The passage discuss Confucius’ theory of cultivating one’s behavior toward family and society. It begins with the introduction of historical background of his time – the Spring and Autumn Period. It experienced a dramatic change of social system and prolonged chaos and fighting. As a result, the cultural tradition 馨读音inherited from ancient times was corrupted. Confucius wanted to restore the great tradition abandoned (抛弃) by people and established harmonious social relationships among people. To realize this, Confucius propod lf-cultivation with the starting point from feelings to parents. The feelings are nourished and cultivated into family reverence. The love for parents extends to other people as one begins to
乞休《论语》是儒家学派的经典著作 ( classics) 之一,该书记录了(records)孔子及其弟子的言行,传授儒家的主要思想(central theme):仁、义 (righteousness)、礼、智,其中仁是儒家的核心价值观(kernel value)。仁是指爱父母和敬长兄,如果这种对家庭成员的情感伸延 (extend to) 到社会的其他人身上, 人与人之间和睦关系也就建立起来了。
The Analects圆白菜炒肉 is one of the Confucian classics. The book records the sayings and behaviours of Confucius and his disciples. It teaches the central theme of Confucianism including humaneness, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, of which humaneness is Confucius’ kernel value. Humaneness is taken as love for parents and respect for elder brothers. If the feelings for family members are extended to other people in the society, harmonious relationships among individuals will be built up.
后背脊椎疼1、The Wisdom of Confucius discuss the most important school of Chine philosophy— Confucianism — with the focus on its core concepts Ren 电流表的使用and Li. Ren means goodness or benevolence and Li means ritual or propriety. Ren and Li were advocated by Confuciu
s 2500 years ago for the purpo of restoring political order of Zhou Dynasty. The doctrine has exerted a great influence on Chine culture ever since, from cultivating filial piety at home, to giving love to everybody, until keeping social and political order in a country. 初中化学课件With Ren and Li, Chine culture is characterized by harmony and equilibrium, building harmonious relationships between human and nature, between any individuals, and keeping equilibrium socially, economically and politically. That is Confucius wisdom and that is the esnce of traditional Chine thinking.