螺纹大径:Major Diam 螺纹 中径:Pitch diam 螺纹 底径:Minor diam 通止规:Go/No go gage 机械性能:mechanical and physical properties unified thread 统一英制螺纹 Lustrate hydrogen after galvanizing to avoid hydrogen embrittlement 镀后去氢,防止氢脆 Ca carburization 表面渗碳 With across flats 对边 With across corners 对角 Radius of fillet:头下圆角 Transition thread length 过度螺纹 Wrenching height 扳拧高度 Rockwell 铬氏硬度 Vickers 维氏硬度 Brinell 布氏硬度 Metallography microscope 金相显微镜 Salt spray device 盐雾试验箱 Tensile testing machine 拉力试验机 Cold forming 冷打 Hot forging 红镦 P C 8 = property class 8 机械性能8级 原材料:Raw material 球化退火:Annealing 冷拔:Drawing 冷镦:Forming 机加工:Machining 螺纹成型:Roll Threading 热处理:heat-treatment 表面处理:finish 去氢:Lustrating hydrogen 检验:Inspection 包装:Packing 入库:Stocking 车床:lathe 磨制:grinding 红打:hot forging 冲压:punching Diameter 直径 Length 长度 1 标准 GB (国标)ISO(国际标准) DIN (德制) JIS (日标) ANSI /ASME (美标) BA (英制) 2 螺纹 M. MF (公制牙) UNC.UNF (美制牙) BSW.BSF (英制牙) 3 海关编码 73181500 螺栓 73181600 螺帽 73182100 垫圈 BO=black oxide 氧化发黑 IHH=ind hex head 锯 六角头 PH=phillips 十字槽 sw/fw=split washer/flatwasher 弹垫 平垫 kep nut 锁紧螺母 cementation 渗碳 acorn nut 盖形螺母 螺丝头型 Pan 圆头(盘头) Oval 半沉头 开心反义词H.W.H.. 六角小法兰 H.W.F. 六角大法兰 CSK 沙拉头(沉头) Large wafer 大扁平头 Bugle 喇叭头 Truss 盘头带垫 Pozi 米制槽 Phill 十字槽 Serra-tion 垫下带花 Flower Head 开花头 6-bobes recess 内梅花 Piston bolt 活塞螺钉 Winding bolt 线圈螺钉 Hexagon head bolts-full thread 六角头螺栓 全螺纹 Carriage bolt 马车螺栓 Square head bolt-product grade C 方头螺栓 C级 Flat counter sunk square neck bolts 沉头方颈螺栓 Flat counter sunk nib bolts 沉头带榫螺栓 Cup head square neck bolts 半圆头方螺栓 Cup head nib bolts 半圆头带榫螺栓 Cup head square neck bolts with large head –product grade C大半圆头方颈螺栓 C级 Hexagon head bolts-product grade C六角头螺栓 C级 Hexagon head bolts-full thread –product grade C 六角头螺栓 全螺纹 C级 Hexagon head bolts 六角头螺栓 Hexagon head bolts –full thread 六角头螺栓 全螺纹 Hexagon head bolts-reduced shank-product grade B六角头螺栓 细杆菌B级 Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread 六角头螺栓 细牙 Hexagon head bolts with fine pitch thread full thread六角头螺栓 细牙 全螺纹 Hexagon flange bolts –领航150heavy ries-product grade B 六角法兰面螺栓 加大系列车员 B级 Cross recesd pan head tapping screws 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 祖国祖国我爱你Hexagon flange drilling screw with tapping screw thread 六角法兰面自钻自攻螺钉 |
合金鋼線材盤元 alloy steel wire rod
球狀化線材 annealing wire and rod
黑鐵絲 black wire
黃銅棒線 brass wire and rod
磨光棒鋼 bright steel bar(hex/round/square)
銅合金線 copper alloy wire
線切割線 e.d.m cutting wire
快削鋼線材盤元 free cutting steel wire rod
線材 iron or steel wire
線材盤元 iron or steel wire rod
洋白銅線 nickel silver wire
磷青銅線 phosphate bronze wire
不一年级下册语文书鏽鋼條棒 stainless steel bar(round/hex/square)
不鏽鋼冷鍛線材 stainless steel cold heading wire
不鏽鋼線(抽線後) stainless steel draw wire
不鏽鋼線材 stainless steel wire
不鏽鋼線材及盤元 stainless steel wire and rod
棒鋼 steel bar(hex/round/square)
轉回90度碾線頭機 90訌evolving wire twisting machine
氣動拉釘機 air riveter
各式螺絲類產品自動包裝 automatic packaging for all kinds of packaging
自動包裝機 automatic packing machine
螺絲製造搓牙機械 automatic thread rolling machine
螺絲割尾加工機械 automatic thread slotting machine
螺絲製造成型機械 automatic trimming machine
拉釘打頭機 blind rivet heading machine
螺絲、螺帽成型機 bolt formers,nuts formers,headers
螺絲、螺帽熱處理 bolt nut and screws heat treatment
螺絲、螺帽熱處理爐 bolt nut and screws heat treatment furnaces
球狀化電器燉爐 carburizing furnace vacuum and bell type furnace
超防銹復合瓷膜 ceramic coating
連續式光輝滲碳淬火爐 continuous bright carburizing quenching furnace
連續式光輝?#123;質淬火爐 continuous bright hardening quenching furnace
中、高房地产行业现状与未来熱鍍鋅光輝連續爐 continuous bright heat treat furnace
連續式光輝熱處理爐 continuous type bright heat treatment furnace
螺絲割尾及特殊割遘加工 machine screw shank slotting
螺絲鑽孔加工 screw shank drilling
雞眼上下模 eyelets dies
如何隐藏手机软件一般線材、盤元、退火爐 general wire,wire rod,annealing furnace
倒立式滑落型伸線機 handstand type wire drawing machine
十字沖模 header punches in various drives
成型沖模 header punches in various drives
螺絲打頭機 heading machine
螺絲製造高速搓牙機械 high speed automatic thread rolling machine
高中低周波感應加熱爐 high,medium,low frequency induction heater
空心打頭機 hollow heading machine
熱浸鍍鋅螺絲、螺帽 hot dip galvanizing bolts and nuts
機械鍍鋅 mechanical galvanized
迷你成型機 mini-formers
成品自動收線機 non-stop coiler
精抽自動收線機 non-stop coiler(skinpass)
螺帽模 nut forming dies
螺帽成型模 nuts formers
囗述特殊零件成型機 parts forming maching
沖模 punch dies
沖子 punch pins
羅拉成型機 rollers formers
機(踏)車用螺絲成型機 screw for motorcycle or bicycle heading machine
止付螺絲成型機 t screws formers
套高成型機 sockets formers
一般線材、盤元、螺絲合金燉爐 spheroidizing bright annealing furnace
球狀化熱處理爐 spheroidizing heat treatment furnace
攻牙機 tapping machine
螺絲攻、車刀、模具 taps dies and tools
搓牙機鐵屑分離裝置 thread chip parator
滾牙輪 thread rolling dies
牙板 thread rolling dies plates
精密油壓滾牙機 hydraulic thread rolling machines
模具 tools
六角整頭模 trimming dies hexagan
碳化鎢模具 tungsten carbide die
鍍鈦處理(tin)專業加工服務 tin hard coating for cutting tools and punch by pvd
電鍍化學原料 various electroplating chemicals
環規校正 calibration for ring gage
環規、牙規、三線規校正 calibration for ring gage, athread gage, 3 wire gage
螺絲、螺帽品檢量測儀器 fasteners inspection and measurement instruments
螺絲、螺帽成型攻牙專用油 forming and tapping oils for bolts and nuts formers
螺絲、螺帽五金等檢驗 insptection rvices for fasteners and hardware
德國schatz扭力機代理 reprentative of schatz torque machin
iso品質保證系統 iso quality assurance system
生產管理系統 production control system
物料管理系統 material control system
齒輪 gears
不銹鋼牙條棒 stainless steel hread rod
馬達軸承軸心組件 bearing shaft(motor)
軸承軸心 bearing shaft
開口鉚釘 blind rivets
長形拉帽 blind rivet nuts
拉帽 blind nuts
拉釘 blind rivets
實心梢 clevis pins and straight pins
彈片 clips
卷釘 coil nails
冷鍛零件 cold forming part
開口銷 cotter pins
e型環 e-rings
膨脹螺栓 expansion anchor bolts
雞眼釘 eyelets rivets
r型銷 snap pins