
更新时间:2023-06-20 17:23:16 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 1 Food
In-Class Reading Food and Culture
1 对于什么样的⾷物好吃,我们都有⾃⼰的看法。对于什么样的⾷物不好吃,我们也有⾃⼰的看法。因此,来⾃某种⽂化的⼈常常会觉得来⾃另⼀种⽂化的⼈吃的⾷物难以忍受或者令⼈作呕。⽐如,著名的拳击⼿穆罕默德·阿⾥访问⾮洲时,⼀名随团成员看到有⼈抓起⼀只蝴蝶就吃了下去时便恶⼼得想吐。许多⼈会觉得吃⽼⿏⾁令⼈恶⼼,但世界上有⽣活在42种不同⽂化中的⼈认为⿏⾁是合适的⾷物。
2 在⾮洲,有些⼈认为⾮洲⽩蚁可以做成美餐。对于其他许多⼈来说,如果⾮吃(⽩蚁)不可的话,他们很可能会呕吐。但是,如果拿100克的⽩蚁和100克制作好的汉堡包相⽐,前者所含的热量是后者的两倍多,其所含的蛋⽩质也⼏乎是后者的两倍。
3 不过,对⾷物的好恶似乎并不⼀定与营养有关。例如,花椰菜在营养最丰富的常见蔬菜中排名第⼀,但它在美国⼈最喜欢的蔬菜中仅名列第21位。西红柿在营养最丰富的蔬菜中排名第16,但它在美国⼈最喜欢的蔬菜中却名列榜⾸。
4 但不喜欢并不是某些⽂化(中的⼈们)不吃某种⾷物的唯⼀原因。在⼀些⽂化中,有些⾷物是禁忌。“禁忌”⼀词来源于斐济群岛的语⾔,⽤来表⽰禁⽌做的事。有些⾷物在某些宗教中被列为禁忌,但也有⼀些饮⾷禁忌与宗教⽆关。通常我们不去考虑为什么在我们的⽂化中有些东西是禁忌。我们也许甚⾄不知道它们为什么是禁忌。⼈类学家试图发现禁忌背后隐藏的原因。例如,印度“圣⽜”为⼈们所熟知。⽜可以在印度的⼤街上到处⾛,它们可以吃街上⾷品摊主所供应的⾷物中任何它们想吃的东西。结果,⽜就成了问题。可是,在印度没⼈会去杀⽜或吃⽜⾁。杀⽜或吃⽜⾁是禁忌。这种习俗在其他⼈看起来似乎很奇怪,但⼈类学家相信这⾃有其原因。⾸先,⽜是很宝贵的,因为农民需要它们帮助犁地。其次,⽜粪可作地⾥的肥料。在印度,许多农民买不起化肥。还有,⽜粪弄⼲后可⽤来烧⽕做饭。因此,杀⽜⾷⾁的农民很快发现他们⽆法犁地,⽆法给庄稼施肥,或者不能烧⽕做饭。
5 再⽐如,美国⼈不吃狗⾁,尽管来⾃其他⼀些⽂化的⼈视狗⾁为佳肴。在美国,狗作为宠物对⼈们极为重要。它们通常被视为家庭的⼀部分,有时候⼏乎被当成孩⼦⼀样。此外,狗的⽤处还在于防范罪犯。盗贼⼀般不进⼊有狗的住宅,因为狗会吠叫,⽽且可能会袭击试图进⼊房⼦的陌⽣⼈。显⽽易见,狗在社会中被视为⼈类的伙伴及防范罪犯的卫⼠,它们所处的地位使得吃狗⾁成为了禁忌。
6 不⽌⼀种⽂化忌⾷猪⾁。有迹象表明⼀些古埃及⼈不吃猪⾁,古代以⾊列⼈也视猪⾁为禁忌。对禁⾷猪⾁的⼀种解释是,未经充分烹调的猪⾁可能会传播⼀种疾病—旋⽑⾍病,但⼤多数⼈不再认为这能很好地解释禁⾷猪⾁的原因。另⼀种解释是以⾊列⼈原属游牧民族—他们总是居⽆定所。要养猪,
7 ⼈类学家相信,对⾷物的好恶⼤多是不同⼈不同⽣活⽅式的结果。有些⼈⽣活在既有⼤型动物⼜有许多昆⾍的地区。他们杀死⼤型动物有困难,需要花很⼤的⼒⽓。对他们来说,以昆⾍为⾷要容易些,因为捕捉昆⾍既不困难⼜不需花太⼤的⼒⽓。四处流动、过游牧⽣活的⼈不愿意以猪⾁为⾷。有些⼈也不吃像狗那样的宠物。美国⼈⽜⾁吃得很多,因为有⼤量的⼟地可⽤来养⽜,⽽且⽜⾁可以通过铁路以低廉的价格进⾏长途运输。
After-Class Reading
1 ⼈与动物相区别的⼀点是⼈喜爱熟⾷。尽管⼈们发现⾼等动物猿能像⼈⼀样⽤声⾳和肢体动作进⾏交流,但是猿从来不加⼯⾷物。⽽且,我们还希望吃的⾷物⾊⾹味俱佳。⼈的感官⾮常敏锐,辨别⼒强,所有社会在其发展已超越了单纯维持⽣存的阶段后就会满⾜⼈们对美⾷的欲望。世界著名菜系推出的菜肴都是⾊味俱全——⾊泽和⼝感与味道⼀样重要。电子污染
2 世界公认的有三⼤国菜:法国菜、印度菜和中国菜。法国烹饪被普遍认为是欧洲最出⾊的。法国菜
3 这三⼤烹饪都有赖以出名的重要特⾊。使⽤黄油、乳酪和奶油烹饪是法国菜的显著特点;否则,法国菜便毫⽆特⾊。同样,法国厨师本能地会在烧菜时加葡萄酒,就像中国厨师天⽣会⽤酱油⼀样。第⼆种菜系,印度菜,以使⽤⾹料⽽闻名。中国菜则以制作世界上最可⼝的主⾷⽶饭⽽成为第三种菜系。当然,这三种菜系都有这样或那样的共同特⾊。法国菜也有⼏样有名的⽶饭值得夸耀。在印度有的地区烹饪也⽤黄油,中国菜系中的四川菜也以其浓重的辣味⽽闻名。但是,它们确实是因为各有其显著特点才被分成三⼤类的。这三种特⾊各异的菜系在⼈类历史上长期发展,持续⾄今。
4 烹饪风格之间的界限⾮常清楚,其变化也不像语⾔或种族界限那么⼤。印度对世界烹饪的贡献是使⽤⾹料来提升⾷物的味道,⽽且印度烹饪具有很⼤的地区差异——从南⽅⾮常⾟辣的咖喱菜肴到北⽅地区稍加调料的素菜,变化之多令⼈赞叹。印度菜的⾊泽和味道是其他菜系所不能及的。以⽶饭作为主⾷是印度烹饪和中国烹饪共有的特⾊。中国厨师教导我们,菜的⼝感不
5 中国菜肴地域种类繁多,令外国⼈眼花缭乱。⾟辣、清淡、酸、甜,各种味道应有尽有。中国菜最
6 近来,对国菜的保护受到三⽅⾯的威胁:1) 全球交通运输和通讯的变⾰,2) 国与国之间贸易的增长,3) 妇⼥社会⾓⾊的转变。
7 快捷⼜廉价的交通和通讯有可能会威胁到国菜,因为来⾃其他国家的游客希望吃到⾃⼰习惯的家乡菜。第⼆种威胁来⾃于⾷物和⾷品在国与国之间的流通。⽅便⾷品使费时烹饪的(菜肴)魅⼒⼤减。我们能够为⾷品加⼯辩护,并且列述⾷品的冷冻、冷冻⼲燥以及装罐等技术的好处,但是西⽅的⾷品加⼯技术对国菜不失为⼀种威胁。
8 最后,⼥性⾓⾊的转变也影响到⼀个国家的烹饪风格。这种转变对家庭已经产⽣了深远的影响,⽽这种影响还会继续存在。数千年来,烹饪的任务主要由⼥性来承担。如果她们时间少了,⽽且不再愿意花⼤量时间准备和烹饪,就会影响家庭所吃的饭菜。⽽今,妇⼥还可以⾛出⾃⼰所在的区域、突破⾃⾝的经验限制来进⼀步研究菜肴,收集世界其他地区的烹饪理念和菜谱,并把这些融⼊到⾃⼰的烹饪中去。然⽽,对国菜的威胁却依然存在——也许这些提到的显⽽易见的好处甚⾄还加重了这种威胁。
9 保护富有特⾊的国菜也许与⼈们的⾏为有关。所有著名的国菜,除了其地⽅菜的种类繁多、巧妙利
Part One Preparation
2. How Much Do You Know About Food?
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 C
5 B
6 A
7 C
8 B
9 C 10 A
3. Comparing Diets
1 ? This is, genera lly speaking, a healthy diet. Apart from the fact that the food is too much for a 10-year-old boy, his diet includes most of the nutrients necessary for a healthy body. For example, milk is abundant in calcium which is necessary for children to grow; eggs are rich in protein, a substance indispensable to sustain one’s life a nd make one strong and healthy; and vegetables and
fruit supply people with water, vitamins and amino acids.
I don’t think this is a healthy diet. Breakfast is quite reaso nable with cornflakes and milk, which can provide him with enough nutrition and calories for a whole morning. But lunch and dinner along with the two snacks em to contain too many calories, well above the necessary level for a 10-year-old boy. What’s more, he h as too much sugar in a day, 100 grams. The might lead him to obesity. As for fruit and vegetables, he could have more of both. In a word, the diet for a 10-year-old British boy probably has too much starch and sugar but not enough fruit and vegetables.
比例分摊2 On a typical day, a 10-year-old boy in China has various choices. At breakfast, he usually has one
or two pieces of bread, one egg, a glass of milk. Or he may eat some deep-fried dough sticks and drink a glass of soybean milk. At lunch, he usually eats rice or noodles, fish or meat plus vegetables. Supper is almost the same as lunch, but sometimes he may also have some porridge. He also has snacks during the day, including biscuits, candies, chocolates, peanuts and some fruit. Usually he will not eat snacks before bed time.
3 ? The two diets have different structures. The British boy usually has milk, bread, and / or toast as his main food, while the main food for a Chine boy is rice or noodles for a change. In addition to the main food, a Chine boy will mainly have two kinds of dishes during lunch or dinner: Fish / meat (called hun cai in Chine) and vegetables (su cai).
Sometimes, a Chine boy will have soybean milk instead of cow’s milk. The British boy takes desrts and snacks while a Chine boy mainly has cooked dishes during lunch and supper, and fruit and biscuits / cookies as snacks.爆炸简笔画
Comparing the two diets, it’s not difficult to find that the Br itish boy eats much more than a Chine boy. What’s more, the British boy eats a wider variety of things, while it ems that the diet of a Chine boy contains less fat and may lack some kinds of nutrition. The Chine pay less attent
ion to breakfast, though it should be the most important meal of the day, while the British breakfast is abundant in amount and nourishment. Besides, the British diet consists of many drinks such as milk, tea, soup and lemonade while the Chine diet usually has soup, a tradition of Chine meals.
1. Different Diets
At School:
Student A
For breakfast, I usually have bread and milk. I also have boiled eggs. My breakfast is usually rich and it makes a good start of a day. The lunch and supper are similar to each other. I usually choo meat and vegetables. Traditional Chine cooking suits me very well. My favorite food is pumpkin with yolk. Chine cabbages, beans and mushrooms are also among my
favorites. I prefer fish to beef, and beef to pork. An obvious problem of my eating habits is that I almo
st never eat noodles or steamed bread or any other cooked wheat food. In conclusion, I usually like salty dishes becau they are tasty.
Student B
Well, actually my daily meals are very simple and randomly taken, which means I do not have meals regularly. I sometimes have something to eat as meals, for example, rice cake for breakfast, fried rice and some pickles for lunch, and noodles for supper. I ldom have vegetables and fruit
becau I think they are bland. Snacks such as chips, ice-cream and the like are the daily favorites for me.
Student C
Usually in the morning, I have a boiled egg and veral pieces of whole-wheat bread with a glass of milk or soybean milk. Sometimes I have some fruit in order to have enough vitamins for the morning too. For lunch, I usually have rice with some meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles too. I prefer light food becau it’s much health ier. Although I am not from the region where people eat spicy food, my tongue is really a big fan of it, so I eat spicy food from time to time. For supper, I don’t eat much. Fruit and vegetabl es are my preferences.
At Home (for All):
All of us have a much wider variety of food at home, like afood, more snacks, more fruit, etc. Our parents take good care of our health and love to cook delicious and healthy food for us when we are back home. So in holidays and vacations we can enjoy better food.
2. Advice on the Improvement of the Diet:
For Student A
Student A should have less salty food becau it’s unhealthy. What’s more, rice and wheat are important main food for people, so anyone should have an appropriate amount of them. I suggest that he / she should try to have more wheat food and more bland food.
For Student B
Student B’s diet is unhealthy and could be a negative example for young people, becau it’s fast and non-nutritious. First of all, I suggest that he / she should have a regular breakfast if possible. Then, he / she should eat more fruit and vegetables becau they can provide necessary vitamins for the body. Finally, snacks are tasty but eating too many may cau one to become fat. So I hope h
e / she will change his / her eating habits.
For Student C
Student C’s eating habit should be recommended for all of us. His / Her die t not only contains enough vitamins and energy for daily work but also meets his / her needs for taste. I think we should follow his / her example becau the food is really health y. But, I don’t think we should eat too much spicy food becau it is bad for the stomach.
Additional activity
Jokes and Riddles About Food
Work in groups and guess what they are.
1 What food is never alone?
Answer: Pear.
2 What room cannot people live in?
Answer: Mushroom.
Read the following riddles about food and try to remember them.
手机怎么一秒充满电1 Riddle: What do you call a chicken running down the road?
Answer: Fast food.
2 Riddle: What kind of vegetable gets into a lot of fights?
Answer: A black-eyed pea (豇⾖).
3 Riddle: What science do you learn when you shake a can of pop?
爱唱歌Answer: Fizziks (嘶嘶作响) (physics).
Part Two Reading-Centered Activities
In-Class Reading
Reading Comprehension
Country Taboo Reasons
India cow
1) Cows help plow the fields.
2) Cow manure can be ud as fertilizer.
3) Cow manure can be dried and burned to make a cooking fire.
The United States dog
1) Dogs rve as companions for people.
2) Dogs rve as protection against thieves.
Ancient Egypt & Israel pork
1) Pork cooked insufficiently may spread dia.
2) People did not want to stay in one place to rai pigs.
陪伴作文600字1 nutrition, religion, the ways of life of different people
2 butterflies, rats, termites
3 calories, protein
4 there is plenty of land for raising cattle and their meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads
5 they go wherever they want to in the streets; they can eat anything from the supplies of the foodllers on the streets 3
1 Differences:
People in northern China like noodles, jiaozi, steamed rolls, etc. while people in southern
China prefer rice.
People in northern China eat a lot of Chine cabba ge (⼤⽩菜), while people in southern China eat a lot of other vegetables.
People in Southeast China like soup very much, while people in the north rarely have soup.
People in East China eat a lot of afood, while people in West China eat a lot of beef a nd lamb.  People in some

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