Take 短语归纳
1. take after (不用进行式) -to look or behave like (an older relative) 长相或举止像(某个长辈)
立贤小学 2. take apart (1) to parate (a small machine, clock, etc.) into pieces 把(小型机器、钟表等)拆开;拆散 (2) to defeat very verely in a sport or game (在体育运动或比赛中)把……彻底打败;speak angrily to or criticize verely 对……苛求;严厉批评
3. take as 看作,认为
4. take away 拿走;使停学,使离开;使消失;减去
△ take away from -to lesn the effect or value of (something good or desirable) 贬低(有益或令人满意之事物)的作用
5. take back (1) to admit that one was wrong in (what one said) 承认说错了(话),收回(诺言,话语)
(2) to cau to remember or think about a past time 使回忆起 (3) 送回,还回去;退(货)
6. take down (1) 拿下,取下;记下来;褪下(裤子等穿于腰以下的衣物)
(2) to parate (a large machine or article) into pieces esp. in order to repair it or move it (尤指为了修理或搬移而)把(大型机器或大物件)拆成零部件;把……拆卸开
7. take in (1) to receive into one's home; provide lodgings for (a person) 接待(某人)留宿
(2) to deceive 欺瞒,欺骗 (3) to understand fully; grasp 充分理解,掌握
(4) to make (clothes) narrow 把(衣服)改窄 (5) to include 包含,包
景色的词语8. take off (1) to remove (esp. clothes) 脱下,脱去(尤指衣服); 解(拿)掉 --- put on (反义词)
(2) (of a plane, etc) to ri into the air at the beginning of a flight (飞机等)升空,起飞
(3) to have a holiday from work on (the stated day) or for (the stated period) 在(某日或某段时间)休假;歇(……天)假; 请假 (4) to begin to become successful, popular, or well-known 开始有成就;开始受欢迎;开始成名 (5) 打折扣 (6) to copy the speech or manners of (someone), esp. for amument(尤指为了逗笑而) 模仿 (某人)的谈吐、举止等
9. take on (1) to start to employ 开始雇用 (2) to begin to have (a quality of appearance) 开始具有/ 呈现(某种品质、面貌等); 露出 (3) to accept (work, responsibility, etc.) 接受(工作等);承担(责任等) (4) to start a quarrel or fight with 开始和……争吵(斗殴、作对、较量等) (5) 让上车,接受乘客
10. take out (1) to go somewhere with (a person) as a social activity 带(某人)去(某处参加社交活动等) (2) to obtain officially 正式取得,领得,获得 (3) 洗去(污迹),使褪色
△ take someone out of himlf / herlf 使(某人)从(失意、不愉快等)中解脱出来,给(某人)消愁
△ take sth out on sb 向……发泄(情绪);拿……出气
11. take over --to gain control over and responsibility for (something)接手,接任;接管
12. take to (1) to feel a liking for, esp. at once (尤指立刻)对……产生好感,喜欢上
(2) to begin as a practice, habit, etc. 染上……习惯(嗜好等) (3) to go to for rest, hiding, escape, etc. 到(某处)休息;到……躲藏;逃往 13. take up (1) to begin to spend time doing; interest onelf in 开始花时间从事(某项活动);对……产生兴趣; 开始学习(某课程),选修 (2) (of things or events) to fill or u (space or time) (事物或事件)占用了(时间或空间) (3) to accept the offer of 接受……的建议
(4) to continue 继续 △ take up with 和(某人,尤指讨厌的人)来往
be taken up with - be very busy with 忙于; 喜欢
14. be taken ill 病倒了,生病了 15. take a chance 碰碰运气,冒……风险
16. take a deep/ long breath 深吸一口气(以鼓起勇气或仔细考虑)
17. take a fancy / liking (dislike) to 喜欢(不喜欢)
18. take a hand in 干预 19. take a load / weight off sb's mind 使放心/ 安心
20. take a risk / risks 冒风险 21. take a at 坐下燃放烟花爆竹注意事项
22. take a vote 投票表决 23. take an interest in 对……有兴趣
24. take steps /measures to do 采取措施做某事
25. take action (on) (对……)采取措施
26. take advantage of 利用;占……的便宜, 不正当地利用
27. take aim 瞄准 28. take by 握住(某处); 拉住
29. take ….by surpri 奇袭;出其不意做某事, 使惊奇
30. take care 当心 31. take care of 照顾,料理;处理,对付;当心
32. take charge of 负责,接管 33. take cold 感冒,伤风
34. take control of 控制住,管住 35. take delight / pleasure in 以……为乐;喜欢
36. take effect 开始起作用;生效 37. take for / to be (错)当作,以为是
38. take ….for granted 想当然认为(会是某种情况),认为……是理所当然的;认为没有问题
39. take ….for instance / example 以……为例 40. take hold of 抓住;吸引住
41. take ….into account / consideration 考虑到,把……考虑进去
动物城堡 42. take it / things easy 慢慢地,不要过于紧张/ 劳累
43. take it or leave it 要不要都行;要么要要么不要,不要还价
44. take note (of) 注意 45. take notice (of) 注意;理会
46. take notes 作记录;记笔记 47. take / come into office 就职,上任
48. take one's breath away 令人惊异,叹为观止 49. take one's chance(s) 碰碰自己的运气
50. take one's time 慢慢来,从容不迫 51. take pains 特别注意 / 努力,下工夫
52. take (the) trouble 费事,下工夫 53. take pare (in) 参加,参与
54. take pity on / upon 可怜,怜悯 55. take place 发生,举行
56. take pride in / be proud of 为……感到自豪/ 骄傲
57. take revenge on 向….报复 58. take one's place 代替某人
潮汕习俗 59. take the long view 看得远一些 60. take the opportunity 利用这个机会
61. take turns 轮流(做某事)
1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was arching for information on the Internet. (2006年辽宁卷) A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in
解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"坏了",因此应填broke down.
2. To understand the grammar of the ntence,you must break it _____ into parts. (2005年湖北卷)
宁波方特乐园 A. down B. up C. off D. out
解析:A break…… down在此意为"将……分解",符合语境逻辑。
3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ ,and then it spread quickly. (2006年广东卷)
A. broke out B. put out C. came out D. got out
解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示"(火灾)发生",因此应填broke out.以上三题都是考查break短语的用法,本文在此对其做一归纳。
1. break down (1)破坏, 毁掉;Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了? (2) 破除;The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。 (3) 制服;The police tried to break down the prisoners' opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的反抗。 (4) 坍塌, 坏掉;Becau of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸, 昨夜这座桥倒塌了。 (5)(计划等)失败, 破裂;Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了, 真遗憾! Why did the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了? (6)(健康、精神)崩溃;After a long time of hard work, he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后, 他的身体几乎垮了。 (7) 分解This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。
2. break up (1) 解散,驱散。如:The police broke up the crowd (the meeting)。 警察驱散了人群(集会)。 (2) (学校等)放假。如:When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什么时候放圣诞节假? (3) 结束,破裂。如:The weat
her shows signs of breaking up. 好天气看样要过去了。 Their marriage is breaking up. 他们的婚姻濒临破裂。 (4) 击碎,撞碎。如:The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞毁了。 Let's break up the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。 (5) 绝交。如:She's just broken up with her boy-friend. 她刚与男朋友绝交。
3. break in破门而入,打断Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来, 偷走了他的相机。 He broke in with some ideas of his own.他插了话, 说了说自己的一些看法。
4.break into破门而入,突然……起来They broke into the prison and t free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。 Hearing the sad news,the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息, 这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。花螺怎么做好吃
5. break out战争爆发,争吵爆发,(火灾)发生When did the war break out? 这场战争是什么时候爆发的?
I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them. 我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。
More than one hundred fires broke out in our city last year. 去年我市发生了一百多起火灾。
6. break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯You must break away from the old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。
The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人,跑了。
You'd better break away from the habit of smoking. 你最好改掉吸烟的习惯。
7. break through 出现,突破It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through.原本是个阴天,不过太阳最后还是出来了。
Our soldiers successfully broke through the enemy's defences. 我们的战士成功地突破了敌军的防线。
8. break into pieces破成碎片The mirror fell to the ground and broke into pieces. 镜子掉到地上摔成了碎片。
9. break one's word/promi食言, 说话不算数I believe in him,becau he never breaks his word / promi. 我信任他,因为他从来不食言。
10. break the law/rule违反法律/规章制度Nobody can break the rules of our company. 没有人能违背我们公司的规章制度。