九届一次年会论文 |
数据 选项 题号 | A13的英语 | B | C |
问题1 | 184 | 48 | 40 |
问题2 | 221 | 41 | 10 |
问题3 | 18 | 14 | 240 |
问题4 | 92 | 121 | 59 |
教学内容 | 教师活动预设 | 学生活动预设 | 设计意图 |
Lead-in | 1、Let’s enjoy something beautiful first. What’s it? (showing a painting.) 2,Yes, it’s a painting or an art works. Who is the painter? 3 What does the artist wants to express in the painting? 4In What other ways can an artist express the beauty of something? 5If you ask me, then I’ll say I prefer something that is traditional. For example, I’m much more interested in theatre.. Of the ways of art, what’s your preference, or which do you prefer? 6In what el can you e the beauty of art in our life ? 7(进入课题) Or architecture., art and science of building. | 1、It’s a painting. 2 An artist. 3 (学生自由发言)His or her love for the life. Beauty of life…. 4学生自由发言) Carving, drawing, weaving, theatre, film… 5(学生操练) I prefer …, becau…. I’m much more interested in …, becau… … 6 (学生自由回答) | 学生对艺术的了解往往停留在表面。本导入环节中,教师每个问题、每个活动及至每句话的设计,都是引导学生深入了解艺术的基本常识,提示本单元学习的一个主题:建筑是艺术表现美的一种形式,生活中充满了艺术,充满了美。同时,师生问答的过程中,自然地一步步引出本课堂要求掌握的词汇、短语及功能语言,语言设计的课堂目的十分明确。 |
教学内容 | 教师活动预设 | 学生活动预设 | 设计意图 |
Lead-in | 1. Greeting 2. (展示兵马俑图片资料) What are they and where can you e them? 3. From the pictures and what you have arched, what were usually buried with kings and emperors in China? 4. Why were the dead kings given all the objects after they died? 5. Are there any differences between the dead kings of China and foreign countries in history? Let’s read the passage titled The King of Stonehenge and find out the similarities and differences between them. | 1. Greeting 2. (学生自由回答) They are the clay figures of worriers and hors buried with the dead emperor QinShihuang. We can e them in ShangXi Province ,in many history books and archaeology books… 3. Wood of clay figures like Terra-cotta warriors, treasures, artifacts, tools and so on, mainly depending on the dynasty when they died. Some even had their wives and slaves buried alive together with them.… 4.(争先恐后地) They thought the dead could continue enjoying their life after death; They wished they could come back to life one day. They believed that after they died they would go to another world where they might u the objects … | 在上新课前让学生搜集相关背景信息,做好充分的准备。在课堂导入时老师设计的问题要针对学生准备好的内容,这样展开讨论时才能保证让最多的学生参与活动。对中国古代君主陪葬仪式的了解,对正确理解课文内容有一定的帮助作用,有助于进行中西方文化的比对,对学生的考古知识更是起了拓展作用。并帮助学生学会如何通过现象看本质,初步了解考古学的科学手段。 |
棋王赏析 |
教学内容 | 教师活动预设 | 学生活动预设 | 设计意图 |
Lead-in | 1.Greeting 2.Have you had your breakfast? 3.What did you have for your breakfast?/ What do you usually have for breakfast? 4.(多媒体展示图片---世界上最大月饼的一角)Can you guess what I had for breakfast this morning ? 5. (逐渐展示整个月饼)Now what is it? 6. Yes, it is the largest moon cake in the world. Where can you find the information on the record? | 腐竹白菜1.Greeting 2.学生自由回答(yes, no) 3.(学生自由回答)I had … for my breakfast. 4.(争先恐后地)cake, hamburger,… 5 Oh, what a big moon cake! 6 Guinus Book! | 从学生的早餐谈起,设计一个小小的悬念,引入世界上最大的月饼。在这里学生的好奇心极大的被调动起来,带着这种好奇热切地进入吉尼斯大全——课堂中心任务。 |
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