The American Accent Cour
If there’s any particular sound diffcult for you, you need to watch the video over and over again until you master it and apply the sounds to your daily life asap by reading some materials out loud
Rule 1
15 vowel sounds of American English张少良
1 [ İ ] plea, e, meet, believe
2 [Ⅰ] this, difficult, if, dinner
3 ei late, gate, baball, stay, ok
4 ɛ bed, men, dress, friend
5 [æ] apple, man, stand, angry
6 [ а ] hot, topic, office, modern
7 [ ʌ/ə ] but, done, jump, love
8 [ Ɔ ] always, tall, bought, thought
9 ou go, drove, slow, moment
10 [ Ʋ ] book foot pull push, took
11 [ u ] noon, shoes, room, blue
12 ər first, Thursday, girl, work
13 [аⅠ] time, while, nine, dinning
14 [ аƲ ] now, hou, brown, announce
15 [ ƆⅠ] enjoy, noi, boy, annoying
Rule 2平舌音
Understanding Neutral and Ten Vowels
Ten and Neutral/Relaxed Vowels
误:Full fool, hot and hut, steal and still
4 main neutral relaxed vowel sounds
[ ʌ/ə ]
[ Ʋ ]
Rule 2 sit or at
误:steal still, eat it, feel fill, beach bitch, sheet shit
How to fix the mistake permanently
One vowel is ten, the other vowel is neutral/relaxed
[ İ ]
Plea, steal, meet, a
Spelled with ee, e, chee
Ea plea, beat
Ei believe
Lips be ten, tongue be ten in the back
I your tongue should not be moving
I: If, different, this, thing
Y: system, gym (in the middle of the word)
Sea this
Feet – fit
Leave – live
Sleep – slip
The – this
Can you feel it?
Can you fill it?
Did you heat it?
Did you hit it?
He doesn’t want to leave.
He doesn’t want to live.
She was feeling sleepy after eating the big meal.
守株待兔读后感The three people speak Chine.
We love the green fields and the beach breezes.
Steve believes he will Peter this week.
I will leave the East Coast in three weeks.
There are six filthy dishes in the kitchen sink.
Mr and Mrs Smith lived in india for six years.
Bill took some interesting pictures on his trip to Italy ast spring.
The winter wind will bring a big chill.
Do you think that this swimmer has the ability to win?
1 more important thing, not long, short, but ten and relaxed
Wow, your hou is biiiiig
Ten and relaxed
Rule 3 Cop or cup
/a/ /ʌ/ə/
Spelled with the letter o and a, Hot
U: up fun but number
Ou: cousin, country
O: love, son, other, done
Shot – shut
Don – done
Lock- luck
Cop – cup
Not – nut
Robber – rubber
The modern novel is very popular.
笔记本电脑忘记开机密码怎么办Tome will wath hockey with his father.
John will probably study biology in college.
I will not bother to respond to Tom’s offer.
If you gossip about your boss, your might lo your job.
We must discuss this with the other judge.
My buddy Doug is a wonderful drummer.
On Mondays he plays the drums in that club.
On Sunday I had duck for luch with mu cousin.
He doesn’t study much and he loves to have fun.
If you’re not sure abou the sounds, you might have to look up in the dictionary
Rule 4 Pool or pull
oo: food, moon
ue: blue, true
[ Ʋ ]
Oo look took shook
Ould would could should
U push, pull
Fool – full
Luke - look
Pool – pool
The report was due on Tuesday at noon.
He knew the value of tho two suits.
The crew us a lot of new tools.
In the future there will be new school rules.
Susan wore her neww shoes to school.
The woman in he wool pullover is good looking.
It would be good if you could help me
You should walk in the woods.
He took a good look under the hood.
He spent his childhood playing football.