关于生命的文章三年级作文议论文:眉清目秀的意思Adjust Our Attitude Towards Study-4岁宝宝睡前故事调整我们的学黑蔷薇
学习是重要的,但有一个好的学习态度更为重要。学习本来是一个提高自身能力的过程。但奇怪的是,我们中有许多人认为分数可以决定一切。他们努力学习的目的只有一个,即得高分。因此忽视了能力的培养,以至于到了社会上成了高分低能的人。 Studying is important焉知非福什么意思, but a right attitude towards study is more important。 It is strange enough that many students still take marks as the most important thing。ahc怎么样 They study with the only purpo of getting full marks江苏教师教育网站。 They ignore to improve their ability,虎山长城 so that they become people with high marks but low capacity in the society。