1.In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could e the new
cars,with their outlandish fins,passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck.
难词注解:turnpike:n. 收费公路
outlandish a.奇怪的,古怪的
写字楼租赁合同dealt: deal的过去时,在此意思是发牌;deck:一副纸牌
语法分析:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could e the 地点状语 主语 谓语 状语 主语 谓语 new cars. with their outlandish fins. passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an 宾语 定语 伴随状语
endless deck.
意群训练:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpikeand we could e the new cars. with their outlandish fins. passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck.
2.“No, I won't ride with rvicemen‐ ,”said my casually ditious father, as he slowed down
and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.
难词注解:ditious a.煽动性的
stunned a. 震惊的, 惊讶的
duffle bag帆布行李袋
语法分析:“No, I won't ride with rvicemen,”said my casually ditious father, as he slowed 谓语 主语
down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically
状语 主语 offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting 定语 谓语 宾语 伴随状语
smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.
意群训练:“No, I won't ride with rvicemen,” said my casually ditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I.
patriotically offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.
3.Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who offer humor
minars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved productivity.
难词注解:dole out发放
语法分析:Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who
主语 谓语 宾语 间接宾语 offer humor minars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved
定语 状语
意群训练:Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who offer humor minars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved productivity.
4.By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed me in ways I
cannot predict. perhaps in ways profound, perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lo a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different.
难词注解:arrogance n.傲慢,自大
语法分析:By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed me in 状语 主语 谓语 宾语 补语 主语 谓语 宾语 ways I cannot predict,perhaps in ways profound. perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lo 状语 状语
a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking
at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different.
意群训练:By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed mein ways I cannot predict. perhaps in ways profound, perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lo
a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking
at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different.
5.One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist becau of where one went to
school or who influence one happened to come under as becau of a compelling early respon to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.灯谜及答案
compelling a.引起兴趣的
语法分析:One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist becau of where one
主语谓语 谓语 宾语
went to school or who influence one happened to come under as becau of a compelling 状语
early respon to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.
意群训练:One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist becau of where one went to school or who influence one happened to come under as becau of a compelling early respon to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system.
6.Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you
can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little moment of superiority.
难词注解:sneak up悄悄地接近
语法分析:Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a 谓语 宾语 条件状语 minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have
条件状语 谓语宾语
a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little
moment of superiority.
意群训练:Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have
a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little
moment of superiority.
7.The predominant fashion among rious writers has been to consider any recognizable
concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwi spotless face of art.
难词注解:blemish n.缺点
语法分析:The predominant fashion among rious writers has been to consider any
主语 定语 谓语
recognizable concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwi spotless face 宾语 宾语 介词短语 of art.
意群训练:The predominant fashion among rious writers has been to consider any recognizable concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwi spotless face of art.怎么查名下房产
8.Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected
to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth‐century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to em “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
难词注解:acclaim vt.向…欢呼,为…喝彩
render vt.提供
语法分析:Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be 主语 定语 插入语 谓语
expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth‐century novelists, who 不定式 定语
believed that their first duty was to try to em “pleasant,” and that to do so they must
render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
意群训练:Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth‐century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to em “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.”
9.The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a
problem, the collection of relevant data through obrvation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypothes that aim to solve the problem.
难词注解:hypothesis n.假说,假设,前提
语法分析:The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the
主语 谓语 宾语
identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through obrvation and
定语 定语
experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypothes that aim to solve the
意群训练:The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through obrvation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypothes that aim to solve the problem.
10.Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to rai financial support at a rate nearly triple that of
the rest of society, the scientific community may have promid too much too soon.
难词注解:triple v.(使)增至三倍
语法分析:Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to rai financial support at a rate nearly 插入语 状语 状语 谓语 宾语 介词短语 triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promid too much too 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语 状语
意群训练:Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to rai financial support at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promid too much too soon.
11.Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not
being ud, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain nsitivities, and that to lo any nsitivity or awareness is limiting and unwi.
难词注解:intuition n.直觉
atrophy v.萎缩,衰退
mediate v.调停, 斡旋
apprehension n.忧惧
语法分析:Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy 主语 谓语 补语 从句
30周胎儿through not being ud, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension
of the world does lead to the loss of certain nsitivities, and that to lo any nsitivity or
awareness is limiting and unwi.
意群训练:Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not being ud, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain nsitivities, and that to lo any nsitivity or awareness is limiting and unwi.
12.If there is a scientific rather than a ntimental answer, it might be one analogous to
recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species. The more the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally centralized, the more homogenized its ways of living, the more the dangers of sameness become apparent.
难词注解:ntimental a.感伤的;多愁善感的
analogous a.相似的
paramount a.极为重要的, 至高无上的
homogenize v.使均匀,使一致
语法分析:If there is a scientific rather than a ntimental answer, it might be one