《环境工程专业英语》 马志毅编 中文翻译

更新时间:2023-06-06 12:38:22 阅读: 评论:0

1.The Environment and Environmental Engineering
Simply said, the environment can be defined as one's surroundings. In terms of the environmental engineer's involvement, however, a more specific definition is needed. To the environmental engineer, the word environment may take on global dimensions, may refer to a very localized area in which a specific problem must be addresd, or may, in the ca of contained environments, refer to a small volume of liquid, gaous, or solid materials within a treatment plant reactor.
The global environment consists of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere and the lithosphere in which the life-sustaining resources of the earth are contained. The atmosphere, a mixture of gas extending outward from the surface of the earth, evolved from elements of the earth that were gasified during its formation and metamorphosis. The hydrosphere consists of the oceans,the lakes and streams and the
shallow groundwater bodies that interflow with the surface water.The lithosphere is the soil mantle that wraps the core of the earth.
The biosphere, a thin shell that encapsulates the earth, is made up of the atmosphere and lithosphere adjacent to the surface of the earth, together with the hydrosphere. It is within the biosphere that the life forms of earth, including humans, live.Life-sustaining materials in gaous, liquid, and solid forms are cycled through the biosphere, providing sustenance to all living organisms.焦糖玛奇朵
Life-sustaining resources——air, food, and water——are withdrawn from the biosphere. It is also into the biosphere that waste products in gaous, liquid, and solid forms are discharges. From the b
eginning of time, the biosphere has received and assimilated the wastes generated by plant and animal life. Natural systems have been ever active, dispersing smoke from forest fires, diluting animal wastes washed into streams and rivers, and converting debris, of past generations of plant and animal life into soil rich enough to support future populations.
For every natural act of pollution, for every undesirable alteration in the physical, chemical or biological characteristics of the environment, for every incident that eroded the quality of the immediate, or local environment, there were natural actions that restored that quality. Only in recent years has it becomes apparent that the sustaining and assimilative capacity of the biosphere, though tremendous, is not, after all, infinite.Though the system has operated for millions of years, it has begun to show signs of stress, primarily becau of the impact of humans upon the environment.
Environmental engineering has been defined as the branch of engineering that is concerned with protecting the environment from the potential, deleterious effects of human activity, protecting human population from the effects of adver environmental factors, and improving environmental quality for human health and well-being.
As the above definition implies, humans interact with their environment——sometimes adverly impacting the environment and sometimes being adverly impacted by pollutants in the environment. An understanding of the nature of the environment and of human interaction with it is a necessary prerequisite to understanding the work of the environmental engineer.
The recognition that all life forms are inextricably dependent on one another and on the physical environment is a fairly recent phenomenon. The word “ecology” was not even invented until the mid-1800s, and the study of ecology as a branch of natural sciences was not widespread until a few decades ago.
The science of ecology defines “ecosystems” as groups of organisms which interact with each other and the physical environment, and which affect the population of the various species in the environment. For example, the simplest type of ecosystem consists of two animals such as the hare and the lynx. If the hare population in a specific locality is high, the lynx have an abundant food supply, procreate, and increa in population until they outstrip the availability of hares. As the lynx population decreas due to the unavailability of food, the hares increa since the number of predators is fewer, and the cycle repeats. Such a system is dynamic in that the numbers of each pop
ulation are continuously changing, but over a long time span is at a steady state
滔滔不绝condition, known as “homeostasis”.
A slightly more complex example includes three species: the a otter, the a urchin and kelp. The kelp forests along the Pacific coast consist of 60m streamers fastened to the ocean floor. Kelp is an economically valuable plant since it is the source of algin (ud in foods. paints, cosmetics, etc.) and its harvesting is regulated to rerve the forests.
A few years ago, kelp started to mysteriously disappear, leaving barren ocean floors. The puzzle was solved when it was recognized that a urchins feed on the kelp, weaken the stems, and cau them to detach and float away. The a urchins population had incread becau the population of their predators, the a otters, had been reduced drastically. The solution to the problem was to protect the a otter and allow its population to increa, thus reducing the number of a urchins, and save the kelp forests.
Some ecosystems are fragile, while others are resilient and able to withstand even rious perturbations. One characteristic of a resilient ecosystem is that more than one species fills a “niche” within that system, that is many species perform the same function. For example, in the hare/lynx system, if the hare were the only source of food for the lynx (a niche), the destruction of de hares would result in the eventual eradication of the lynxes as well. If, however, the lynx ud other small animals for food, the system might survive the loss of the hares.
Engineers must appreciate the fundamental principles of ecology, and design with the environment, so as not to impact adverly an especially fragile ecosystem. For example, one of the most fragile of all ecosystems is the deep oceans, yet ocean disposal of hazardous waste is riously advocated by some engineers. The inclusion of ecological principles in engineering decisions is a major component of the environmental engineering profession.
3.Environmental Problems
1 Our Fragile World
Anyone who has had an opportunity to obrve even a small fraction of the natural wonders of our planet would agree that we live in a marvelous world. The majesty of the Rocky Mountains, the beauty of the Maine coast on a clear summer day, and the colors of a dert sunt are all impressive sights. On a more mundane level, we are reminded of the Earth’s bounties by the smell and feel of freshly plowed Iowa farmland, by a breath of fresh air on a brisk fall day, or the taste of fresh, clean water on a hot summer day.
It goes without saying that all of the things are threatened by a broad range of human activities. In an effort to increa short-term agricultural production, farmland in many areas is cultivated improperly, resulting in extreme erosion that threatens its very existence. Many urban dwellers would
agree that a breath of fresh air is a rare commodity in the city. In many industrialized areas, ground water sources of drinking water are being threatened by the insidious movement of hazardous waste chemical leachates through ground water aquifers. The protection of our environment must be given the highest priority becau on it depends the prervation of human kind, itlf.
In order to combat threats to our environment, it is necessary to understand the nature and magnitude of the problems involved. Before discussing the problems further, it is esntial to recognize the fact that science and technology must play key roles in solving environmental problems. Only through the proper application of science and technology, under the direction of people with a strong environmental consciousness and a basic knowledge of the environmental sciences, can humankind survive on the limited resources of this planet.
2. Classifying Environmental Problems
Environmental problems are always interrelated. Sometimes a solution to one problem actually creates another problem. For example, when people are sick and dying from dia, it is natural to want to improve human health. When health is improved and infant mortality is reduced, a population explosion may result. To feed this growing population, natural habitats are often destroyed by turning them into farmland. As natural habitats are destroyed, the wild plants, predatory animals, and parasites that once lived there are killed as well. Becau of the lack of predators and parasites, outbreaks of inct pests become more common. Farmers u pesticides to control the pests and protect the crops, but in the process the environment becomes polluted. The development of this entire cycle in itlf consumes fossil fuel supplies that are becoming scare. In addition, when fuels are burned, air pollutants are generated.
4.The Impact of Humans upon the Environment
In a natural state, earth’s life forms live in equilibrium with their environment. The numbers and activities of each species are governed by the resources available to them. Species interaction is common, with the waste product of one species often forming the food supply of another. Humans alone have the ability to gather resources from beyond their immediate surroundings and process tho resources into different, more versatile forms. The abilities have made it possible for human population to thrive and flourish beyond natural constraints. But the natural and manufactured waste
棚改政策s generated and relead into the biosphere by the incread numbers of human beings have upt the natural equilibrium.
Anthropogenic, or human-induced, pollutants have overloaded the system. The overloading came relatively late in the cour of human interaction with the environment ,perhaps becau early societies were primarily concerned with meeting natural needs, needs humans share in common with most of the higher mammals. The peoples had not yet begun to be concerned with meeting the acquired needs associated with more advanced civilizations.

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