I. List the most famous newspapers and magazines in America and Britain and news agencies in the world.
American newspapers:
1. The New York Times
2. The Washington Post
3. Los Angles Times
冰心4. USA Today
5. The Wall Street Journal
6. The Christian Science Monitor
7. International Herald Tribune
American magazines:
1. Time
2. Newsweek
3. U.S. News &. World Report
4. Reader’s Digest
5. Fortune
6. Far Eastern Economic Review
7. Business Week
British newspapers:
1. 作文我有一个想法The Times
2. Financial Times
3. The Guardian
4. The Daily Telegraphy
The Times is read by the people who run the country. The Guardian is read by the people who like to run the country. The Financial Times is read by the people who own the country. The Daily Telegraphy is read by the country who remember the country as it ud to be.
5. Daily Mirror
6. The Sun
7. Daily Express
8. Daily Mail
9. Daily Star
British Magazines:
1. The Economist
2. The Spectator
3. New Statesman
News Agencies:
1. AP -------- Associated Press ( America )
2. UPI -------- United Press International ( America )
3. Reuters -------- Reuter’s News Agency ( Britain )
4. PA -------- Press Association ( Britain )
5. AFP ------ Agence France Pres ( France )
6. DPA ---------------( Germen )
7. ANSA ------------ ( Italy )
工程造价实习8. Tass -------------- Russia
9. Press Trust of India ---------- ( India )
10. Kuydo News Service ---------- Japan
11. Xinhua News Agency --------- China
● CNN --------- Cable News Network
II. 名词作定语
1. bankruptcy lawyer 处理破产诉讼的律师 bankrupt businessman破了产的商人
2. economy measure 节约措施 economic measure经济措施
3. efficiency expert 研究提高工作效率的专家 efficient worker工作效率高的工人
4. obesity specialist 肥胖病专家 obe specialist胖专家
5. riot police 防暴警察 riotous police闹事的警察
6. capacity audience 满座的听众或观众 capacious room 宽敞的房间
8. debt specialist处理债务问题的专家
9. Gulf War 海湾战争从前的我们
10. affluence society 富裕社会
11. fire department 消防署/队
12. drug ring 毒品或贩度毒集团 drug team 缉毒队
III. Acoronym
1. AID ----- Agency for International Development
2. AIDS ------ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
3. APEC ------ Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum
4. ATM ------ Automatic Teller Machine
5. CD ------ Compact Disk
6. CEO ----- Chief Executive Officer
7. CIA ---- Central Intelligence Agency
8. CIS ----- Commonwealth of Independent States
9. DNA -------deoxyribonucleic acid
10. EU ------ European Union
11. FAQ ----- Frequently Asked Questions
12. FBI ------ Federal Bureau of Investigation
13. GMT ----- Greenwich Mean Time
14. GNP ---- Gross National Product
15. IMF ------ International Monetary Fund
16. KIA ------ Killed in Action
17. LCD ------- Liquid Crystal Display
18. M&A ------ Merge and Acquisition
19. MIA ------ Missing In Action
20. MIT ------- Massachutts Institute of Technology
21. M.P ------ Member of Parliament
22. NASA ------ National Aeronautics and Space Administration
23. NATO ------ North Atlantic Treaty Organization
24. NBA ------ National Basketball Association
25. POW ------ Prisoner Of War
26. SEZ ------ Special Economic Zone
27. Sonar ------ Sound navigation ranging
28. UFO ------ Unidentified Flying Object
29. WHO ------ World Health Organization
30. WTO ------ World Trade Organization
31. BBC ------ British Broadcasting Corporation
32. DIY ------ do it yourlf
33. DJ ----- disk jockey Dow Jones & Co.
34. DVD ------ digital video disc
35. IBM ------ Inter-continental Ballistic Missile
36. IBM ------ International Business Machines
十个有趣的心理小测试37. IDD ------ International Direct Dial
38. IOU ------ I own you
39. IP ------ Internet Protocol
40. IT ------ information technology
41. LA ------ Los Angeles
42. NY ------ New York
43. Nasdaq ------ National Association of Securitied Dealers Automated Quotations
44. NYSE ------ New York Stock Exchange
45. Opec ------ Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
46. SIM ------ Subscribers’ Identification Module
47. VCD ------ video compact disc
48. VIP ------ Very Important Persons
IV. Abbreviations
1. ad ------advertizement 2. agro ------ agricultural
3. brunch ------ breakfast lunch 4. dorm ------ dormitory
5. expo ------ exposition 6. ecopolitics ------ economic politics
7. econotrade ------ economic trade 8. flu ------ influenza
9. frige ------ refrigerator 10. gym ------ gymnasium
11. copter ------ helicopter 12. motel ------ motor hotel
13. lab ------ laboratory 14. paratrooper ------ parachute trooper
15. Interpol ------ International Police 16. telecast ------- television broadcast