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打印机英语一、故事材料:主题:A Pea in the Sea适用年级:六年级适用单元:第一单元_社区矫正是干什么的
A P ea in the S ea欧洲战争
The p ea cock drops her p ea in
the s ea.
It’s not ea sy to pick up the
p ea.
The p ea cock goes to Mr. Fl ea.
Pl ea ! Pl ea pick up the p ea挂花
for me.
火上浇油的意思Mr. Fl ea jumps into the s ea.
But he can’t find the p ea.
Mr. Fl ea drinks up all the
water in the s ea.
Now the p ea cock has her p ea.咨询项目
And Mr. Fl ea has a cup of t ea.