dnf多少级转职欧洲模拟卡车2The Industrial Revolution
画脸谱电话营销Industrial Revolution is a long train of changes starting about 1760. It is not alone: it forms one of a triad of revolutions, of which the other two were the American Revolution that started in 1775, and the French Revolution that started in I789. It may em strange to put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions. But the fact is that they were all social revolutions. The Industrial Revolution is simply the English way of making tho social changes. I think of it as the English Revolution.
What makes it especially English? Obviously, it began in England. England was already the leading manufacturing nation. But the manufacture was cottage industry, and the Industrial Revolution begins in the villages. The men who make it are craftsmen: the millwright, the watchmaker, the canal builder, the blacksmith. What makes the Industrial Revolution so peculiarly English is that it is rooted in the countryside?
陈调During the first half of the eighteenth century, in the old age of Newton and the decline of the Royal Society, England basked in a last Indian summer of village industry and the overas trade of merchant adventurers. The summer faded. Trade grew more competitive. By the end of the century the
needs of industry were harsher and more pressing. The organization of work in the cottage was no longer productive enough. Within two generations, roughly between 1760 and 1820, the customary way of running industry changed. Before I760, it was standard to take work to villagers in their own homes. By 1820, it was standard to bring workers into a factory and have them overen.