膜剥离器
Pin cutter剪钉钳,钢丝钳,断针钳
Senn retractor
Volkmann retractor
Wire-cutting scissors线剪
Thoracic pack胸部手术器械包
General surgical pack instruments with long handles 常规外科器械包内的长柄器械Rib retractors肋骨牵开器
Wilson rib spreader Wilson肋骨牵开器
Bone-cutting forceps骨剪
Right-angle forceps直角钳
Vesl clamps导管夹,动脉止血钳
Bulldog clamp显微外科用的无损伤钳,动脉夹
Specialized surgical packs特殊的外科器械包
Many instruments may be ud only on occasion and should be t aside in parate packs.Instruments weaken with constant scrubbing and autoclaving and should therefore not be subjected to unnecessary sterilization.The instrument type and number included in each of the packs will depend on surgeon preference.
Biopsy//thephine pack活组织检查包
Curette pack刮匙包
Hemostat pack止血钳包
好家庭Implant t植入物放置
Periosteal elevator pack骨膜起子,骨膜分离器,骨膜剥离器包
Pin t
Retractor pack牵引器包
Screw t suction tips and tubing pack螺丝钉吸引头和?包
Postoperative care术后护理
The success of each surgical procedure often lies in the patient care that follows the procedure.This often ends with the client to continue at home care.Clear and conci instructions are critical to enable this transition to occur successfully. Clients should be strongly encouraged to phone for any questions or concerns ari. Follow-up phone calls 1-2days after a surgical procedure by the staff will also encourage client communication.牢骚
Skill box 12-1 /Standard postoperative care instructions
Feed only half of the normal food and water the first evening after surgery
迎新春作文Check incision daily for redness, swelling,,discharge, or odor
一起玩的游戏Prevent licking,chewing,or rubbing at incision line or sutures
Keep the animal and/or bandages dry and clean
Avoid bathing or swimming until suture removal or for 5-7days with sc Sutures
Phone the doctor if any of the following occur:
Repeated vomiting
Extreme listlessness
Bleeding or discharge
Loss of appetite for >24 hours
Opened incision lines
如果遇到以下情况请致电医生:反复呕吐、非常没有精神、出血或者渗出、>24小时没有食欲、伤口开线Skill box 12-2 /preventing licking,chewing,or rubbing at incision site or sutures
1 u an elizabethan collar(e-collar,neck brace,etc.)at all time
2 apply ,soft padded bandage,hobbles,or schroeder-thomas splint with sheet aluminum)
3 Foul-tasting , bitter apple, atropine, tabasco, or thumb-sucking preparations)