
更新时间:2023-06-07 11:27:49 阅读: 评论:0

The law does not define exactly, but trusts in the judgement of a good man.法律并不做(过于)详尽规定,而委诸善良之人进行判断。好看的古风图片
The legislators do not care for tho things which rarely happen.立法者不关心稀罕之事。
In law, the proximate, not the remote cau is regarded.法律只究近因,不问远因。
There is no rule without a fault.有规则必有缺陷。
Every exception itlf is also a rule.例外自身也是一条规则。潮汕民俗
The smallest circumstance may change the law.最微小的环境变化也可能导致法律的变化。
Common error sometimes pass current as law.反复出现的普遍错误也会成为法律。
Principles prove, and they are not proved.原则用来证明而本身不需进行证明。
The law delights in equity; it covets perfection; it is a rule of right.法律悦纳平衡,渴求完美,规定正义。
The greatest charity is to do justice to every one and at any time whenever it may be necessary.最大的善就是公正对待每个人,并且在任何需要时候都是如此。
Reason and authority are the two brightest lights of the world.理性和权威是世界上最明亮的两个灯塔。
What can be excud or extenuated in criminal cas by necessity is not so in civil ones.紧急需要在刑事案件中免除、减轻罪责,但在民事案件却不免除、减轻责任。
Equity is a specie of equality or equalization.衡平法帮助无知者,但不帮助粗心大意的人。
The express agreement of parties overcomes the law.双方当事人明示的协议胜过法律。
Private law is subject to the protection of public law.私法在公法的保护之下。董字怎么写
A public law or right cannot be altered by the agreement of private persons.公法或公共权利不因私人间的协议而改变。
When the common law and statute law concur, the common law is to be preferred.普通法与指定法向冲突时,普通法优先。
General things do not derogate from special things.一般不废除特殊;一般法不会损害特别法。
Precedents that pass sub silentio are of little or no authority.默默无闻的先例是很少有权威性。
No man can forfeit the right of another.任何人都不得剥夺他人的权利。
Where there is a right, there is a remedy.有权利必有救济。
T here is no wrong without a remedy.没有救济就谈不上侵权。
Remedies for rights are ever favorably extended. 权利救济的途径越宽越好。
Time runs against the slothful and tho who neglect their rights.时间总是对那些懒汉和忽视自身权利者不利。
Everything is permitted, which is not forbidden by law.法不禁止即自由。
When doubts ari, the most generous and benign presumptions are to be preferred.如果出现疑问,就应该优先选择最宽容和仁慈的推定。
Extremely difficult things are regarded as impossibility.极度困难即视为不可能。
The fault of another should not do injury to us.责任应当自负。
Ignorance of fact excus, ignorance of the law does not excu.对事实无知可以免责,对法律无知不可免责。
Supreme power can dissolve, but cannot bind itlf.最高权力可以解散,但是不可能约束自己。
Ever jurisdiction has its bounds.每一种管辖权都有其界限。
时间简史的作者什么运动最减肥In the prence of the superior power, the inferior power ceas.在上级出面时,下级就不再行使其权力。
The power derived cannot be greater than that from which it is derived.派生之权力,不能比原权力大。
A power is strictly interpreted.对权力应从严解释。
It is the province of a judge to declare the law, not to give it.法官的职责是宣布法律而不是创立法律。
No one ought to depart out of the court of chancery without a remedy.任何人都不应在大法官法庭中未得到救济就空手而归。
If you judge, understand.如果你要进行审判,就要了解案情、懂得法律、理解人情世故。
Want of finality in law is reprehensible.法无终局,应受责难。
The judge does not demand more than the plaintiff demands.法官不鞥提出比原告更多的要求。
To a judge who exceeds his office or jurisdiction no obedience is due.对超越自己职权和管辖权的法官就不应遵从。
It is improper to pass an opinion in any part of a ntence without examining the whole.若未审查整个句子,那么对句子中任何部分的意见都不可信。
An error in the name is nothing when there is certainty as to the person.若能够确定本人,名字的错误就无关紧要。英文金曲
Wills ought to have the broadest interpretation.对遗嘱应作广义解释。
A jurisdiction act by a judge without jurisdiction is void; but a ministerial act, from whomsoever proceeding, may be ratified.没有司法管辖权的法官所作的司法行为是无效的,但一项行政行为,不论由谁做出,都是可以事后追认的。聚集反义词
When opinions are equal, a defendant is acquitted.当控辩双方理由持平时,应宣告被告人无罪。
Sunday is not a day in law.法律不计星期日。
It is the office of the judge to instruct the jury of points of law, it is the office of the jury to decide on matters of fact.向陪审团指示法律是法官的职责,决定实施问题是陪审团的职责。
A personal action dies with the person. (This must be understood of an action for a tort only).关于人身的诉讼随着个人的死亡而结束(这应理解为仅限于侵权之诉)。
An action is not given to him who has received no damages.没有损害就没有诉讼。
All actions in the world are limited within certain periods.世上一切诉讼都是有审结期限的。
He who renounces his action once, cannot any more repeat it.一旦放弃诉讼,就不能再次提起。
A plea of that matter the dissolution of which is sought(by the action)is of no effect.(通过诉讼)对已经获解决的问题再提出请求是徒劳的。
It is for the public interest that the decision of cas should be final.诉讼裁决的终局性,符合公共利益的要求。

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