Analyst U
幼儿园开学工作方案R(Resolution Optimization)¤q(Calibration)重庆市政协
《人生》路遥o q, ©b”API Instrument “ªproject U.
R(Manual Calibration and Resolution Optimization):
1-1. w”API instrument” Project. ±MassSpecOnly ªw t m(hardware profile) .
1. ¦b s u C Manual Tuning, ¦i H Exhaust ®y n}w
]o k(Acquisition Method).创业板退市规则
2.}o k(.dam) (p Q1PosPPGxxxxxx.dam, Q1NegPPGxxxxxx.dam,
Q3PosPPGxxxxxx.dam or Q3NegPPGxxxxxx.dam; xxxxxx N).
3. ¬o k X{Tune Method Editor ª.
1-2. j s U U]w(¥]t U,¦p Gas, Compound, Resolution ¤ De-tector). w u{v w N o]w w]. [½N API 2000]. ¨o k一诺千年
w]Q[y(10 MCA Scans). °w API 1xx/3xx/2000/3000t l y[Negative mode] PPG 3000 ®G. ¹API 1xx/3xx/
2000l y [Positive mode]¨ PPG Standard (or PPG 1000/2000) ®G. ¹API 3000 «h Q}PPG Standard (PPG 1000/2000) ®
G. {µ}G t k U.}高中宿舍
H g w l L G g w(syringe pump)¤W, s g w]w;
]A g w D y t(¥l y5µL/min t l y10µL/min)¨
G l. [½N, D u P H D L G,¦]
n~T X{]
1-3. Start ¥H o10 scans MCA (ªN MCA ¼b Advanced MS ¼U). ¦b k U k I Open Files, ÃH U Q}(¦API2000).
Calibrate from Spectrum, ‘Mass Calibration Options’ªX{.
d O P W z P[½N API2000y]t2242.637H
q]t384.296]t616.464]. ¿A q[Reference File]. ·,¸R H y]w.
1-4.Start ¥H i q, ¦. ¤r z,½N v(Slope)Àt h,¤j1819k, ¥i H N. ¥t p U
W y G P W q t Z. ¹PPG l y b e. ¹U h
P W G j.
R[¥b e]À0.60.8{API3000l q2242.637 h0.60.85}, q T{-0.1+0.1}¤. -Y h”Replace the calibration” © "Update the calibration”.
1-5.,¦O n. Ãq Manual Tuning e U.
I Resolution ª,§”Advanced” Á. The ¸R{Resolution Table}§e{PPG
q H DC offts. The offt ¼v T b V l q{axial ion energy}¥H R.
OFFSET V h R V n P[nsitivity, intensity]¶V C, ,OFFSET V C h R V
豆腐蛋糕t P V n. -OFFSET R H.