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试题名称本科英语III              考试结束后请将试卷和答题纸全部交回
专业:                    年级:        学  号:                姓  名:          分  数:     
Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure: (50 Points)
Section A: There are 20 incomplete ntences in this part. For each ntence there are four choices marked A ,B, C and D. Choo the ONE that best completes the ntence.(20%)
1. The tides vary ____ the moon.
A. at              B. on                C. with            D. to
2. Everyone blames you ____ a certain mistake.
A. on            B. for                C. in              D. against
3. It is rude to point ____ someone.
A. for                B. at              C. in          D. on
4. She arranged a party to help put the strangers at their ____.
A. pleasure              B. ea                C. peace            D. delight
5. He decided to ll his farm and ____ a fresh start in business.
A. open              B. make            C. take        D. break
6. He was always attentive ____ my ideas.
A. to                B. with            C. on          D. at
7. She was deaf ____ his request to do her work.
A. of              B. to                C. at          D. on
8. When she finally arrived she apologized ____ so late.
A. that she came      B. that she was coming          C. for coming          D. to come
9. She added that if he had telephone her before lunch, she ____ the book there.
A. took              B. would have taken          C. would take          D. would be taking
10. Some hotel staff speak ____ English.
A. little              B. small              C. few        D. scarcely
11. He ud ____ property of all kinds.
A. to inspect          B. inspecting          C. to inspecting        D. inspected
12. It’s no u ____ to get a bargain the days.
A. to expect            B. expecting          C. looking forward to        D. you expect
13. My friends don’t mind ____ in on them unexpectedly on Sundays.
A. I drop            B.me to drop          C. my dropping              D. if I am dropping
14. Does anyone know ____ this coat might be?
A. who              B. whom            C. to whom        D. who
15. The purpo of this examination was to ____the students’ knowledge of the subject.
A. try              B. inspect                C. test        D. prove
16. When I applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to nd a ____photo.
A. fresh            B. late            C. modern        D. recent
17. His name was on the ____of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember it.
A. end              B. tip            C. point            D. edge
18. We played the game ____the rule.
A. on account of        B. ahead of        C. according to      D. apart from
19. Robert worked hard so that he could get ahead ____the others.
A. from                B. for                  C. with            D. of
20. A key ____ the back door is always kept on a high ledge above the door.
A. for              B. to                  C. of              D. on
Section B: Among the four choices below each ntence, choo the ONE that best keeps the meaning of the original ntence if it is substituted for the underlined word or phra. (10%)
21. The only songs officially approved by the Puritans were very simple hymns.
A. originally          B. reluctantly            C. unanimously      D. formally
22. Parole is usually granted to prisoners as a reward for good conduct.
A. paid to          B. ignored by              C. given to        D. requested by
23. Many of Edith Wharton’s best choices were completed under great personal strain.
A. poverty          B. privacy          C. rentment      D. tension
24. Some botanists fear that the worldwide transfer of plant species is threatening the Earth’s biological diversity.
A. accidental        B. rapid                C. illegal      D. global
25. In arithmetic, a number stands for the size of a t of things.
A. measures          B. estimates          C. cancels      D. reprents
26. The environmental balance among ecological communities is卢旺达 exceedingly complex.
A. successfully            B. mounds              C. rerves          D. very
27. The Mississippi River carries great amounts of fine sand and silt into the Gulf of Mexico. 
A. collections            B. discreetly              C. almost            D. quantities
28. Oil can be conveyed by pipeline from an oil region to a refinery.
A. transported              B. filtered                C. connected            D. diverted
苹果ios模拟器电脑版29. Dry beans are very rich in proteins and may be eaten as a substitute for meat.
A. at the same time as      B. mixed up with          C. in place of            D. in addition to
30. The u of wild animals in circus was an innovation first introduced in the United States.
A. number        B. program                C. musical spectacle          D. new idea
Section C: Plea write out the appropriate form of the following words as requested. (5%)
31.distingusih      (形容词)    32.disturbance        (动词)    33. reprent      (名词)          34.fail          (名词)            35.choice        (动词
Section D: There are 5 statements in this ction. Each statement consists of 4 underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Plea find out the One part that is wrong in and put the letter on the answer sheet. (5%)
36. The teacher’s lecture on the history was very long and Henry felt very boring.
        A          B          C                          D
37. Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat becau he wasn’t ud to live in such a cold climate.
                  A      B                          C      D
38. I never dreamt of there to be a chance for me to be nt abroad very soon.
          A      B    C              D
39. We can draw the conclusion how air has weight.
      A  B              C        D
40. The next important question which we have to decide is what we have to submit the proposal.
        A                B              C      D 
Section E: Complete the following ntences with the proper form of the given words. (10%)
scarce, speak of, at, go through, picket, lay off, lesn, inner, coincidence, distant
41. Is it a ____ that the wife of the man who designed the competition won the first prize?
42. 500 workers were ____ when the factory was clod after the fire.
43. The ____of skilled workers is worrying the business as well as the government.
44. They ____the restaurant and handed out leaflets to potential customers.
45. Sarah ems to have a/an ____strength that nothing could shake.
46. I ____everything but I couldn’t find the letter you nt me.
47. It is not good manners to ____certain things in polite company.
48. Eating can properly ____the risk of heart dia.
49. At first she might em very ____but actually she will be listening to you intently.
50. He would have survived the car crash if he had been wearing his ____belt.
Part II. Reading Comprehension: Choo the best answer for each of the following question. (10 points)
Section A: (5%)
Before the mind-nineteenth century, people in the United States ate most foods only in ason. Drying, smoking, and salting could prerve meat for a short time, but the availability of fresh meat, like that of fresh milks, was very limited; there was no way to prevent spoilage. But in 1810 a French inventor named Nicolas Appert developed the cooking-and-aling process of canning. And in the 1850’s an American named Gail Borden developed a means of condensing and prerving milk. Canned goods and condend milk became more common during the 1860’s, but supplies remained low becau cans had to be made by hand. By 1880, however, inventors had fashioned stamping and soldering machines that mass-produced cans from tinplate. Suddenly all kinds of food could be prerved and bought at all times of the year.
Other trends and inventions had also helped make it possible for Americans to vary their daily diets. Growing urban populations created demand that encouraged fruit and vegetable farmers to rai more produce. Railroad refrigerator cars enabled growers and meat packers to ship perishables to great distances and to prerve them for longer periods. Thus, by the 1890’s, northern city dwellers could enjoy southern and western strawberries, grapes and tomatoes, previously available for a month at most, or up to six months of the year. In addition, incread u of iceboxes enabled families to store perishables. An easy means of producing ice commercially had been invented in the 1870’s, and by 1900 the nation had more than two thousand commercial ice plants, most of which made home deliveries. The icebox became a fixture in most homes and remained so until the mechanized refrigerator replaced in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
Almost everyone now had a more diversified diet. Some people continued to eat mainly foods that were heavy in starches or carbohydrates, and not everyone could afford meat. Nevertheless, many families could take advantages of previously unavailable fruits, vegetables, and dairy products to achieve more varied fare.
51. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. caus of food spoilage                            B. commercial production of ice
C. Inventions that led to changes in the American diet      D. Population movements in the 19th century
52. During the 1860’s, canned food products were____.
A. unavailable in rural areas              B. shipped in refrigerator cars
C. available in limited quantities          D. a staple part of the American diet
53. It can be inferred that railroad refrigerator cars came into u____.
A. before 1860      B. before 1890        C. after 1900            D. after 1920
54. The author implies that in the 1920’s and 1930’s home deliveries of ice ____. 
A. decread in number          B. were on an irregular schedule 
C. incread in cost            D. occurred only in the summer
55. Which of the following types of food prervation was NOT mentioned in the passage?
A. drying          B. canning            C. cold storage          D. chemical additives
Section B: (5%)
By the turn of the century, the middle-class home in North America had been transformed. “The flow of industry has pasd and left idle the loom in the attic, the soap kettle in the shed”, Ellen Richards wrote in 1908. The urban middle class was now able to buy a wide array of food products and clothing-baked goods, canned goods, suits, shirts, shoes, and dress. Not only had houhold production waned, but technological improvements were rapidly changing the rest of domestic work. Middle-class homes had indoor running water and furnaces, run on oil, coal, or gas, that produced hot water. Stoves were fueled by gas, and delivery rvices provided ice for refrigerators. Electric power was available for lamps, wing machines, irons, and even vacuum cleaners. No domestic task was unaffected. Commercial laundries, for instance, had been doing the wash for urban families for decades; by the early 1900’s the first electric washing machines were on the market.
One impact of the new houhold technology was to draw sharp dividing lines between women of different class and regions. Technological advances always affected the homes of the wealthy first, filtering downward into the urban middle class. But women who lived on farms were not yet affected by houhold improvements. Throughout the 19th century and well into the 20th, rural homes lacked running water and electric power. Farm women had to haul large quantities of water into the hou from wells or pumps for every purpo. Doing the family laundry, in large vats heated over stoves, continued to be a full day’s work, just as canning and prerving continued to be asonal necessities. Heat was provided by wood or coal stoves. In addition, rural women continued to produce most of their families’ clothing. The urban poor, similarly, reaped few benefits from houhold improvements. Urban slums such as Chicago’s 19th ward often had no wers, garbage collection, or gas or electric lines; and tenements lacked both running water and central heating. At the turn of the century, variations in the nature of women’s domestic work were probably more marked than at any time before.
56. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. The creation of the urban middle class.
诗歌英语B. Domestic work at the turn of the century.
C. The spread of electrical power in the United States.
D. Overcrowding in American cities.
57. According to the passage, what kind of fuel was ud in a stove in a typical middle-class houhold?
A. Oil      B. Coal        C. Gas      D. Wood
58. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a houhold convenience in the passage?
A. Electric fan        B. Refrigerator      C. Electric light      D. Washing machine
59. According to the passage, who were the first beneficiaries of technological advances?
A. Farm women      B. The urban poor    C. The urban middle class  D. The wealthy
60. Which of the following best characterizes the passage’s organization? 
A. Analysis of a quotation                  B. Chronological narrative
C. Extended definition                      D. Comparison and contrast
Part III. Cloze                                                    (10 points)
  Cars are important __61__of life in the United States. _62_most people feel that they are poor. And _63_ if a person is poor and he doesn’t feel really poor _64_he has a car.
  There are three main reasons the car became so _65_in the United States. _66_ of all, the country is a huge one and Americans like to move _67_ in it. The car provides the most comfortable and _68_ form of transportation. _69_ a car people can go to any place without spending a lot of money. The cond reason cars are popular is the fact _70_ the United States never developed _71_ and inexpensive form of public _72_. Long-distance trains have never been _73_ common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Nowadays there is a good system of air-rvice _74_ by planes. But it is _75_ expensive to be ud frequently.
  The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of independence is _76_ really made cars popular. Americans don’t like to wait _77_a bus, or a train or even a plane. They don’t like to have to _78_ an exact schedule. A car gives them the freedom to schedule _79_ time. And this is the freedom that Americans want _80_ to have.
61. A. role            B. part            C. effect                D. basis
62. A. Without a car    B. Not with a car    C. Without no car        D. With not a car
63. A. ever            B. still            C. even                D. quite
64. A. although        B. when          C. whether              D. but
65. A. qualified        B. increasing        C. developing          D. popular
66. A. First            B. Firstly          C. At first            D. The first
67. A. around          B. on            C. along              D. forth
68. A. cheap          B. most cheap      C. cheapest          D. cheaper
69. A. Through        B. Since            C. With            D. As
70. A. which          B. that            C. where            D. what
71. A. an interested      B. an affected      C. an efficient        D. a satisfied
72. A. movement        B. carriage        C. shipping          D. transportation
73. A. quite            B. very            C. too              D. as
74. A. providing        B. to provide      C. provided          D. provides
75. A. very            B. so              C. too              D. as
76. A. that            B. what            C. how            D. which
77. A. for              B. on              C. beside          D. about
78. A. follow          B. further          C. cha          D. run
79. A. their own        B. theirs own        C. their            D. theirs
80. A. best            B. most            C. worst          D. least
Part IV Translation    (20 points)
Section A: Translate the ntences from English into Chine. (10%)熬姜汤
81. He earns twice as much as I do.
82. Man’s knowledge about himlf and nature has grown into a variety of sciences.
83. According to linguistics, modern language of the human beings is no more complicated than its early language.
84. You can draw money out of a bank and invest it at a stockbroker’s office.
85. The weather has been very disappointing for the successive days. 
Section B: Translate the ntences from Chine into English. (10%)
90.只有富有的国家才有能力参加竞争,而他们却打着纯科学的旗号。( in the name of)
Part V. Writing                      (10points)
Write a composition of at least 100 words on the topic My Favorite Book
本科英语III  答题卡
专业:                    年级:        学  号:                姓  名:          分  数:     
Part I  Section A
Section B
Section C
Section D
Section E
Part II  Section A
Section B 
Part III  Cloze
Part IV  Section A
Section B
Part V. Writing.

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