北京航空航天大学录取分数线Holly Brown
Date : 15-Jun-2011 No : B 16452-1215 email: holly.
你的名字剧情Unit 1215
改弦什么什么成语74-76 Cube Street
Wellington City One common gas supply is ud to heat the common hot water supply to all units in Sapphire Apartments. This supply of gas is paid by the Body Corporate but should be at the expen of owners/occupiers of the apartment units. It is therefore necessary for the Body Corporate to allocate the gas charges and recover the amount paid from the owners/occupiers of the apartment units. This is the invoice for the amount allocated to your apartment unit. Note: Payment due within 14 days. •Payment after due date will incur a late payment administration fee of $10.00+GST per late payment. •Non payment will result in the supply of hot water to your unit being disconnected plus cost for reconnection. $ 0.00 Outstanding Balance Over Due
27.90 4.00 31.90 4.79 Unit 1215Gas charges 1-May-11 to 31-May-11
Handling & administration fee T otal Charges : G ST : T his Invoice Amount : 36.69
P ayment is required within 14 days. P ayments can be made direct to our ASB Account 12 - 3233 - 0153204 - 000 P lea include your unit and/or invoice number. U nit 5, 13 Laidlaw Way, Botany South, Auckland, New Zealand. PO Box 64086, Botany Town Centre. T el: 09 271 2338 Fax: 09 271 2398 Mobile: 0275 fong 10 / 0275 3664 10 E mail:
Plea detach and return with your remittance.
To: Body Corporate 335195 No : B 16452-1215 ”Embassy APARTMENTS"
圆形的物品PO Box 64086运城博物馆
Botany Town Centre.湖南长沙岳麓书院
Auckland TOTAL PAYABLE $ 36.69 Body Corporate 335195
爱心符号“Embassy Apartments " 74-76 Cube Street, Wellington T AX INVOICE / STATEMENT G ST 88-515-536