1.Among the vertebrates,bonyishes are the largest group, with 18,150 species, leaving aside the 63 species of jawless fishes and the 843 cartilaginous fishes (lampreys,sharks).在脊椎动物中,硬骨鱼类占的比重最大,共18,150种,此外还有63种无颌鱼类和843种软骨鱼类(如七鳃鳗和鲨鱼)。
2. Wilson estimates that perhaps 17500 species (mostly incts)go extinct each year in tropical forests, and that we humans have accelerated the historical rate of extinction by a factor of one thousand to ten thousand.威尔逊估计在热带雨林中每年可能有17,500个物种(大部分是昆虫)灭绝,而且我们人类使物种灭绝的步伐比过去快了1,000-10,000倍。
3. There is concern, too,that in our ignorance we may be destroying species vital to the fabric of ecosystems on which we depend for our own survival.人们还担心,由于我们的无知,我们也许正在毁灭那些对于我们赖以生存的生态系统结构起着关键作用的物种。
那个星期天4. Though people have always named plants and animals, the science of species inventory is relatively new,beginning with the Big Bang of Carl von Linne's invention of the (Linnaean)binomial system of naming in the mid-eighteenth century.虽然人们一直在为动植物命名,但物种记录学是一个比较新的学科,起源于18世纪中期卡尔·冯·林奈的一项具有深刻意义的发明——(林奈)双名法。
5.The botanist Edgar Anderson once did an experiment,in which he took a manila folder at random from an herbarium ca(a Southwestern grass, it turned out to be), to discover the kinds of people who had collected the specimens.植物学家埃德加·安德森曾做过这样—个实验,他从植物标本盒任意取出一个用马尼拉麻制成的标本夹(后来发现盒中装的是一种西南部地区的草),他想看看采集这些标本的都是什么人。
唐宋散文6.Modern natural history is an exacting science who practitioners must also cope and improvi in difficult field conditions.现代自然史是一门需要付出极大努力的学科,不仅如此,其研究者还要想办法克服野外环境带来的困难。
7. And becau of that diversity, the identity of scientific collectors has been less fixed than that of laboratory workers.正是由于这些标本采集者多种多样的经历,其身份不像实验室工作者那样固定。
8. The include birds, carnivores, primates, and large game.这些动物包括鸟类、肉食动物、灵长目动物和大型猎物。
1. Engineers predict that the new technique will make integrated optical circuits smaller,faster and cheaper.(工程师们预言,这项新技术将使集成光纤线路体积更小,速度更快,价格更低。)
2. Artificial intelligence is the key to a successful robot,but some of the simplest tasks for a human mind are difficult for a robot.(人工智能是保证机器人功能优良的关键,但是有些对人脑来说再简单不过的任务,放到机器人身上却成了难事。
3.New data show that the prevalence of advanced dias in developed countries might be declining—an optimistic note.(一些新资料表明在发达国家,晚期疾病的发病率可能正在下降,这是令人乐观的现象。)
4. The prevalence of periodontitis increas with age.(牙周炎的患病率随年龄
侯玉洁5.Thanks to the new treatments,people with high blood pressure can live long and active lives.(由于有了这些新的治疗方法,高血压患者也能够长寿,能够过
6. The instruments contained in the probe will measure the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere,analyze the composition of atmospheric gas,and possibly even detect lightning.(探查器所携带的仪器和设备将测量大气的温度和
7.During the decade rearchers will identify more and more human genes and
the traits they govern.(在这10年中,研究人员将要鉴定越来越多的人类基因,
8. This theory is usually expresd in the famous formula∶ E=me².E stands for energy,m for the mass,and c for the speed of light.(该理论通常用这个著名的公式E=mc²来表示。其中,E代表能量,m代表质量,c代表光速。)
1.Collecting parties usually travel light and depend on local inhabitants for information and support, making survey collecting a diverly social experience.物种
2.Of all the field sciences,natural history survey is an exceptionally inviting
subject—becau the work of systematic, scientific collecting is so varied.在野外实地调查的学科中,自然史的调查特别吸引人,原因是系统、科学的物种收集工作内容非常丰富。
3.It is also clear that the early-nineteenth-century flowering of collecting and naming resulted from the greater affordability of transoceanic steam travel and from European imperial expansion and ttlement, especially in the rich tropical environments of the southern hemisphere.我们还可以清楚地看到,19世纪初,由于越洋汽轮得到越来越普遍的使用,以及欧洲帝国的扩张和移民定居(特别是在南半球富饶的热带地区),物种收集与命名工作蓬勃发展。
4. We do not think of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as being a great age of discovery in natural history; but they were.我们认为从自然史的角度来看,19世纪末。20世纪初并不是一个重要的时期,然而事实上该时期是非常重要的。
5. Scientific collecting in the age of survey was accomplished mostly by small parties (three to half a dozen) who purpo was to nd back not exotica and accounts of heroic adventure and discovery, but rather crates of specimens.在物种考查年代,对物种进行科学的收集大多都是由人数不多的团队完成的(3人到6人不等),他们的目的不是搜集奇特的物品,也不是要向人们炫耀他们富于英雄色彩的探险经历和发现,而是要将成箱的标本带回去。
Another limitation of this history is that it treats mainly vertebrate zoology and some botany, but incts and other invertebrates hardly at all. This is not an arbitrary limitation:survey collecting in my period, especially by muums, concentrated on vertebrate animals, becau scientific fieldwork piggybacked on collecting for exhibits of vertebrate animals. (Incts, plants, and mollusks did not have quite the same potential for eye-catching displays.)In addition, invertebrates are discouragingly numerous for comprehensive survey inventories and they remained the province of amateur specialists long after vertebrate animals became the objects of organized survey.Invertebrates have recently become the object of systematic inventory, but in ways quite different from earlier surveys.这段历史的另一个不足是,当时人们研究的主要是脊椎动物和某些植物,而昆虫和无脊椎动物几乎没有涉及。然而这并非是故意造成的缺憾,原因是在我所经历的那段时期,为了物种勘查进行的标本采
Like any scientific (or any cultural) practice, natural history survey had its particular period and life cy
cle. It aro out of a particular t of environmental, cultural, and scientific circumstances; ran its cour; then gave way to new and different ways of studying nature's diversity. It was especially well developed in the United States, though not exclusively there. My aim is to describe what natural history survey was in its heyday, the reasons it flourished where it did, and how it worked in practice.与任何科学(或文化)活动一样,自然史调查也有其特定阶段和生命周期。它产生于特定的环境、文化和科学的十壤,自然发展。最后在自然多样性这一领域中被新的、不同的研究所取代。该研究在美国取得了不同寻常的发展,尽管不限于美国。我写此书的目的是告诉读者自然史调查活动在其鼎盛时期的情况,它之所以能够蓬勃发展的原因。以及在实际中它是怎样操作的。
生物多样性指在某一特定的生态系统内生活的不同物种的数量。科学家对现存物种数量的估计各不相同,从300万种到3,000万种不等,其中250万种已进行了分类,包括90万种昆虫,41000种脊椎动物,25万种植物,其余是无脊椎动物、真菌类、藻类和微生物。尽管还有尚未发现的物种,然而许多物种由于滥伐森林、污染以及建立人类居住区而濒临灭绝。Biodiversity is a term that describes the number of different species that live within a particular ecosystem. Scientists have variously estimated that there are from 3 to 30 million extant species,of which 2.5 million have been classified, including 900,000 incts,41,000 vertebrates, and 250,000 plants; the remainder are invertebrates,fu
ngi, algae,and microorganisms.Although other species remain to be discovered, many are becoming extinct through deforestation, pollution, and human ttlement.
响。某一生物多样性的生境越原始,就越能更好地承受自然或人类带来的变迁或威胁,因为这种变迁可以通过生境内其他地方的调整加以平衡;遭到破坏的生境可能由于某一单一物种的灭绝,造成食物链的断裂,而最终消逝。由此可见,生物多样性有助于防止物种的灭绝,保持自然平衡。1992年,在联合国环境与发展大会上,150多个国家签署了保护地球生物多样性条约。Much of this diversity is found in the world's tropical areas, particularly in the forest regions.A habitat in equilibrium has a balance between the number of species prent and its resources. Diversity is affected by resources, productivity, and climate. The more pristine a diver habitat, the better chance it has to survive a change or threat-either natural or human—becau that change can be balanced by an adjustment elwhere in the community; damaged habitats may be destroyed by breaking the food chain with removal of a single species. Thus,biological diversity helps prevent extinction of species and helps prerve the balance of nature,At the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, more than 150 nations signed a treaty intended to protect the planet's biological d
1. And as I look at the trends that are now starting to converge,I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives..看到不同的潮流开始汇合在一起,我可以预见未来自动装置将进入我们日常生活的几乎每一个角落。
2.Leonardo da Vinci's 1495 sketch of a mechanical knight, which could sit up and move its arms and legs, is considered to be the first plan for a humanoid robot.列奥纳多·达,芬奇1495年画了一幅机械骑士的草图,图中的骑士可以坐起来,双臂和腿还可以移动,人们认为这是第一张具有人的特征的机器人设计图。
3.It has proved extremely difficult to give robots the capabilities that humans take for granted—for example,the abilities to orient themlves with respect to the objects in a room, to respond to sounds and interpret speech,and to grasp objects of varying sizes, textures and fragility.现已证明要赋予机器人那些对人类来说再自然不过的能力(例如根据室内所放物品来调整自己位置的能力,对声音产生反应、理解话语的能力,以及抓握不同大小、不同质地和不同强度的物品的能力)是非常困难的。