The Color Purple is one of the masterpieces of Alice Walker. Her work, along with that of such writers as Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor, is commonly associated with the Afro-American women‟s literature. Alice Walker‟s attitude towards race, gender, class issue and her interest in the people and nature of Africa, are rooted deeply in her literary works. So I want to give an analysis on the inner world of Alice Walker in The Color Purple. This thesis can be divided into three parts: her views of racism, her views of feminism, and her views of Africa.
The first chapter discuss Alice Walker‟s thought on racial oppression in The Color Purple. This chapter will support my view from two black images. From the two characters, we can deeply understand Walker‟s view on her anti-racism.
The cond chapter analyzes Alice Walker‟s thought on pioneering Feminism in The Color Purple. Walker regards “sisterhood” as the solution to realize women‟s consciousness-raising and to strive for final freedom. Cilice, Shag, Nettie, Sophia and other black women should struggle together for their freedom and happy life.
The third chapter discuss special feelings towards Africa. Walker shows her sympathy for the African
s. They live in bad conditions. They are aggresd by the strong European countries. Alice Walker also thinks that the original reason why Africans fall behind the strong European countries is education.
In a word, the description about the different characters and their different fates in the end refle ct Alice Walker‟s spiritual world.
Key words spiritual world anti-racism view feminism thought Africa complex
总之, 通过对小说中不同人物形象和非洲情结的分析和探讨从而使我们对艾丽斯·沃克的精神世界有更深层次的理解。
Contents Acknowledgement (i)
Abstract (ii)
Abstract (Chine) (iii)陈柏宇
Introduction (1)
Chapter One Alice W alker’s Anti-Racism Thought in The Color Purple (4)
1.1 Sofia‟s Disobedient Image (4)
孙武1.2 Cilice‟s Father—the V ictim of the Racial Oppression (5)
Chapter Two Alice W alker’s Pioneering Feminism View in The Color Purple (6)
2.1The Process of Cilice‟s Independence (6)
2.2The Success of Nettie‟s Pursuit of Freedom and Self-renewal (7)
Chapter Three Alice W alker’s African Complex Idea in The . (8)
3.1Alice Walker‟s Y earning and Love for Africa (8)
3.2Alice Walker‟s Hatred of the Colonists (9)西兰花的做法大全
Conclusion (11)
Notes (12)
Bibliography (13)
At this level of my rearch, I decide to lect the Inner World of Alice Walker in The Color Purple as my rearch motives and objectives. Walker began publishing her fiction and poetry during the later years of the black Arts movement in the 1960s. Her work, along with that of such writers as Toni Morrison and Gloria Naylor, is commonly associated with the Afro-American women‟s literature. Alice Walker‟s attitude towards race, gender, class issue and her interest in the people and nature of Africa, are rooted deeply in her literary works. So this paper gives an analysis on the inner world of Alice Walker in The Color Purple. It can be divided into three parts: her views of racism, her views of feminism, and her views of Africa. The Color Purple attracts many readers.
The Color Purple is Alice Walker‟s most successful literary work. She writes in different ways to indicate race, gender, class issues in America and her interest in the people and nature of Africa to make the novel full and show its permanent artistic charms and literary values.
In “Reading The Color Purple,Alice Walker”, an essay published in 1989, Bell Hook says that being a black woman and growing up in the black community, Walker has a sharp and through insight to the black women‟s plight. Black men may be victimized by racism, but xism allows them to act as expl
oiters and oppressors of women. White women may be victimized by xism, but racism enables them to act as exploiters and oppressors of black people. Black women have no institutionalized …other‟ to discriminate against, exploit, or oppress. They have a n experience of life that directly challenges the prevailing classist, xist, racist social structure and its concomitant idea.
John Cullen, making a study of the end of Ethiopians in The Color Purple tells us that Walker expos the alienating effects of patriarchal Christianity on African Americans, and compassionately but thoroughly condemns black American missionaries who in ignorance sought to transmit this alienation to Africa. They therefore obey colonial rule and target religious, cultural, and political and spiritual colonization on the black people.
In “On Cilice‟s Construction of Female Subjectivity i n Alice Walker‟s The Color Purple” by
Chu Yan from Northeast Normal University, published in 1994, she explores the procedure of Cilice‟s construction of her female subjectivity and penetrates the difficult process in which Cilice arches for and established her lfhood and gains her independence.
In “ Black Wave: Alice Walker ” by Fan Gexin in Foreign Literature Studies, published in 1995, he says that in The Color Purple , patriarchal oppression to women can be en through patriarchal do
mination of Cilice‟s body and minds by her stepfather and her husband, and Harp‟s patriarchal ideology toward women. Cilice‟s suffering life is abud by her stepfather and her husband. Her nature is distorted, which caus her inner deadness. Harp accepts his father‟s conception that Sofia should obey him. He should be dominant and authoritative. Unfortunately, Sofia is not Cilice, and she does not obey what Harp said, which make him confu.
高一陈述报告In “Bixual Regression and Feminism in T he Color Purple” by Zhang Shuju in Anhui Literature Studies, published in 2008, she points out that Walker regarded the friendship among women as the most important strength in helping them discovering and constructing their own individuality, what is more, this idea caus other phenomenon: homoxuality. This kind of abnormal love develops under the oppression of patriarchy. While depicting the process of the female helping mutually and marching towards the new life, Walker has introduced the Blues music, which shows the psychological growth of the characters and gradual development of “sisterhood”. Studying the singer Shrug A very‟s creation and performance for Cilice, the Blue music shows inten caprice and entity. For this reason each woman‟s singing prents her own personality, and indicates the regeneration and independence nature. Singing the Blues music symbolizes the mutual conversation and the establishment of unity among the black women.
In “On the image of God in T he Color Purple”,a thesis of master‟s degree from Central China Normal University, published in 2008, Yang Yuqing says that this novel is an epistolary novel: the book is written in the form of letters. The central character Cilice has her own religious belief in her life. According to the depiction of Cilice‟s growth and the process of awakening, she has her own understanding of the Christ. She has the conception that God is a white man. This thesis mainly describes the characters‟ religio us n and the change of it, which show the process of Cilice‟s winning independence and the change of her idea a bout “God”. Walker want s to inspire the black women in America and Africa that they should be their own dominators, and they should fight against patriarchal domination and racial discrimination for their own freedom.