一、论文题目:Classroom Interaction And Oral English Teaching
Chapter One Definition and Theoretical Basis of Interaction
1.1 Definition of Interaction
1.3 Some Main Interactive Modes in the Prent Classroom
Chapter Two The Necessity And The Principles of Following InteractionTeachin会议内容怎么写g Mode
2.1 The Disadvantage of Traditional Oral English Teaching Mode
2.2 The Necessity and Merit of Taking InteractionTeaching Mode
2.3 Oral English InteractionTeaching Mode Should Follow the Principles
Chapter Three Personal Interaction in the Oral English Teaching
3.1 The Relationship Between tiexpresshe Teacher and Students
3.2 Two Types of Personal Interaction
3.3 Classroom Climate
3.4 Classroom Size
Chapter Four The Evaluation of the Interactive Oral English Teaching Mode
4.1 Some Principles Should Follow When Evaluating
4.2 The Concept of Evaluating
4.3 The Technology of Evaluating
Jonsn, DHThinking Technology: Toward a Constructivist Design Model [J].Educational Technolgy. 3 (1994): 3435.
Littlewood, William. Communicative Language Teaching [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University P桃子的热量ress .1981.
系别:外语系 专业:英 语 所选题目名称:
English Idioms and Their Cohesive Function
English idioms are an important part of the Engli中国第一女毒枭sh vocabulary. The general tendencies of prentday English are towards more idiomatic usages. Halliday and Hason (1976) poi含血喷人nted out that there are three functions of English idioms (ideational function, interpersonal手工怎么做简单又漂亮鼠尾掌 function and textual function)。 Another scholar, Fernando C. (1996), also made valuable contributions to the understanding of idiomatic expression_r of coherent text, and in the creation of stylistic effects.
Chine linguists like Hu Zhuanglin (1994, 1996), Zhu Yongsheng (1995, 1996, 1997) and Zhang Delu中考英语题型 (1994) mainly made contributions to the study of textual cohesion.
This paper is firstly intended to define English idioms and analyze the features of them. It then explores the cohesive function after careful analysis and discussion, attempting to arou the concern of using idioms appropriately and help readers make full u of the cohesive function for communicating more concily and idiomatically, thus more effectively.
As English idioms are much alive in everyday English, a clo look at the function of idioms must be taken. This disrtation includes the following five aspects: 1. Introduction.
3. Cohesive Function of English Idioms 3.1 Cohesion.
3.2 Functional Categories.
3.3 Cohesive Function of Relational Idioms 3.4 Cohesive Function of Other Idioms.
March 26April 30: completion of the first draft and eking supervisor’s advice May 1?June 10: refinement of the paper according to teacher’s suggestion.
[2] Halliday, M.A.K. and R. Hason. Cohesion in English. Longman Press, 1985
[3] Lakoff, G. and M. Johnson. Metaphors We Live By. University o马克思主义基本原理论文f Chicago Press, 1980
[4] Makkai, A. Idiom Structure in English. The Hague Press,1972
[5] 林承璋。 英语词汇学引论[M]. 武汉大学出版社,1987
[6] 陆国强。 现代英语词汇学[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 1999
[7] 汪榕培, 卢晓娟。 英语词汇学教程[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 1999
论文题目:the Application and Innovation
长时期以来, 人们视艾米莉?勃朗特为英国文学中的“斯芬克斯”。关于她本人和她的作品都有很多难解之谜, 许多评论家从不同的角度、采用不同的方法去研究, 得出了不同的结论, 因而往往是旧谜刚解, 新谜又出, 解谜热潮似永无休止。
本文立足于欧美文学中的哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉 勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
研究的基本内容:本文立足于欧美文学中的.哥特传统研究《呼啸山庄》的创作源泉, 指出艾米莉勃朗特在主题、人物形象、环境刻画、意象及情节构造等方面都借鉴了哥特传统, 同时凭借其超乎寻常的想象力, 将现实与超现实融为一体, 给陈旧的形式注入了激烈情感、心理深度和新鲜活力, 达到了哥特形式与激情内容的完美统一, 使《呼啸山庄》既超越了哥特体裁的“黑色浪漫主义”, 又超越了维多利亚时代的“现实主义”, 从而展现出独具一格、经久不衰的艺术魅力。
1.A Survey of Gothic
1.1 Definition of Gothic
2. Emily’s Gothic Heritage
2.1 Theme
1801年2.1.1 Good and Evil
2.2 Characters Description
2.2.1 Villainhero
2.2.2 Delicate Young Girl
2.3 Atmosphere, Environment and Plot
2.3.1 Terror
2.3.2 Mystery
2.3.3 Supernatural
3.Emily’s Gothic Innovation
3.1 Combination of romanticism and Realism
3.1.1 Change of the Background
3.1.3 Stream of Consciousness
3.1.4 Illusion and Subconsciousness
3.2. Description of Figure Emotion and Psychology
2.拟采用的研究方法 主要有资料查找、理论探讨研究、阅读法
研究所需条件:纸张、打印设备、*书馆、互联网上获取国内外文献资料;可能存在的问题:(1)文献不足; 。
(2) 由于个人的观点和能力,使对研究对象分析不够全面和深入。
2. 应收集资料及主要参考文献(不少于8条)
[2] Gerin, Winifred. 1971. Emily Bronte [M]. New York: Oxford University Press.
[3] Marie, MulveyRoberts. ed. 1998.The handbook to gothic literature [A]. New York: New York University Press. p. 83.
[4] Punter, David. 1980. The Literature of Terror [M]. London: Longman. p. 6.
[7] 肖明翰. 2001. 英美文学中的哥特传统[J]. 外国文学评论第3期.
[8] 鲜于静. 2003. 神秘和怪诞的魅力??福克纳小说《八月之光》的哥特艺术研究[MA]. 中国学位论文全文库.
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