Political Meeting Advice
Arranging a meeting
上火吃啥Prepare a written request – a simple e-mail asking to meet should provide the reason for the meeting and with whom as well as contact information.
Next, you should then follow-up with a phone call to the scheduling assistant to make the arrangements.
Once a date has been t, prepare your “Leave-Behind” which consists of a one-page that summarizes your points and states your “ask” or u the CAOT prepared messaging pages.
Confirm your meeting a few days ahead.
The meeting
1.Introduce yourlf and who you are reprenting
2.Engage the conversation with the purpo of your visit, t the context and
女士中发烫发图片inform on any specific details with anecdotal.
3.Stories help the stakeholder remember better what you are telling them.
4.Be ready to respond with a specific action that you would want them to
undertake when they ask what they can do for you.
菲利普船长5.Don’t be concerned if you don’t have all the answers to questions being
asked. The can provide an follow-up opportunity.
6.Manage your time and keep to pre-arranged allotmentqq通讯录同步助手
7.Indicate your appreciation for the meeting at the end to the politician and to
the assistant
Political Meeting Tips
Make sure you have the right meeting place
On Parliament Hill in Ottawa, you must allow time to clear curity. Bring photo ID with you and leave all sharp objects at home.
Arrive early
Politicians have busy schedules. It is polite not to keep them waiting although your meeting start can be delayed and even cancelled at the last minute. By arriving early you may even have your meeting start earlier if they have had a cancellation.
Be patient
MPs and Senators can be called for a vote at a moment’s notice. You can offer to wait or re-schedule the appointment. If your meeting is in the riding, interruptions are less likely to happen.
If they offer for you to meet with a Chief of Staff or a Policy Director, accept. This can be as beneficial as meeting with the MP or Senator.
Pay attention and keep control over the meeting. Remember it is your meeting and sometimes the politicians will try to take control.
Make sure they understand why you are there and what you want. If the conversation goes off topic, bring it back to the subject at hand.
Manage your time
Be clear and conci with your message. Keep to the time allotted
Allow the conversation to flow but stay on topic. Just remember the expert in politics is the Mp and they can take control by overly agreeing to what you ask. You may need to clarify their engagement by asking them what they would be able to do for you.
女登Be careful about the names you mention. This can work against you depending on what the parliamentarian thinks of this person. Connecting to constituency interests is always well received.内存是什么
Don’t worry if you don’t have all the answers. It is counterproductive to provide vague respon to any questions. It is better to indicate you will get back
to them with a detailed answer following the meetings.
Don’t be intimidated by the MP. Just remember they need you as much as you need them.
Support your points with examples or rearch findings.
Be careful about using jargon. What is clear for you may have no relevance to the MP.
Engage their support by asking them to do something for you.
Showing appreciation for the meeting is important.
After the meeting
1.Share what you have learned with CAOT
2.Write to the politician thanking them for the meeting and remind them what
they promid to do.