Abstract—Current wireless communications enable people to easily exchange information, while web rvices provide looly-coupled and platform-independent ways of linking applications across the Internet or Intranet. This paper prents an integration of wireless communication technologies and web rvices technologies to realize a wireless food ordering system. In this system, it implements wired and wireless data access to the rvers and food ordering functions through both desktop PCs and mobile devices such as PDAs over a wired/wireless integrated local area network. To sure the curity of the system, the cure web rvice architecture and some curity strategies to ensure mobile communication curity are discusd. Web rvices-bad wireless applications on mobile devices provide a means of convenience, improving efficiency and accuracy for restaurants by saving time, reducing human errors, etc.
Keywords Web Services; Wireless; Food Ordering System; curity
The rapid developments in information technology, particularly in wireless communication and web rvices technologies, are greatly changing the way people access and work with information. The convenience and powerful functionality offered by mobile devices such as PDAs, has encouraged many people to investigate the benefits of using them. Wireless and handheld devices abound as vendors pitch the common themes of one-to-one computing, instant communication and anytime, anywhere information access. While web rvices provide a technology for rvice-oriented computing. Web rvices allow programs written in different languages on different platforms to communicate with each other in a standard way .
By integrating the technologies, consistent business models can be implemented on a broad array of devices: not just on mobile devices operating over mobile networks, but also on rvers and PCs connected to the Internet.
The food ordering process in restaurants requires the coordination of simple tasks. Instruction flows mainly from customers to waiters then to kitchen and/or the bar staff, finally to the cashier . In a medium to large and busy restaurant this coordination is a challenge and requires an efficient ordering system. Errors in ordering process lead to incorrect or out of quence meal preparation or non-consumable and results in added cost to the business.泰拳教学视频
This paper prents an integration of wireless communication technologies and web rvices technologies to realize a wireless food ordering system. In this system, it implements wired and wireless data access to the rvers and food ordering functions through both desktop PCs and mobile devices such as PDAs over a wired/wireless integrated local area network. The system is bad on cure web rvice architecture and some curity strategies to ensure mobile communication curity are adopted. Web rvices-bad wireless applications on mobile devices provide a means of convenience, improving efficiency and accuracy.春分的古诗
A. Wireless LAN
A wireless LAN (WLAN, Wireless Local Area Network) is a flexible data communication system implemented as an extension to or as an alternative for, a wired LAN within a building or campus . Using electromagnetic waves, WLANs transmit and receive data over the air, minimizing the need for wired connections. Thus, WLANs combine data connectivity with ur mobility, and, through simplified configuration, enable movable LANs.
gb50208The IEEE 802.11 group of standards specifies the technologies for wireless LANs. 802.11 standards
u the Ethernet protocol and CSMA/CA (carrier n multiple access with collision avoidance) for path sharing and include an encryption method, the Wired Equivalent Privacy algorithm. The 802.11a, b, and g standards are the most common for home wireless access points and large business wireless systems.
A remote ur can u WLAN to access the Internet through public access points (“hotspots”) provided by rvice providers. When in the of fice, they may access WLAN through wireless access points. In enterpri environments, WLANs are usually complemented by curity mechanisms, such as VPN (Virtual Private Network).
Over the last veral years, WLANs have gained strong popularity in some markets, including the health-care, retail, manufacturing, and academic areas. The industries have profited from the productivity gains of using hand-held terminals and notebook computers to transmit real-time information to centralized hosts for processing. Today WLANs are becoming more widely recognized as a general-purpo connectivity alternative for a broad range of business customers.
B. Web Services
Quickly becoming a significant technology in the evolution of the Internet is web rvices, a t of sta
ndards that can interconnect systems over a verity of networks. It is an open XML-bad technology providing a generic data exchange format and has been rapidly adopted by many vendors. Web rvices can easily be built upon existing applications, no matter what the underlying technology is. Becau they are expected to have a growing familiarity and acceptance among many urs and offer great technological promis, Web rvices are an interesting subject for the investigation of their possible application in many systems .
Web rvices are a new generation of web application. It combines the advantages of the component-oriented methods and web techniques, and they can describe its own rvice. It can also publish, locate and transfer modularized application in web. The provided functions of web rvices may be simple, but it also contains extraordinary complicated business logic. Web rvices reprent a kind of implementation of SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture), and they are the most popular one. In addition, the three operations of SOA can only process when the components of SOA interact. Therefore some standardized techniques are ud in web rvices, including UDDI, WSDL, HTTP, SOAP, and XML and so on. Web rvices become the best choice for developing application of SOA .
A. System Architecture
In the system, we adopt four-tiered web-bad client-rver architecture. Figure 1 shows the overview of the system architecture. The system is conceptually compod of six main components: the web rver, databa rver, cash register, mobile context rver, mobile ur and desktop ur. The web rver provided relevant information for mobile devices or desktop PCs on a wired/wireless integrated local area network using WSDL (Web Service Description Language) to describe functions and protocols. The web rver then transmits to the mobile devices or desktop PCs. The ur binds the web rver and the WSDL. This enables the web rvice to be ud by correspondence using SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). The databa rver saves all information of the system such as food information, ordering information, client information. The cash register is responsible for cost calculation of the consumer. The mobile context rver applies context to the contents by using styles, an attribute override, and templates according to the resources of a given mobile device.
Desktop urs can ask for rvices after checking the WSDL of the rvice from the web rver. A desktop on a wired network can be ud to brow full contents on one screen shot. When a ur requests food information through a wired network, the web rver rves the information by connec
ting to the databa rver. When a ur requests food information through a wireless network, the mobile context rver divides the context pages according to the screen size of the mobile device. It also filters the pages according to mobile devices and then brows the adopted content from the context rver to the mobile web browr. The mobile context rver reconfigures contents offered by the web rver.
Figure 1The System Architecture
B. Web Service Security Model
Web rvice curity can be applied at three levels :
●Platform/transport-level (point-to-point) curity;
●Application-level (customer) curity;
●Message-level (end-to-end) curity.
脸颊骨Each approach has different strengths and weakness. The choice of the
小萝卜泡菜approach is largely dependent on the characteristics of the architecture and platforms involved in the message exchange. This system focus on platform- and application-level curity, so the two curity levels are described.
1.Platform/transport-level (point-to-point) curity
The transport channel between two endpoints (web rvice client and web rvice) can be ud to provide point-to-point curity as illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2Platform/transport-level curity
In the platform-level model, the client nds an XML format request to the web rver. The XML message is not encrypted by the client. When the message is transported in the transport channel, the network encrypts the entire data stream to make sure that the transport is cure. This system us a tightly coupled Microsoft Windows operating system environment. The Internet Information Server (IIS) provides basic, integrated and certificate authentication. The ASP web rvice inherits some of the ASP authentication and authorization features. The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is ud to provide message integrity and confidentiality.
2 .Application-level curity
With application-level curity, the application controls curity with custom curity features (Figure 3).
Figure 3Application-level curity
In the application-level curity model, for example, an application can u a custom SOAP header to pass ur credentials to authenticate the ur with each web rvice request. A common approach is to pass a ticket (or ur name or licen) in the SOAP header. The application has the flexibility to generate its own principal object that contains roles. The application can optionally encrypt what it needs to, although this requires cure key storage and developers must have knowledge of the relevant
cryptography APIs. An alternative technique us SSL to provide confidentiality and integrity it with custom SOAP headers to perform authentication. The system us the SOAP Toolkit 2.0offered by Microsoft, which provides support for internet curity bad on the IIS curity infrastructure to implement the application-level curity model.
C. The Implementation of the System
The whole system was built using the Microsoft framework and compact framework. Server application was implemented by Microsoft ASP bad on C#, the databa was rved by Microsoft SQL rver 2000. The context rver connected to the web rver acted as IIS as the w
eb rver. The function modules of this system mainly consist of 5 parts: system management, food management, client management, food ordering management and finance management, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4function modules of the system
The system management module is responsible for the initial tting of the system, administrator tting, wireless network tting, logs management etc. The food menu management includes tting name, prides, types, state of food, and so on. The client management supervis information of clients, which include the VIP information. The food ordering management is responsible for super矫情的反义词
vising the food ordering information from wire urs and wireless urs. The finance management administrates cash, bill, and financial audit of the restaurant. Some ur interfaces of wire urs and wireless urs in this system are shown in figure 5 and figure 6.
The mobile devices have been widely ud to provide easily access to the web content. We prented a wireless food ordering system bad on web rvices over a wired/wireless integrated local area network, which implements wired and wireless data access to the rvers and food ordering functions through both desktop PCs and mobile devices such as PDAs. The system is bad on cure web rvice architecture and can increa efficiency forrestaurants by saving time, reducing human errors and by providing higher quality customer rvice.