感谢您参观2016贵阳数博会,黄石gdp为了帮助提高办展水平和成效,希望能够配合我们完成以下几个问题,谢谢合作!Welcome to the BIG DATA EXPO 2016. For improving the quality of the fair and providing more convenient rvices, hope that you can answer the questions below. Thank you so much for the cooperation!
课程安排1. 您是第几次参加过本展览会? How many times have you been to this fair?
A.第一次First time B.第二次Twice
2. 您获取本次展会信息的渠道? How do you know about our exhibition?
A.邀请函Invitation B.网站Website C.报纸Newspaper D.微博、微信Weibo, WeCha
E. 朋友介绍 Coterie’s introduction □ 专业媒体Professional Media □ 其他Others
3. 您参加本次展会的主要目的? Visiting purpo of this exhibition?
A.衣锦还乡的意思订货Order goods B.投资合作Investment cooperation C.钢铁年代了解行情Get to know the industry
D.结识新客户Meet new customers E. 学习研究,增长知识The study, the growth of knowledge
F.好奇,感兴趣 Curious, interested in G..其他Others
4. 您对本次展会哪方面比较满意? What are 学雷锋日you satisfied with the exhibition?
A.展商和展品The quality of the fair B.展会规模The scare of the fair C.服务Services
D. 宣传Advertising E. 其他Others
5. 您是否参加下届展会? ill you attend next fair?
A.会参加Yes B.未定Not sure 动漫正太图片 C.不参加No E. 其他Others
6. 对于展会,您认为最满意的和最不满意的是什么? 文儿喊麦What is the most satisfy and the most unsatisfied about the exhibition?
A.最满意的是 ( Most satisfy ):__________________________________________________________
B.最不满意的是 ( Most unsatisfied ):_____________________________________________________
7. 您建议展会应做哪方面的改进? Could you plea give some suggestions regarding to the improvement of this exhibition?
A.展览规模The scale of fair B.展商数量 Quantity of exhibitors C.展品品质 Quality of exhibit products
D.展览服务 Service of fair E.男背影展品类别 Range of exhibit products F.展会交通Transportation of fair
G. 其它建议(Others)
调查单位Survey unit:贵州商学院GuiZHou University of Commerce
调查时间Date of the Survey: 调 查 人Investigator: