Item 8 - Transportation white paper

更新时间:2023-06-07 02:14:37 阅读: 评论:0

Superior New Town Center Planning – Transportation White Paper - DRAFT Preliminary Transportation Evaluation Summary and Identification of Key Issues/Next Steps
The Fox Higgins Transportation Group has been assisting the Van Meter, Williams, Pollack project team in the development of the conceptual plan for the Superior New Town Center.  Our primary focus on this project to date has been in the following two key areas:
Multi-Modal Network Development
•Assist with the development of a multi-modal transportation network (roads, trails, bridges, and underpass) that will not only provide the
necessary site access, but will also become a focal point of the site’s
mixed-u character and contribute to the ultimate success of the area’s
The recommended transportation system that has evolved is illustrated on the attached Superior Town Center Preferred Alternative Plan.
Accessibility and Development Intensity
•Review the propod land u plan, prepare a preliminary automobile trip generation estimate, and insure that the propod level of development
can be accommodated by the anticipated transportation system that will
be in place in the McCaslin Blvd. corridor.
The Town of Superior’s transportation consultant (LSC Transportation Consultants) completed a transportation asssment for the area as part of the Superior Comprehensive Plan Update in March 2006.  That project included a trip generation estimate for all land u zones in the Superior area, projected traffic conditions in the Year 2030, and developed a Transportation Plan to accommodate the anticipated traffic.
We have developed a preliminary trip generation asssment for the New Town Center area and compared it to the results for the same land u zones in the LSC Comprehensive Plan Update.  While the land u mix differs, the trip generation results were virtually the same for both evaluations.  On this basis, we conclude that the amount of development propod for the New Town Center
can be accommodated by the transportation system improvements in the McCaslin Blvd. corridor that the Town has already anticipated or planned. Clearly there is a need for a much more detailed and thorough transportation study to assist the Town in the evaluation of the New Town Center proposal as the planning for the area continues.  The following is a list of key issues from a transportation perspective that need to be addresd in future traffic studies and planning efforts.什么的灰雀
Key Transportation Issues to Address and Next Steps:
Develop Detailed Trip Generation Estimate
Develop detailed automobile trip generation estimates for each land u type included in the land u plan.
Develop automobile trip reduction estimates that acknowledge the potential for multi-purpo trip linking in a mixed u area such as this.
Estimate the potential reduction in automobile access that may result from the excellent network of pedestrian and bicycle connections and proximity to regional transit.
Finalize Roadway Access and Circulation Plan
Finalize the McCaslin Blvd. access plan, including all full movement signalized access points, all “right-in, right-out” access points, and ¾
access points.  This step will consider impacts to traffic flow and
operational issues on McCaslin Blvd. while maximizing efficient site
access.  This step will also identify the need for any auxiliary lanes on
McCaslin Blvd. at site access points.
Resolve the issue of a possible roadway underpass of McCaslin Blvd. to connect to Rogers Farm and the Original Town area.
Refine roadway alignments for connection to S. Coal Creek Drive and 88th Street to provide connectivity while minimizing the potential for cut-through traffic.
Refine the internal roadway network plan as the land u plan for the site evolves.  A key component of this step will be to maximize efficient access between large parking structures and McCaslin Blvd. while minimizing the impact of parking access on the “Main Street” area and other pedestrian
scale roadway corridors on the site.
Develop recommended roadway cross-ctions that support the intended character of the area, including lane widths, availability and type of on-
street parking, provision of on-street bicycle lanes, sidewalk width and
placement, etc.
Finalize Alternative Mode Access and Circulation Plan
Refine the propod trail and sidewalk network throughout the area as the land u plan evloves.
Determine the best alignment for a pedestrian underpass of McCaslin Blvd. in the northern portion of the site to connect with the regional bus
transit station.
Develop recommendations to help “tame McCaslin” from a pedestrian perspective while acknowledging the important role that McCaslin plays in providing for regional and local traffic access.  This step should consider
ways to enhance pedestrian travel along McCaslin Blvd. including
sidewalk placement, width, alignment and buffering, streetscape
enhancement, pedestrian scale lighting, the relationship between the
street, the sidewalk, and the building fronts, etc.  This step should also
include consideration of at-grade pedestrian crossing enhancements (in
addition to propod underpass) such as median mounted pedestrian
push buttons at the wider signalized interctions and mid-block
pedestrian crossings with pedestrian actuated flashing signs and a median refuge island on the southern end of the corridor where McCaslin is to be
only a 4-lane roadway.  Finally, as noted below, this step can also
evaluate the pros and cons of adding on-street parallel parking on a
portion of McCaslin Blvd., with one of the pros being the contribution this
拿破仑六世parking will make toward “taming McCaslin”.
Define a potential bus transit access plan so that key roadways within the site can be designed to accommodate future bus transit access.
饮料海报Develop Parking (and Shared Parking) Plan
Develop a detailed parking plan in concert with the land u plan development to define the number, type, and location of needed parking
spaces for the site.
Take credit for alternative mode access to the site and reduce parking demand estimates accordingly.
Estimate the potential for shared parking between anticipated us so as to not “over park” the site.
Evaluate the potential to include on-street parallel parking along the east side of McCaslin Blvd.  This step will acknowledge the potential reduction in automobile traffic efficiency on McCasling Blvd. as a tradeoff against
desired site access and roadway character.
Develop a bicycle parking plan with facilities (racks, lockers,etc.) designed to accommodate the needs of residents, workers, shoppers, recreational
urs, etc.

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