The global popularity of the English language is not bad on how easy it is to learn. On the contrary, even native speakers make many mistakes and errors while speaking and writing English.
Adjectives are words ud to describe nouns. Most of the time, we place adjectives before the noun. The order of placing the attributive adjectives correctly is very particular in English, and it is one way in which non-natives can give themlves away in written language.
Problems with the order of adjectives
Consider the following examples:一平方米等于多少平方千米
1. Mandy had a 成职German black old car.
2. Peter's blue new jumper got dirty in the mud.
In esnce, there is nothing wrong with the ntences. They make perfect n - except that they 'sound' wrong to an educated English speaker. This is becau in English, apart from some leeway in terms of emphasis, the order of adjectives has to be followed quite strictly.
The order of adjectives
Let's say you want to describe a car. While it is not feasible that you would need u any more than 4 adjectives together to describe it, there is no reason why you could not u up to 8 adjectives in a row. The problem is getting tho words in the right order to satisfy the demands of the English language.
It is helpful to group the adjectives you may wish to u. The first adjective you must u is the one that captures your subjective opinion or obrvation of the noun.
1. 人的背影图片Opinion adjectives: the adjectives explain your feelings towards the noun or your obrvations of the noun. Your opinion of this noun may not be the same as that of others.
Opinion adjectives include nice, pretty, silly, ridiculous, delicious, expensive. Even opinion adjectives have a particular order. First come the general opinion adjectives, then the specific opinion adjectives. General opinion adjectives include good, bad, nice, nasty, wonderful and terrible. Specific opinion adjectives describe a finite range of nouns: food (e.g. delicious), furniture and buildings (e.g. well-designed), and people and animals (e.g. intelligent).
Next come some objective adjectives which describe the physical features of the noun.
2. Size adjectives: describe how big or small a noun is. Some examples: gigantic, minute, enormous
3. Age adjectives: describe the age of the noun. Some examples are young, old, ancient, antediluvian
4. Shape adjectives: describe the shape of the noun. Some examples are round, oblong, triangular, cylindrical.
5. Colour adjectives: 学生头发型图片女describe the colour of the noun, such as black, white, bluish, orange-tinged.
Now come a range of adjectives in relation to the noun's origin, material, and purpo.
怎么申请信用卡最快6. Adjectives of origin: An origin adjective describes the origin or source of the noun, such as Australian, northern, Danish.
7. Material adjectives: A material adjective describes what the noun is made from. Material adjectives include metallic, cardboard, glass, plastic.
8. Purpo or qualifier adjectives: The adjective describe what the noun can be ud for. The adjectives often end with '-ing', such as sleeping (bag), baking (tin), chopping (board), laughing (gas) or can be noun qualifiers (e.g. baby + carriage, ice + cream, Easter + bunny).
Finally, when you put all of the different adjectives together in the correct English order, you may end up with a description as ridiculous - but grammatically correct - as this one:
Yesterday I bought a magnificent shiny new oval maroon Swedish carbon-fibre racing car.太难了
Note the lack of commas in this ntence. Commas are not required when the adjectives ud are not similar in meaning and where each adds something different to the description of the noun. The adjectives are called cumulative adjectives.
Of cour, sometimes we must change the order in order to give emphasis to a particular emphasis. Consider the reversal of the order of the adjectives and the u of the comma for greater effect in the following ntence:
I was terrified of the big, ugly dog. [The ugliness of the dog is less important to the writer than its size.]
Sometimes adjectives have to be positioned next to each other simply becau they are linked to one another. Consider the placement of fadedand silver in the following ntence:
Last night I found a small faded silver Cuban coin under my bed.
All in all, the order of adjectives is one of the more difficult concepts found in English. Always read over your written work and find any groups of adjectives you have ud. Check that the order of your adjectives follows the pattern prented above, and if it does not, make sure you have a good reason for going outside the rules.
It would be great if we could all know the rules of written English in order to make our writing error-free. However, if you lack the time or the energy to remember all of the rules yourlf, why not get an expert to look over your writing for you? Professional proofreading and editing rvices are only a click of your mou away!