① politely有礼貌地
① sincerely真诚地
① determinedly坚定地;坚决地① firmly有力地;坚定地① delightedly高兴地
① confidently自信地
① patiently耐心地
① proudly自豪地
① tolerantly宽容地
① excitedly激动地;兴奋地① sympathetically同情地
① riously严肃地;认真地① mildly/gently温柔地;和蔼地
① modestly谦虚地
① gratefully感激地
① bravely勇敢地
① warmly热情地;热烈地
① kindly和蔼地
北伐战争时间① eagerly渴望地;热切地
① hesitantly犹豫不决地完美的近义词
① impatiently不耐烦地
① cruelly残忍地
① angrily生气地
① weakly虚弱地;微弱地
① anxiously焦虑地;不安地;担忧地① worriedly担忧地;着急地
① confudly困惑地
① disappointedly失望地
① awkwardly尴尬地;难为情地
① clumsily笨拙地
① blankly茫然地偏僻入里
① greedily贪婪地① reluctantly不情愿地
① doubtfully怀疑地
① helplessly无助地
① dully迟钝地;呆笨地
① hopelessly绝望地;无望地
① hatefully憎恨地
① regretfully后悔地;遗憾地
○22 uneasily/nervously不安地;紧张地
○24 crazily=like crazy拼命地;发疯般地○25(shake/tremble)violently猛烈地;剧烈地
① quietly悄悄地
① slightly轻微地
① softly/gently温柔地
① silently默默地
① swiftly迅速地
① curiously好奇地
① unexpectedly出乎意料地;意外地① hurriedly匆忙地
① deliberately故意地
① tightly紧紧地
① in silence= silently默默地
① in cret= cretly秘密地;偷偷地
① in a hurry= hurriedly匆忙地
① with patience= patiently耐心地
① with pride= proudly骄傲地;自豪地
① with enthusiasm = enthusiastically热心地;热情地;感兴趣地
① with sympathy= sympathetically同情地
① with caution = cautiously小心地;谨慎地
① with envy= enviously嫉妒地
① with curiosity= curiously好奇地
① with anxiety= anxiously焦虑地
① with devotion= devotedly忠诚地;全心全意地
① with sorrow= sorrowfully悲痛地
① in amazement= amazedly吃惊地
① in confusion = confudly困惑地
① in admiration= admiringly仰慕地
① with/in excitement= excitedly自的出法激动地;兴奋地
① with/in embarrassment = embarrasdly难为情地;尴尬地
① with/in satisfaction = contentedly满意地
① with/in delight = delightedly 高兴地
○21.with determination = determinedly坚定地;毅然然坚韧不拔地
with confidence= confidently满怀信心地
① She gazed up at him, glowing with happines. 脸上洋溢着幸福。
① In all the excitement, I left my wallet behind. 一时激动
我的琴声① The stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity. 好奇地眨着眼睛① He was wild with joy, singing and dancing in rain. 欣喜若狂
⑤We waited for news with anxiety. 焦虑地
⑥He fought the illness with courage and determination.勇敢地
① The kids were screaming with/in delight/with joy高兴地
⑧They watched the experiment with great interest/with great enthusiasm 非常感兴趣地
① He looked at me in confusion / puzzlement. 困惑地