学习过程 | 学习方法 |
一、【学习目标】 1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 2. 初步感知运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t… 3. 理解,掌握课文内容,用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 教学重点: 1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 2. 正确运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t… 3. 能借助提示,完整的复述本课内容。 【学习重点】 理解课文内容,能借住图片提示完整的复述本课内容。 二、【自主先学】 1.跟磁带读Story time三遍并尝试理解中文意思,圈画出不理解的地方。 完成短语互译 1. 等待绿灯 2.看看交通灯 3. 穿过马路 转正评价 4.小心汽车 5. 保持安全 6. cross the road with other people 7. stop and wait 8. look for a zebra crossing 三【小组讨论】 (根据学生已有的生活经验和学生的英语知识积累,先通过思考朗读帮助学生的建立知识建构,为下面学习课文和语言输出做铺垫。) We must walk on the pavements. ( ) We can cross the road with other people. ( ) The traffic lights have two colours. ( ) We mustn’t run and play on the road. ( ) Before crossing the road, we must look left and right.( ) We must run quickly on the road.( ) 四:【探究展示】 What can you find from the ntences?(让学生读句子,感知语气上的变化。) 清蒸蟹must 的语气强一些,表示一定,必须。它的否定形式是mustn’t. can 的语气相对弱些,表示可以能够。 Text teaching 1).Watch the cartoon and put the ntences in right orders. Sometimes, you can’t find a zebra crossing, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. First, you must look for a zebra crossing. You can cross the road with other people. Becau the driver can e you easily. Then, you must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. Before crossing the road, you must first look left, then right and then left again. Work in groups. B—D—A —E—C Check the answer. 荠菜开花图片 五 【达标检测 】 ) Look and say. Show the picture on page 38. Work in groups. What must you do to cross the road safely? We must… What must you not do on the road? We mustn’t… Write them on the books. 根据中文提示翻译下列句子。 1.路上有许多人。 There are a 欧阳修代表作品 on the road. 2.你们必须保持教室干净整洁。 You the classroom and 3.我们可以在晚饭前完成作业。 We can our homework dinner. 4.你想要过马路,你必须看交通灯。 You want to cross the road. You look at the | 读出目标,了解学习内容。 自由谈论,引出本单元话题。 看图片,理解图片内容,回答有关问题。 理解句子的同时, 学习新词汇。对学, 群学,独学 。 分段大声朗读故事,组内完成相关练习。互相讨论疑难问题。 分角色朗读课文,表演课文。 再次朗读故事, 回顾总结本故事的内涵。理解寓意 。 |
[学后反思] | |
学习过程 | 学习方法 |
【学习目标】 1. 能正确的听、说、读单词: a pavement, a road, a zebra crossing, green man, red man, traffic lights 刘若英成全2. 初步感知运用日常交际用语You must \mustn’t… you can\ can’t… 3. 初步掌握文中出现的交通规则:You must first look for a zebra crossing and then look at the traffic lights. We must first look left, then right and then look left again. We mustn’t run and play on the road. etc 【学习重点】 1.能借助提示,完整的复述本课内容。 2.通过本课时的学习,让学生能够理解一些常见的交通规则,并能用英语进行表达及其描述。 【自主先学】 Learn the traffic rules. T: Now you are a student in Grade 6. Do you know any traffic rules? Read the rules and judge.(根据学生已有的生活经验和学生的英语知识积累,先通过思考朗读帮助学生的建立知识建构,为下面学习课文和语言输出做铺垫。) We must walk on the pavements. ( ) We can cross the road with other people. ( ) The traffic lights have two colours. ( ) We mustn’t run and play on the road. ( ) Before crossing the road, we must look left and right.( ) We must run quickly on the road.( ) 三【小组讨论】 Look and say. Show the picture on page 38. Work in groups. What must you do to cross the road safely? We must… What must you not do on the road? We mustn’t… Write them on the books. 四:【探究展示】 1).Watch the cartoon and put the ntences in right orders. Sometimes, you can’t find a zebra crossing, you can wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. First, you must look for a zebra crossing. You can cross the road with other people. Becau the driver can e you easily. Then, you must look at the traffic lights and wait for the green man. Before crossing the road, you must first look left, then right and then left again. 【课文总结】:Summry: 情态助动词can, must的用法: can: 能,可以。Can’t: 不能,不可以,是否定形式。后面都接V原形. Must:必须,一定,mustn’t: 禁止。后面也加V原形。Must….?回答:Yes, sb. must. No, sb. needn’t. 五 【达标检测 】 Look and act. Look at the pictures, suppo you are a policeman, What should you say? T shows the pictures on P36-37 It is a red man. You mustn’t cross the road now. It is a green man. You can cross the road now. You must wait on the pavement and look out for cars and bikes. You can wait with other people. The drivers can e you easily. You mustn’t play on the road. (出示课文图片,创设当警察的情境,. 根据中文提示补全句子。 1.那只狮子不能从网里出来。 The lion could not the net. 2.苏海总是把东西放得井井有条,并保持她的卧室干净整洁。 Su Hai always the things and keeps her bedroom clean and tidy. 3.玛丽一次吃少量的甜食。 Mary eats a sweet food at a 4.你可以在人行道上等,和其他人一起过马路。 You can wait on the and cross the road other people. | 读出目标,了解学习内容。 自由谈论,引出本单元话题。 看图片,理解图片内容,回答有关问题。 理解句子的同时, 学习新词汇。对学, 群学,独学 。 分段大声朗读 Mike’s and Yangling’s diet .组内完成相关练习。互相讨论疑难问题。 分角色朗读课文,表演课文。 组内编对话, 回顾总结 what are healthy diet 。try to u some / a lot of / may / much / a little / a few . Try to say in groups . Finish off them by themlves. Then report thei answers . Talk about their problems. |
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