1. 在初中 | at junior high school |
2. 记得做过某事 | remember doing sth |
3. 记得去做某事 | remember to do sth |
4. 得……奖 | win a prize for.. |
5. 做志愿者 | be a volunteer |
6. 做……调查 | make/do a survey of… |
7. 一个朋友帮助我解决问题 | a friend helping me with a problem |
8. ……结束了 | …be over |
9. 有特别的回忆 | have special memories |
10. 达到要求严格的老师的标准 | meet the standards of a strict teacher |
11. 遇见这群朋友 | meet this group of friends |
12. 享受初中生活的每一年 | enjoy every year of junior high school |
13. 以前害怕布朗老师 | ud to be scared of Mr. Brown |
14. 将会想念这个地方 | 汽车空调工作原理be going to miss this place |
15. 在一场足球比赛中 | during a soccer competition |
16. 连续进了两个球 | score two goals in a row |
17. 站成一排 | stand in a row |
18. 划船 | row a boat |
19. 在音乐课上弹电子琴 | play the keyboard in the music class |
20. 键盘和鼠标 | keyboard and mou |
21. 建议某人做某事 | advi sb to do sth |
22. 某人被建议做某事 | sb be advid to do sth |
23. 暂停跑步,休息一下 | take a bread from running |
24. 休息 | have a rest/ take a break |
25. 有健康问题 | have a health problem |
26. 加入学校乐队 | join the school band |
27. 亨特老师的教学方法 | Mr. Hunt’s teaching methods |
28. 做某事的方法 | the method of/for doing sth |
29. 学医 | study medicine |
30. 伤到某人的膝盖 | hurt one’s knee |
31. ……是最好的回忆 | … is the best memory |
32. 在体育课上给出很明确的指示 | gave really clear instructions during P.E. class |
33. 给出……方面的指示 | give instructions on… |
34. 遵循说明书 | follow the instructions |
35. 做某事的梦想 | the dream of doing sth |
36. 在你毕业后,你打算做什么? | What are you going to do after you graduate? |
37. 去高中然后去大学 | go to nior high then university |
38. 初中毕业后你会最想念哪些老师? | Which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school? |
39. 在数学课上对你总是很耐心 | be always patient with you in math class |
40. 帮助你,让你自己算出答案 | help you (to) work out the answers yourlf |
中国航天员资料41. 无论它们有多难 | no matter how difficult they are |
42. 知道我在化学上做得更好 | guide me to do a lot better in chemistry |
43. 指导某人做某事 | guide sb to do sth |
44. 花费时间把事情解释清楚 | o观察 第一次干什么作文take time to explain things to me clearly |
45. 无论何时我遇到不懂的事情 | whenever I couldn’t understand anything |
46. 在英语课上鼓励我 | encourage me in English class |
47. 因为某人/某事 | becau of sb./sth. |
48. 付出更多的努力 | put in more effort |
49. 我的考试分数翻了一倍 | my exam scores doubled |
50. 我们做某事好吗? | 两性生活故事Shall we do sth? |
51. 给他们没人贺卡和礼物道谢 | give each of them a card and gift to say thank you |
52. 文章的类型 | the kind of writing |
53. 文章的主题 | the main subject of this writing |
54. 回首某事 | look back at… |
55. 尽力按时赶上晨读 | try to be on time for morning readings |
56. 午餐铃响跑向食堂 | run to the dinning hall when the lunch bell rings |
57. 运动会的兴奋时刻 | the excitement of the school sports day |
58. 长时间的运动训练 | many long hours of training |
59. 克服恐惧的自豪 | the pride of overcoming fear |
60. 为……感到自豪 | take pride in/ be proud of |
61. 全班最害羞的学生 | the shyest student in the whole class |
62. 从不与人交谈 | never speaking to anyone |
63. 交一些永远铭记的新朋友 | make some new friends to remember forever |
64. 为艺术节做准备 | prepare for an art festival |
65. 弄得一团糟 | make a big mess |
66. 在新年聚会上玩得尽兴 | have fun at New Year’s parties |
67. 给予某人最美好的祝愿 | wish sb the best/give sb the best wishes |
68. 学一门来自异国的不同语言 | learn a different language that is from a foreign land |
69. 某物给某人带来很多挑战 | sth bring sb many challenges |
70. 到了毕业的时候 | It’s time to graduate |
71. 很难相信,三年时间悄然消逝 | can’t believe it’s been three years |
72. 想念学校的花草树木和体贴的老师 | miss the school trees, flowers and caring teachers |
73. 赢了学校的篮球比赛 | win the school basketball competition |
74. 自上初中以来,你发生了怎样的变化? | How have you changed since you started junior high school? |
75. 英语说得更好了 | get better at speaking English |
76. 你认为到高中情况将有什么不同? | How do you think things will be different in nior high school? |
77. 你过去常常做但现在不做的事情是什么? | What did you u to do that you don’t do now? |
78. 你期待着什么? | What are you looking forward to? |
79. 我期待着上高中。 | I’m looking forward to going to nior high school. |
80. 提高我的英语水平 | improve my English level |
81. 海平面 | a level |
82. 海拔……米 | be … meters above the a level |
83. 摘草莓 | pick strawberries |
84. 取得商学学位并成为一名经理 | get a business degree and become a manager |
85. 成为一名宇航员进去太空 | be an astronaut and go into space |
86. 一个极好的计划 | 车年审 an excellent plan |
87. 女士们,先生们 | ladies and gentlemen |
88. 参加毕业典礼 | attend the graduation ceremony |
89. 祝贺所有在座的同学们 | congratulate all the students who are here today |
90. 充满活力 | be full of energy |
91. 渴求知识 | be thirsty for knowledge |
92. 有点儿难对付 | a little difficult to deal with |
93. 有才干的年轻人 | talented young adults |
94. 对未来的希望 | hope for the future |
95. 记住在你人生中帮助、支持过你的人 | remember tho people in your lives who helped and supported you |
96. 对身边的人心存感激 | be thankful to the people around you |
97. 在你们面前有很多艰巨的任务 | have many difficult tasks ahead of you |
98. 明智地选择 | choo wily |
99. 对自己的决定和行为负责 | be responsible for your decisions and actions |
100. 不得不各奔前程 | have to go your parate ways |
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