Lesson 3 Ships in the Dert
in the sun: in the sunlight, as oppod to in the shade under the sun在天底下, 在地上; 在这个世上everything under the sun is everything that exists or is possible
We talked about everything under the sun.
She ems to have an opinion on every subject under the sun.
under the midnight sun 在阳光的直射下at the other end of our planet
capable of processing a fifty-ton catch on a good day: having the ability of cleaning and preparing for marketing or canning fifty-tons of fish on a productive day. catch: the amount of something caught; in the ntence it refers to the amount of fish caught
e.g. The boat brought back a big catch of fish. capable of: having the ability of
to process: to prepare by a special method---
to convert a commodity into a marketable form through a specific method
on a good day: good here means suitable, proper
E.g. It’s a good day for a trip to the mountains. 今天的天气很适合去山里玩。Tho cards would be good for the invitations. 那些卡片做请柬用很合适。
Anchor: stop sailing and lower the anchor抛锚
Stern The rear part of a ship or boat. 船尾(轮船或小船的后部)
Bow The front ction of a ship or boat船头(船或小艇的前面部分)
Larboard n(船的)左舷,【航海】左舷(为避免与右舷starboard 混淆, 现一般用port 一词代替) Prospect: possibility,likelihood
Good:considerable or large in size, amount or range (数量、面积和范围)相当大的
E.g. We have been waiting for you for a good while.We have traveled a good distance.
They stock a good range of furniture.
Bleak: not promising or hopeful
a) If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and ems unlikely to improve.
e.g. His future looked bleak.
bleak prospect前途暗淡;
the bleakness of the post war years
b) If a place is bleak, it looks cold, bare, and the bleak coastline
c) When the weather is bleak, it is cold, dull, and unpleasant
e.g. the bleak winters d) If someone looks or sounds bleak, they em depresd, hopeless, or unfriendly
王炳元e.g. his bleak features
bleakly adv.
e.g. He stared bleakly ahead.
“What,” he asked bleakly, “are the?”
Lap: strike gently (with a light, splashing sound)华为手机密码忘了
The a lapped against the rocks.海水拍打着礁石。
The a laps the shore.波浪拍打海岸。
in all directions: everywhere, all around极目四望Extend/stretch all the way as far as the eye could e违章举报
that stretched all the way to the horizon: that extended to the far off place where the sky meet the earth
At rest: anchored, not moving
The machine is at rest.//The sails (风车的翼板) of the windmill are not at rest.
Scatter: spread
Dune: a rounded hill or ridge of sand heaped up by the action of the wind 沙丘Sand mound
The Aral : 或Aral Sea 咸海[苏联中亚细亚地区](旧译阿拉海,是一个大咸水湖)
Comparable: that can be compared with
Be Comparable to: be equal to, parallel, match comparable: something that is comparable to something el is a) as good as/ as big as/ as important as the other thing; b) similar to the other thing
e.g. This dinner is comparable to the best French cooking. Our hou is not comparable with yours. Ours is just a small hut while yours is a palace.
Feed: flow into
Divert: turn sth. aside from a cour or direction使转向,改变用途
e.g. They diverted the Yingna River to supply water to Dalian city.他们把河水改道为大连市供水。
Ill-considered: Ill-conceived or planned考虑不周的Scheme:plan, project Shoreline:coastline Dock:v. anchor, moor
Can: put fish into cans or bottles
Canned food/Canned fish//Canned water, bottled water Ship: transported, carried
Personification: my arch led me to
Underlying: primary, basic
Images: typical examples, signs, scenes
The bottom of the earth:The most southern end orThe farthest end of the earth’s axis
论述题是什么high in the Trans-Antarctic Mountains横贯南极的山脉: standing at a high place in the mountain chain
the sun glaring at midnight through a hole in the sky:
the sun shining at midnight through the ozone depletion midnight su n: phenomenon occurring only in the polar regions
glaring: shining brightly
a hole in the sky:It refers to ozone depletion(n.损耗). 臭氧层空洞冰川融化,臭氧减少
unbelievable coldness: so cold that you cannot imagineunbelievable:incredible, unimaginable parka: n. waterproof jacket with a hood attached (as worn for skiing, mountain climbing, etc.)
a badly burned face:caud by overexposure to direct sunlight
cracked and peeling皲裂、脱皮: note the u of past participle and prent participle; on
the face there were lines that were split open and pieces of skin were coming down.