8 2020, V ol.41, No.10 食品科学 ※食品化学
东北农业大学大学生SIPT 计划项目(201810224016)
aqc第一作者简介:张丙芳(1979—)(ORCID: 0000-0002-2059-004X ),女,讲师,博士,主要从事近红外光谱在食品品质检
*通信作者简介:郑先哲(1968—)(ORCID: 0000-0002-9584-9300),男,教授,博士,主要从事农产品加工及贮藏研究。
E-mail:**************** 压榨及浸出工艺对大豆油稳定性影响及
IPLS-SPA 特征波段选择方法应用
中国哪里最冷张丙芳1,2,王玉林2,刘成海1,刘大森2,张丙秀3,刘 勇2,牟艳秋2,孔庆明4,郑先哲1,*
(1.东北农业大学工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;2.东北农业大学文理学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;
3.东北农业大学园艺园林学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030;
4.东北农业大学电气与信息学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150030)摘 要:为明确大豆油不同生产工艺对其稳定性的影响,对压榨及浸出2 种工艺生产的大豆油进行煎炸加热处理,根据酸值和羰基价的变化,探讨煎炸时间及煎炸温度对2 种工艺生产的大豆油品质的影响。结果表明:随煎炸时间的延长,浸出大豆油酸值变化程度相对较小;在220 ℃及240 ℃煎炸温度下,压榨大豆油的羰基价均高于浸出大豆油,而且在240 ℃时,压榨和浸出大豆油酸值及羰基价差异显著(P <0.05),因此,在高温煎炸时压榨及浸出2 种大豆油相比较,浸出油具有较好的稳定性。同时结合近红外光谱分析技术,利用间隔偏最小二乘(interval partial least squares ,IPLS )-连续投影算法(successive projections algorithm ,SPA )进行特征波段选择,建立一个适于检测油脂中酸值和羰基价变化,且精确度较高的模型。酸值在1 150~1 315 nm 和1 579~2 444 nm 的组合波段具有最佳建模效果,验证相关系数为0.955,预测均方根误差为0.049;羰基价在1 236~2 093 nm 和2 187~2 594 nm 的组合波段具有最佳建模效果,验证相关系数为0.946,预测均方根误差为3.134,采用IPLS-SPA 进行特征波段选择可有效提高模型精确度。
Effects of Different Processing Technologies on the Stability of Soybean Oil and Application of
Characteristic Band Selection by Interval Partial Least Squares and Successive Projections Algorithm for
Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Prediction of Acid and Carbonyl Values索尼单反相机
ZHANG Bingfang 1,2, WANG Yulin 2, LIU Chenghai 1, LIU Dan 2, ZHANG Bingxiu 3, LIU Yong 2,
MU Yanqiu 2, KONG Qingming 4, ZHENG Xianzhe 1,*
(1. College of Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;
2. College of Arts and Sciences, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;
3. College of Horticulture and Landscape, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China;
4. College of Electronation and Information, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China)
Abstract: In order to clarify the influence of different production process on the stability of soybean oil, we ud soybean oils obtained by pressing and extraction to deep-fat fry chicken fillets and we in
脸上长痣>情人节是什么意思vestigated the influence of frying time and temperature on the quality of the oil samples according to changes in acid value (AV) and carbonyl value (CV). Experimental results showed that AV changed only slightly with frying time. After being ud at 220 and 240 ℃, the CV of presd soybean oil was significantly higher than that of extracted soybean oil. Moreover, at 240 ℃, there were significant differences in both parameters (P < 0.05). Therefore, compared with the presd oil, the extracted oil had better stability against frying at high temperature. At the same time, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was ud to predict the two stability indicators of soybean oil. A highly accurate predictive model was established using the characteristic bands lected by interval partial least square (IPLS) and successive projection algorithm (SPA). The AV prediction model had the best