Chairman Mao once said one is never too old to learn, his words have inspired so many people to study all the time. Life-long learning is very necessary today, many teachers have kept studying for they need to refresh their knowledge. For me, I互联网技术 also like to keep life-long learning, the reasons are in the following.
On the one hand, the society develops so fast, I don’t want to be kicked out, so I need to keep studying and make mylf keep pace with the time. Like the old people, they don’t know how to u computer, some of them learn the computer and some refu to learn. The result is that the one who doesn’t u computer can’t keep pace with the time.
On the other hand, life-long learning helps me have the passion on life. I am always curious about the new things, so I will want to know them more. If I stop learning, I will stop thinking and feel mylf like waiting to die, how terrible it is.
Life-long learning is necessary for everyone, it is the only way to make us keep pace with the time.
In recent years, it is a prevalentphenomenon inChinathat many students go abroad to study at their early age. Just as the sayinggoes, “so many people, so many minds.” It is quite understandable that views onthis issue vary from person to person.
Some people contend that overa at anearly age has proved to bring many disadvantages. They claim that tho who goabroad at an early age will feel difficult to adapt to the foreign surroundingsbecau studying abroad requires higher language ability. In addition, thostudents who are nt to foreign country will not be easy to learn improve abilityand knowledge if they have not mastered their native culture. What’s more,studying abroad will have some bad impacts on students’ morals, values andbeliefs.
However, the others stand on the oppositeside. They argue that studying abroad at an early age is another choice forstudents to development, compared with the college entrance examination. Furthermore,students can get in touch with various cultures when they are studying abroadso that they can broaden their horizon.
As a matter of fact, I amconvinced that its disadvantages far outweigh than its advantages. I considerthat studying abroad is more suitable for college students becau they 婚姻恐惧症havesome ability to cope with their own matters.
Before students go to college, they need to consider many factors to decide which college they should choo. Many people gave their opinions according to their experience. It has been admitted that studying in the big cities is a good choice and they explained the reasons.
For tho people who have been working for some time, they feel the difference between graduates from small cities and big cities. It is obvious that students from big cities have access to advanced information and when they face the new things, they can g安的反义词et ud to them quickly. It is the great advantage to keep pace with the time and know what newest information is.
What’s more, the big cities attract students from different areas, so in the campus, the students from all countries have the chance to communicate and make friends with each other. They can share the interest and culture, which broadens their vision.
The stage of college is important. Students learn to deal with all kinds of relationships. Big cities provide the better chance to get newest information and meet more friends, which can be a great help to their future success.
Study has been the important part of our life. Some people believe that when they go to work, they don't need to study anymore. It is the wrong conception about study. We are not only learning the knowledge from books, we are also learning things from life, so study is the lifelong mission.
The knowledge we learn from school provides us a way to explore the world. I五行属木的字有哪些n college, we need to learn professional skills, so we can find our place in the society. I believe that besides the skills, the way to think is the most important skill we should master. The ultimate goal of education is to let people have their own judgement.
When we come to work, there are so many things for us to learn, such as how to make better communication or how to improve our own professional skills. Though we are not in school, we learn the practical knowledge all the time. The world develops every minute and we need to move on, or we will be kicked out.
Study is the lifelong career. We are happy to learn more knowle萌宠图片dge, becau i解聘通知书范本t means we are being perfect.
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